Tuesday 15 August 2017

Forex Dna Geral Discussão

Índice de Índice de Força de Moeda representa a taxa de movimento de variação de preço para as oito principais moedas medidas contra outras principais. O aplicativo exibe a taxa de alteração de fortalecimento e enfraquecimento em relação ao (s) outro (s) como escolhido (s) pelo usuário. Muitos comerciantes que aplicam estratégias baseadas em momentum preferem moedas correspondentes que são 8216Strengthening8217 e 8216Weakening8217 em vez de 8216Strong8217 e 8216Weak8217. A variação percentual dos pares de Forex individuais é calculada e posteriormente agrupada com o mesmo tipo. A taxa de alterações é então agregada para produzir uma alteração percentual para cada um dos oito grupos. Estas oito taxas de agregações de mudança são então traçadas no gráfico em conjunto, o que permite comparações rápidas e análise em profundidade a ser feita das moedas subjacentes. Entry Level Esta página e aplicação de nível de entrada aqui é apenas como uma introdução na medição e análise de fortes de moeda. Pretende-se como um muito rápido, nenhuma maneira do hassle de ver o que está acontecendo no mercado total de Forex majors. Por exemplo, em Londres aberto ou Nova York aberto ou New York equity aberto no final da segunda hora. Ou muito frequentemente para os usuários que retornam ao longo dos anos, em cima de um alto impacto de liberação econômica como NFP para obter uma idéia geral de fluxos. Assim, o gráfico de força acima destina-se a fornecer uma idéia geral de fluxos gerais ou mudanças drásticas de sentimento. (Discutido mais abaixo sob a seção de declive) Mas, principalmente, destina-se mais para o fim do dia e fim de semana reflexão e pesquisa. Esta aplicação não é realmente destinado a ser analisado em uma base minuto a minuto para tomada de decisão de curto prazo. Como observado se esta é de fato sua intenção, por favor, obtenha ferramentas profissionais reais que usam dados de fluxo contínuo. Isso é, naturalmente, se você planeja fazer uma carreira desta coisa comercial. O método simplista de taxa de porcentagem de variação para analisar a força de pares individuais é diferente do precursor de fórmula de força de moeda corrente padrão que é usado dentro de nosso Metatrader 5NITRO novo 4 medidores. Embora esta fórmula de alteração de percentagem usada aqui possa ser considerada inferior à fórmula usada dentro de 5N que originalmente foi criada por Thomas Yeomans fora de Nova Escócia durante meados de 2000, basta para fins de análise geral aqui. Veja mais informações detalhando a fórmula padrão CSM e sua integração precursora em todas as versões dos medidores NITRO Nós conseguimos. Você está em uma fase de pesquisa introdutória. Você não tem certeza se ou não utilizando 8216currency strengths8217 dentro de sua negociação pode ou não ser viável. Até que uma ferramenta ou método seja considerado viável ou pelo menos possivelmente viável, faz mais sentido manter a varredura da Internet experimentando iterações livres. Mas, é suposto investigar os comerciantes que encontrar este tipo de ferramenta e seu tipo de análise útil, então, certamente procurarão graduar-se em um mais robusto, aplicativo cheio de recursos. Como tal, quando um aprendiz de carpinteiro finalmente conclui que um martelo ou serra são de fato altamente útil na profissão de carpintaria e sempre será, ele ou ela finalmente se compromete a comprar suas próprias ferramentas para a caixa de ferramentas. Esta decisão de investimento a longo prazo é feita em vez de continuar a contrair empréstimos de outras ferramentas 8217 numa base diária para os próximos quarenta alguns anos ímpares. Ou em oposição a outra insistência questionável, estranho que todas as ferramentas devem ser sempre livre Tom Yeomans8217 oferta emblemática chamada Accustrength é atualmente o melhor disponível. Claro, existem recompilhas do XMeter antigo encontrado no mercado de aplicativos scam MT4 dos vendedores scam lá. Mas mesmo Yeomans8217 nível de entrada ForexSnap (baseado na web) ou legado versões FX4Caster e Forex Grail todos superam a força gráfico app nesta página ou indicadores disponíveis em qualquer lugar em termos de usabilidade diária para a carreira comerciante. Simplificar Organizar As possibilidades são esmagadoramente contra você ser capaz de bloquear esse esquivo, perfeito, fantasia, 8216intraday scalping system8217 usando qualquer versão de medidor de força (ou qualquer indicador no mundo para essa matéria), que pode ser usado para repetir infinitamente o seu caminho em A lista de bilionários Forbes Mas, sabendo exatamente o que está acontecendo em todo o Mercado FX com apenas um rápido olhar deve fornecer dividendos realistas infinitos O valor desta simplificação total do mercado é difícil de medir inicialmente ou projeto, mas parece obtendo ferramentas que fazem isso pode Ser um segundo investimento lógico ao iniciar uma carreira comercial. O primeiro investimento lógico, ao que parece, é uma máquina adequada ou máquinas que oferecem opções de exibição adequadas com espaço de trabalho lotsa para todas as informações complementares correlacionadas. Indicadores de força de moeda, juntamente com as configurações recém-criadas 5NITRO Heatmap juntamente com configurações de monitores incrivelmente baratos, juntamente com a RAM em massa incrivelmente barata, juntamente com máquinas de CPU multi-core, somam uma imagem de mercado completa. Essas ferramentas básicas combinadas introduzem a capacidade de agora negociar e gerenciar muitos mais Pares de FX, BitCoins, CFDs, Commodities, Índices, Futuros, Bonds, Bunds e Opções Tradicionais de Forex. A diversificação, a variação e a redução do risco que estas ferramentas permitem devem fornecer verdadeiramente dividendos realísticos infinitos ao longo de uma carreira inteira. Tome algum gráfico de força de lucro também pode fornecer perspectiva de comprimento de tendência e overbought oversold relatividade. OBOS em intervalos de tempo mais baixos geralmente é geralmente muito arriscado como pontos de entrada de tendência opostos, ou melhor, parar e inverter gatilhos. OBOS em períodos de tempo mais baixos é geralmente melhor em servir como áreas para começar a pensar em tomar algum lucro em uma porcentagem de unidades. Reversão Média Estas extensões relativas de comprimento de tendência e áreas OBOS em intervalos de tempo mais elevados servem como possíveis indicações para estratégias de reversão média ou para cobertura de riscos. As observações em profundidade da reversão média no período semanal são apresentadas mais adiante na última seção. Não pode ser criado nem destruído Força e fraqueza só pode 8230 transformar A tabela de índice de força, por sua vez, nos dá fluxo de dinheiro dentro ou fora de uma moeda principal em relação aos sete outros. Há uma correlação inversa esmagadoramente alta que ocorre. Esta correlação é um absoluto 100 no gráfico de força acima, porque a fórmula é composta por 100 dos vinte e oito principais pares de moedas. O mesmo se aplica à maioria dos outros CSMs. Mas como sabemos, o mundo e mercado Forex é composto de mais do que apenas estas oito grandes regiões e moedas, é claro. Esta fórmula ea maioria das outras fórmulas CSM não estão incluindo pares como EURHKD, USDRUB, USDCNY ou GBPSGD como exemplos. Portanto, esta perfeita correlação inversa e propriedade de soma zero não se aplica na realidade fora dessas aplicações. Mas, em grande parte, conforme medido no volume anual total de FX, o produto recebido da venda de uma determinada moeda de oito principais é usado imediatamente para comprar qualquer combinação de outras sete principais moedas 8230. simultaneamente. Por causa da lógica teórica 8216Zero Sum8217, este tipo de capacidade de análise fornecida pelo medidor de força de moeda é exclusivo para o mercado Forex. Um exemplo em contrário: quando o dinheiro flui de um determinado estoque de ações como um exemplo, isso não significa necessariamente que esses mesmos fundos serão usados ​​imediatamente para comprar capital adicional, medido separadamente 8230. simultaneamente. Líder Follower Enquanto a maioria dos seguidores Leader pesquisa ao longo dos anos tem sido dedicada a Pares Forex, a adição de um gráfico de força monetária pode melhorar significativamente estratégias baseadas nessas teorias. Para mais informações em profundidade e análise dedicada ao líder seguidor, procure a pesquisa de Forex Automaton. O seguidor do líder é altamente dependente dos intervalos de tempo ou do período de tempo em que os pares são medidos, semelhante à variabilidade das correlações. O Forex Automaton também expande o novo Índice de Taxa de Câmbio de 8216Currency Index8217. CERCSI é uma medida completamente nova fornecendo força de correlação de zero-Lag. Diminuir o Prazo Momentum Idéias Slope and Space Parece que para o Momentum ou Swing Trader, o ângulo ou inclinação em combinação com espaço disponível para se mover pode apresentar o menor risco, oportunidades mais ideais durante um longo período de tempo e tamanho de amostra suficientemente grande . Significado, não um único comércio. Mas em vez disso, digamos que ao longo de um ano e 200 eventos de oportunidade. Um ângulo agudo extremo, preferencialmente estendido, parece indicar a introdução do Fluxo de Dinheiro Real a partir desse ponto. Um GANN GRID fornecido em todas as plataformas MT4 é comumente usado para medição de ângulo e relatividade em Metatrader 4 indicadores de força de moeda como o nosso velho FlowMeter. Historicamente, a continuação é alta probabilidade quando estas inclinações afiadas aparecem. Esta probabilidade aumenta à medida que o período de tempo aumenta, supondo que as maçãs às maçãs são comparadas com o ângulo e o comprimento do declive afiado inicial que é igual em termos relativos. Devido a esta maior probabilidade histórica, agendamento de uma parcela de entradas pretendidas usando ordens de limite sobre o que muitas vezes é um inevitável 61,8 retracement pode muitas vezes ajudar a reduzir o risco de entrada para a porção posição inicial, enquanto 8216chasin pips8217 no fluxo forte. Ou, usando os retracements comuns das teses para re-enter substituindo algumas unidades que puderam ter tido seus lucros da tomada levados rapidamente para fora. Ângulos de inclinação 8230 significam algo Os ângulos agudos que aumentam de consolidação estendida significarão frequentemente algo mesmo mais grande. A porcentagem do ângulo de inclinação supera a falta de seguir através do espaço em cartas de força como esta. A inclinação afiada é realmente representante de algo 8211 Fluxo de Dinheiro Real. O que significa, na verdade, significa algo para a maioria dos profissionais globais. Crossing Currency Lines 8230 significa nada fornecedores CSM e membros de elite em fóruns de discussão FX parecem todos inevitavelmente gravitar em direção a dar o conselho para os usuários a 8220Take Ação quando as linhas de moeda Cross8221. Estas linhas de cruzamento, independentemente dos ângulos de grau real que formam, estão sendo promovidas como algum tipo de fenômeno mágico. Muitos vendedores de software CSM e membros do FX Forum Elite recomendam o uso desses prompts de cruzamento como uma estratégia principal ou única. Presumivelmente pretende ser repetido indefinidamente usando os mesmos sinais cruzamento cada dia. O que no mundo faz linhas de cruzamento em um obscuro CSM Indicador de que utiliza um algoritmo de força de propriedade exclusiva com configurações de fórmula que pode ser modificado e tweeked por cada user8230. Até mesmo indicar Nada. É uma chance de representar nada, em termos gerais. Claro, às vezes pode representar fluxo de dinheiro maciço e oportunidades em um ou em ambos os subjacentes. Mas se o fluxo maciço de entrada ou de saída for o parâmetro de entrada, então faça deste o parâmetro. Como Medindo ângulos, não cruzes. Cruzes que também incluirão por padrão muitos 8216subtle crosses8217. Então, por que tantos vendedores e tanto marketing em toda a Internet anunciam intraday comprar vender sinais apenas em cima de alguma ocorrência de saída gráfica simples de alguma ferramenta proprietária ou modificação proprietária Como, por exemplo, cruzamento de linhas de força de moeda squiggly em qualquer lugar dentro de sua janela em Qualquer inclinação Porque, exatamente como nós, esses vendedores provavelmente receberá e-mails por centenas de clientes e potenciais compradores sem fim buscando uma solução binária fácil. Como se isso realmente existe ou é realmente possível a longo prazo. Os novos comerciantes de varejo acreditam que um método binário de curto prazo, intraday, técnico, repetitivo existe porque os fornecedores em toda a Internet anunciam e sempre anunciaram que ele existe. Quase todos eles. Quase todos os sites comerciais ou lista comercial temos todos tropeçou ao longo dos anos anunciar alguma forma de um simples luz verde, sistema de luz vermelha. Cada um desses mágicos indicadores comerciais ou EAs é capaz de explorar algum segredo, negligenciado falha técnica em qualquer mercado para produzir um sinal binário de comprar ou vender a qualquer momento durante o dia. Durante qualquer sessão. Em qualquer par. Independentemente de quaisquer fundamentos. Presumivelmente por décadas, qualquer que seja o gatilho técnico anunciado particular voou completamente sob todas as instituições 8217 radares (como Goldman ou Virtu). Nem mesmo as instituições, com,00 de dólares de gastos combinados de TI e mão-de-obra em todo o mundo 8230 têm sido capazes de aproveitar e muito menos ainda mancha este simples gerador de riqueza infinitamente repetível. Disponível para todos nós por 97. Adicionando a ele, esses milhares de aplicativos exclusivos são quase todos diferentes com seus modos de ação. Mas ainda, de alguma forma magicamente cada exploração de sua própria descoberta única de um problema de mercado para produzir lucros inesperados para todos os que instalam. Demanda binária Os clientes exigem esses sinais binários curtos exatos. Assim, como um meio para vender mais software por agradar a todos e aparecendo simples de usar, os fornecedores criam esses falsos sinais tipo 8282crossing line8217 fora do ar. O marketing de vendas com as setas coloridas de compra e venda parece fazer sentido para o potencial comprador ao exibir a página inicial. E o mais importante, parece simples de aplicar. Independentemente de ou não qualquer web surfistas realmente comprar ou ter sucesso com qualquer uma dessas ferramentas e sua astúcia de marketing de screenshot ilusões, a experiência tem servido para promover a propaganda fantasia em novas, pesquisando mentes Retailers8217. Nossos cérebros subconscientemente agregam todo esse marketing scam para a realidade factual igual. Ou pelo menos para igualar uma realidade de 8216possible8217. Meu cérebro conclui a partir de seu total web surf composto que 8220It deve ser possível obter um amarelo Ferrari usando apenas sinais de saída de indicadores técnicos, porque eu vi pontos de dados intermináveis ​​de exatamente isso com meus próprios olhos, em todos os lugares que eu olhei na Internet sobre muitos Anos8221 Então, diga-me exatamente quando comprar. Diga-me exatamente quando vender. Quero terceirizar minhas decisões. Quero terceirizar meu pensamento completamente. Não devemos subestimar o poder ea confiabilidade do 8216Self-Fulfilling Factor8217 dentro de nosso próprio algoritmo de tomada de decisão interno. Quando tentamos usar pontos de gatilho técnico de ferramentas proprietárias com fórmulas de caixa preta e configurações, estamos removendo completamente arguably o fator de equação mais importante. Tais como ao tentar confiar em pontos técnicos que são muito específicos para uma ferramenta específica como 8216Crossing Lines8217. Alguns, sem dúvida, discutir isso com 8220Well que sobre 5NITRO 6NITRO Eles são, obviamente, propriedade e um pouco caixa preta.8221 Claro, mas 5N6N são geralmente saída um 8216Momentum Aggregate8217, destinado a confirmar atual Inertia oportunidades. Inércia é o maior auto-realizador de todos eles 8230. voltando 2200 anos. Sutil cruzamento de linhas de moeda ou estocástico 8230. não são. Idéias de quadro de tempo mais elevado Ao analisar os quadros padrão de tempo mais elevado de profissionais, it8217s realmente sobre a tentativa de reconhecer e paralelo POSIÇÃO REAL posições. E como observado em The 5NITRO Trading Pages. It8217s sobre a tentativa de reconhecer e decifrar o que os algoritmos Institutions8217 e pesquisa fundamental estão indicando para eles. Olhe para o Gráfico Aumentando nosso limite de risco por par e aumentando nossos objetivos de lucro leva vai ajudar a permitir negociação mais em sincronia com as instituições. Nós temos agora 8216friends no negócio8217. Como sabemos que eles ainda nos querem como amigos Bem, eles estão nos deixando segui-los por todos os lugares que eles vão apenas alguns passos atrás. Eles estão deixando mesmo uma trilha de pão só para nós. Então, para manter-se precisamos do mesmo prazo mais longo outlooks e ter lucro intervalos. Reduzimos a alavancagem efetiva por posição negociando com um pool maior. Por risco de decisão é reduzido pelo número crescente de unidades de entrada e saída por posição. Saltar a bordo usando os mesmos gráficos diários com os mesmos níveis-chave e as mesmas médias de movimento de chave permite clareza de gráficos e clareza de objetivo. Todo o barulho e technicals sem sentido de todos os intervalos de tempo mais curtos caem apenas afastado. O que geralmente ficamos com, então, são megatendências óbvias e sustentadas na maioria dos lugares que olhamos. Agora podemos tomar decisões com base nos padrões óbvios e tendências claras que vemos diretamente no gráfico. Logicamente analisar Quando finalmente decidir apenas ir com o fluxo e ir com rebanho global, podemos finalmente parar de obsessão sobre a tentativa de selecionar a combinação perfeita de quadros de tempo e bandas fibonacci e bollinger e canais donchian e elliot wave teorias e média móvel cruzes E modelos secretos modificados baixados do ForexFactory. Podemos parar interminável obsessão sobre a criação do perfeito curto prazo repetitivo sistema técnico para vencer o mercado de uma vez por todas. Pare interminável pesquisar na internet para que o sistema perfeito que pode exponencialmente composto nossos 50.000 em 50.000.000 em pouco mais de 2,3 anos usando a estimativa conservadora de 8220Only 20 pips por Dia 500: 1 Leverage8221. Um mantra cuja popularidade renova cada novo dia com cada novo varejista que começa sua carreira FX depois de descobrir os fenômenos de alavancagem combinada com 8216daily sessão compounding8217 usando o Windows Calculator. Em vez disso, podemos apenas aprender a tomar decisões prováveis ​​e lógicas com base no que vemos as Instituições fazendo diretamente e claramente em nossas cartas. Da mesma forma, podemos, em vez disso, redirecionar nossa obsessão 8216perfect system8217 para os melhores métodos para gerenciar e desmarcar todos os lucros. A sorte não está no seu lado Então, por que é então que 80 de todos os novos varejistas engenharia reversa a construção de uma carreira de negociação infantil em torno desses quadros de tempo não confiável, aleatório, moeda-flip de M1, M5, M15 60 de todos os potenciais usuários de Nosso medidor 5NITRO perguntar sobre scalping ou 60 opções binárias segundo A sorte está no meu lado Talvez todos nós inerentemente acreditamos que a sorte será do nosso lado, por padrão Talvez, então, esta poderia ser uma razão pela qual há 7 bilhões de pessoas neste planeta Talvez este inabalável Otimismo e esperança tem sido criados em nosso DNA. Ou melhor, por seleção natural, por mais de 4 bilhões de anos. Apesar das probabilidades astronômicas, todos temos a sorte de estar vivos aqui mesmo, neste exato momento da história. Bem, então, essa incrível sorte geracional transitará para algo tão simples quanto Capturando 10 pips no EURUSD algumas vezes por dia. Sim, certamente. Cuzz eu significo porque esta tendência sustentada longa da sorte uncanny meus antepassados ​​e eu apreciamos através do millennia 8230 para agora, toda a repentina idéias reversas médias da reversão, acima de todos os outros mercados, é suscetível fàcilmente ao diário, Semanal e reversão média mensal do lado da compra e do lado da venda devido à lógica teórica de soma zero com a semana e mensalmente apresentando o menor risco. Bem, na verdade, enquanto a semana e mensal oferecem o menor risco como é definido aqui, porque estamos especificamente discutir o gráfico de força acima, que inclui uma propriedade de largura fixa, isso não é necessariamente verdade de quadros de tempo em geral. Extremo Suporte e Resistência Não é a ação de aumentar os prazos que reduz linearmente o risco. O risco é reduzido quando estamos a tomar medidas em torno das áreas de apoio EXTREME ou resistência. Assim, os níveis de suporte e resistência com os mais longos lookbacks oferecem o menor risco. Portanto, se o gráfico ou a visualização do gráfico tiver uma largura fixa, como no gráfico de índice acima, é mais provável que você veja a maior resistência eo menor suporte se o intervalo de tempo for maior e o zoom menor. Assim, os prazos mais elevados nos apresentam as menores oportunidades de risco. Permitir todas as moedas no semanário para a perspectiva adequada Uma vez que eu não pessoalmente pretendem manter posições por 7 anos a 20 anos, vamos considerar o período de tempo semanal como o mais alto em vez do mensal. Semanal é também a opção mais alta para o medidor de força nesta página. Também com muitos corretores que fornecem MT4, seus dados mensais tendem a ser gravemente falta. Temos sorte se conseguimos 150 barras, mesmo em USDJPY. A quantidade de história semanal disponível geralmente nos leva de volta a pelo menos 1995. Mas, enquanto seus gráficos semanais começando algum tempo na década de 1990 deve ser suficiente para estabelecer altos e baixos, eu ainda tenho acesso a uma biblioteca de gráficos máximos de nossa corretora tradicional ETrade . Há uma abundância de recursos livres como Google ou Yahoo Finance e CME. Isto é definitivamente sugerido antes de construir posições de reversão significativas do que parecem ser altos ou baixos absolutos. Pair Charts Embora este gráfico de força seja uma boa ferramenta de introdução nos métodos de reversão média e uma referência agradável e rápida para obter uma ideia geral de possíveis oportunidades na moeda subjacente como um todo, é obviamente recomendável estudar gráficos individuais de par antes de fazer qualquer Decisões. Um pouco por causa do que foi observado. Mas principalmente, porque uma vez que começamos a analisar o apoio extremo e níveis de resistência como este que pode ser de 3 anos, 5 anos, 7 anos, 10 anos, ou mesmo 15 anos altos e baixos 8211 eles realmente tendem a segurar bastante bem, independentemente do real par. Significado, os pares menores como GBPZAR tendem a comply com níveis multi-year do apoio e da resistência também (ou bom) como GBPUSD, GBPJPY, EURUSD, EURJPY, AUDUSD, USDJPY, por exemplo. Mas em menor lookback altos e baixos, como um mês ou mesmo um ano, estou muitas vezes cauteloso e recatado sobre confiar e criar enormes blocos de ordens limite a estes níveis de suporte e resistência para construir uma posição de. Agora, adicionando a um in-the-money, a posição de vários anos em um retracement a estes níveis Sure. Tomando algum lucro nesses níveis Claro. Fora da inflação fina do ar adiciona uma variável adicional. Ou seja, a culminação da inflação a mais longo prazo se acumulando. Eu nunca aplicar técnicas de reversão de média para vender commodities ou CFDs baseado em ações ou qualquer outro patrimônio derivado devido ao factoring de inflação a mais longo prazo. A variável de inflação é como uma impureza que nunca pode ser filtrada ou neutralizada. Ao calcular o valor justo de aumento ou diminuição do patrimônio líquido por períodos mais longos, como décadas, a inflação destrói a equação de soma zero que existe no mercado de FX 8230 e também desmente diretamente a teoria de 8220não pode ser criada nem destruída8221 2.85 taxa anual de inflação se aplica a longo Significa técnicas de reversão de capital derivado e commodities, então fornece um efeito positivo contínuo após o estabelecimento da posição. É como ter o vento nas nossas costas. Embora em apenas cerca de 3 quilômetros por hora, é mais como uma brisa leve. Melhor do que um vácuo, puxando-nos na direção errada. Mas, ainda cria problemas ao estabelecer posições longas e aumenta o risco dentro e em torno dessas áreas de entrada. Esta variável variação da inflação torna os níveis de resistência multi-ano não confiáveis. E então, ao criar grandes blocos de ordens de venda de limite e em torno e até esses níveis com enormes blocos de stop loss, em seguida, apenas acima, a confiabilidade é uma necessidade. Da mesma forma, os níveis de suporte precisam ser ajustados ao comprar. Níveis de lookback mais longos precisam ser ajustados mais, recentes não tanto. Há muito menos potencial para questões de estabelecimento de posição, no entanto, quando figurar e situar limites de compra. Porque eu nunca realmente mover níveis de apoio em um esforço para explicar a inflação, que tende a significar que eu não vai acabar com tantas unidades como preferido, em vez de ter uma posição inteira parou imediatamente o que aconteceria muitas vezes se vender. Mas então o que isso também significa quando se estabelecem essas posições longas Risco é aumentado para o período de tempo imediatamente após as entradas mais baixas que idealmente eram a inicial. Como os níveis de suporte nunca são realmente movidos para cima em uma tentativa de acomodar como observado, enormes blocos de stop loss precisam permanecer abaixo desses níveis não ajustados. Isso força um aumento na quantidade total de perda susceptível. O nível exato de suporte ajustado pela inflação é desconhecido, portanto, somos forçados a usar o nível mais baixo conhecido (sempre) para calcular e definir nossas perdas de parada final. Possivelmente Anos Tenha em mente, as posições com a possibilidade de duração de 0,5 a 4 anos estão sendo referenciados aqui, não trades swing tradicional. Não swing trades durando apenas alguns dias ou poucas semanas ou mesmo alguns meses. No entanto, os tempos de retenção pretendidos realmente não importa como ele se relaciona com a confiabilidade de grande apoio e resistência. Trata-se da confiabilidade de vários níveis de década que não foram ajustados inflação que são a questão limitante. Mesmo se 0,25 a 3 meses swing trading estava sendo ponderado, o nível de resistência que está sendo usado para estabelecer uma posição curta pode ser uma alta de 20 anos, por exemplo. Também tenha em mente que a reversão média semanal não está sendo sugerida como um método primário para a maior parte do volume de comércio. Em média, desde 2008, quando eu comecei a dizer reverter, o lucro líquido total (ou perda líquida) foi composto apenas cerca de 17 dos ganhos anuais totais (ou perdas). Empurrou 40 em anos mais adiantados porque muitos CFDs baseados em equidade reverted dos pontos baixos ridiculous, tais como componentes de DOW 30 American Express, Banco de América, JP Morgan Chase, General Electric, Procter 038 Gamble, Caterpillar, Microsoft, Cisco, Intel. Slim Pickens O número real de oportunidades dentro de um período de dez anos pode ser slim. Embora, esta última década apresentou acima do número médio de oportunidades em comparação com as décadas passadas e presumivelmente décadas futuras. Principalmente porque esta década passada incluiu que 2008-2009 Crise financeira e seu distanciamento estendido da média em quase todos os mercados. Estratégia separada, conta separada Conforme descrito em outras partes deste site, um corretor separado (ou conta separada) é usado apenas para reversão média. Se um corretor adicional não for a solução, um cônjuge ou corporação pode ser usado para criar uma conta adicional dentro do mesmo Broker e uma instância MT4 separada em uma máquina separada. Isso ajudará tremendamente na manutenção de métodos e suas atividades comerciais diárias separadas. Além da organização e clareza, os corretores têm diferentes pontos fortes e fracos. Certos subconjuntos de corretores e tipos de corretores são mais ideais para certos estilos intraday de negociação que exigem um pequeno número de ofertas de par e razor thin spreads, por exemplo. Outros podem ter spreads aumentados mas também ofertas aumentadas. Outros podem lidar com rollover exclusivamente, proporcionando uma vantagem ou desvantagem para swing trading. Expandir o conjunto de instrumentos negociados irá aumentar as oportunidades, reduzindo o risco. Todos os 225 símbolos oferecidos por este corretor em particular (AvaTrade) em sua janela de relógio de mercado estão sendo peneirados para possíveis oportunidades futuras. Todos eles. Este excesso de ofertas de corretor pode realmente ser a chave para garantir a viabilidade a longo prazo deste método de reversão média. E, possivelmente, o que lhe dá viabilidade em primeiro lugar. Seria tolice até mesmo contemplar este tipo de estratégia através de um único corretor com apenas 22-28 ofertas FX par. A falta de oportunidades forçaria inevitavelmente decisões de alto risco que levariam à destruição da conta Martingale. Bem, com potenciais ganhos reais e equivalentes na faixa de 500 a 8 000 pips, os custos de propagação raramente ditarão qualquer decisão. O que acontece com os spreads elevados em alguns desses CFDs da Minorias, Exóticos e Eurozona? Nem são carry custos. Muitos instrumentos e, portanto, menor capital utilizado por menor risco, permitindo muito mais paciência. Mais paciência para suportar a espera muitas vezes extenuante até níveis extremos são testados. Paciência para então meticulosamente construir posições nesses níveis extremos como consolidação formas bases. Ou, além disso, a confiança eo limite de risco aumentado para ter grandes blocos pre construídos de limites de compra e limites de venda esperando pacientemente para quando um pico rápido até ou até, e talvez não todo o caminho para 8230 é a única oportunidade realmente prestados Cada 5 anos ou assim. Espalhar este método através de tantos instrumentos e mercados diferentes quanto possível permite que a teoria do núcleo e probabilidades eventualmente jogar em nosso favor. Dá à sala de teoria para respirar e espaço para eventualmente recompensar a nossa paciência e investimento de capital a mais longo prazo. Fixed Width Not Ideal Uma das advertências de usar uma ferramenta de largura fixa como esta é que o passado pode mudar às vezes drasticamente. Após os longos períodos de tempo requeridos na pesquisa de reversão média, existe um conjunto diferente de parâmetros com os quais a taxa de mudança recente está sendo comparada. Este repintar do passado é discutido naquela subseção acima. Eu penso rather que é apenas o exemplo perfeito de porque, quando esta carta fixa da força da largura for uma introdução boa e serve um pouco sua finalidade aqui de poder mostrar níveis semanais em tempo real vivos e ganhar uma perspectiva geral, usando uma largura não fixa Gráfico é, obviamente, mais ideal para fazer real Weekly significa reversão decisões. Eu acredito que uma das versões de software Tom Yeoman8217s CSM, Accustrength ou FX4Caster, tem a capacidade de mostrar uma visão ampla da história que equivale a uma visão semanal ou mensal Talvez não, mas eu acho que isso é possível através das configurações. Atualmente, estou usando nosso Medidor de Força de Moeda FlowMeter para MT4 diariamente para a negociação de posição semanal, diária e H4. Como observado acima, os gráficos de par eles mesmos são usados ​​como referência principal e última etapa de tomada de decisão. Martingale Nightmare Embora porque esta fórmula padrão CSM picos para fora em (9) e termina em (0), parece que pode haver uma falsa sensação de segurança gerada por causa desses tops virtual (9) e virtual bottom (0) Isso leva quase Para uma inevitável estratégia Martingale forçada sendo implantado mais frequentemente do que não como leituras de força pairar horizontalmente ao longo dos topos e fundos por longos períodos de tempo. O preço continua a avançar contra nós. Em seguida, o preço continua e continua e continua a mover-se contra nós como estas leituras de força são vinculados a (0) ou (9) Este pesadelo Martingale é por isso que apenas 8216Weekly8217 reversão média é recomendado em primeiro lugar usando extremos altos e baixos. Este pesadelo é por isso que também precisamos da orientação definitiva dos níveis reais de suporte e resistência dos preços, em vez da orientação virtual e dos limites virtuais de nove (9) e zero (0) de uma ferramenta obscura que a maioria dos comerciantes profissionais mundiais não está procurando Em Embora, como o 8216Self Fulfilling Inertia Effect8217 discutido acima, todos estejam olhando para níveis extremos de suporte e resistência, inclusive institucionais e de varejo. Todo o mercado tem planos em vigor para agir uma vez abordado. Esses níveis extremos são sempre divulgados por quase todos. Todos e seus computadores. Obscuras CSMs não levam a este mesmo auto satisfazendo tipo de resposta dos mercados. Nove (9) e zero (0) são apenas pré-disseminados por um punhado de pessoas, principalmente varejo. In other words, analysts do not come on CNBC or Bloomberg advising that viewers 8230. 8220Be on the lookout this week for JPY hitting zero (0) on the AccuStrength Currency Strength Meter8221 . More details about FlowMeter and FLOW further below. Aggregation and Relativity This legacy CSM with smoothing mechanism is named FlowMeter. I and many customers dating back to around 2008-2009 are using it. FlowMeter is being re-coded and improved for the new MT4 600 and released as FLOW. It is being partially integrated into 7NITRO and made available 2016 or 2017 (well at least before 2020) (NITRO customers since 2010 will all receive the 45 to 55 Loyalty Discount Code) While these types of meters using the standard CSM formula including Accustrength and FX4Caster can provide some insight for higher mean-reversion, they are best suited for distinguishing slopes or simply providing an aggregation of the twenty-eight (28) major pair charts for very quick market analysis, in my opinion. The informational benefits of a tool that aggregates twenty-eight (28) charts should not be overlooked. The informational benefits of a tool that provides relativity of these twenty-eight (28) charts should not be overlooked. shown below Currency Strength Meters for MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5) F L O W A new currency strength meter for the new Metatrader Builds 600 named FLOW has to be recoded from the beginning. Coding the 3NITRO, 4NITRO, and then 5NITRO Upgrades was the priority once this new MT4 600 had began to roll out in February 2014. I have been using one of our older graph-output CSMs on its own dedicated spare 18.58243 monitor utilizing the MT4 compatibility engine (I assume), so F is still not really a priority. Other than Weekly Mean Reversion opportunities which can easily be gathered from the CSM on this page, I personally utilize CSMs as more of a 28 chart aggregation tool. I need to get a general idea of the entire FX market in one spot with just a glance, so the older FlowMeter suffices. I know what is in the code, so I know the output is perfect. Perfect enough. But a new CSM will get done eventually. Just not right now. Multiple display configurations and output types is the goal. Ease of use and RAM CPU friendly is a must. Constant position changing Dynamic Rankings to instantly identify strongest vs. weakest is a necessity. These dynamic rankings are trying to be modeled after LeverageFX8217s Currency Strength Rankings in block form 8230. the App with Green and Red blocks in which the colors are variably weighted dependent on rank. Sort of like a Heat Map that is constantly ranking itself from top to bottom. This is the Top Gun Software from LeverageFX for the eSignal trading platform. For anyone who has used this Top Gun software on eSignal in particular that specific CSM template, then you know how useful these instant rankings can be. This information can be especially useful for short term, intraday traders continually seeking to match strongest versus weakest as soon the opportunity presents itself. Primarily, following fundamental events such as NFP or the London and New York opens each day. Metatrader 4 coding logic, such as 8220A single indicator can only occupy one chart location, either the main chart, or a bottom indicator window8221 in addition to only one output type 8211 increases the coding limitations. However, once the base meter is split into a series of indicators 8211 the possibilities for display combinations is increased. Though, this new Metatrader Plus is opening up many more new possibilities and presenting easier paths for current possibilities. Will probably be a simple multiple time frame meter marketed initially as an add-on to the bottom or top of New 7NITRO or 8NITRO Meters 8230 sort of like pictured to the left and to the right of the working alpha with the older NITRO Original Check back 2018 Sizable Machine Resources Required These tools are not like Stochastics or the ol8217 MACD loaded on one single TF. These tools are complex and resource intensive. It was roughly calculated that 5NITRO alone, utilizing one of its 28 pair multiple meter templates, might be performing up to 15,000 calculations per second during such times as NFP on a multi-decimal Broker. This is assuming about 2 ticks per second on average over that entire 15 minutes following release. As we all know, the initial 1-3 minutes can produce as many as 3-5 ticks per second on pipette Brokers. These are only the parameter calculations done by the 5N meter itself across the 28 pairs over the up to 7 total time frames. This does not include the additional, whatever automatic internal calculations that are performed per each new tick by the 24 internally-aggregated Indicators themselves such as ADX, Alligator, Accelerator, Awesome Oscillator, etc, etc. These calculations are done automatically within your Metatrader Platform, but only when they are instructed to do so. Such as is what happens when 5N is loaded. Maximum time frames calculated by 5N is 7.0. Mean time frames calculated by 5N is about 4.7. Median time frames calculated is 5.0. Minimum time frames calculated is 3.0. The Minimum of 3.0 is when loaded on the Monthly periodicity. Number of time frames used for calculation is dependent on time frame in which the meter is loaded or time frames that the User has selected from the drop down list from within the settings. The influence that each other additional time frame has on the ultimate GLOBAL is non-linearly variably-weighted. 5NITRO automatically adjusts MTF influence weightings. There is now the option to either 8216quicken8217 the response of the entire meter or to 8216smooth8217 the response. This new feature is called 8216Time Outlook8217. Strength Lookbacks can also now be adjusted which will also have an affect on the response. Massive Calculations Per Tick Full breakdown explanation of the 5NITRO algorithm, including coefficient weightings of all additional, adjacent time frames used in the calculation formula 8211 can be found here Yes, there will be some calculation-per-tick redundancies when adding a CSM, making it similar to that 28 pair template used in the example above. But, we have to plan for Users wanting to run both at the same time, and possibly on a different set of pairs. A User may want to use the CSM to calculate Forex pairs, while using a multiple meter 5NITRO configuration on Minors, Exotics, CFDs, GOLD, SILVER, OIL, and Equity Indexes or Futures. In doing so, a multiple 5N setup could include 50-60 meters, depending on how many Minors, Exotics, and different CFDs are offered by the particular Broker. This then would push calculation-per-second into the about 25,000-30,000 range. So then, 8220Per-Tick Performance8221 has become an obstacle. Features and number of calculations per tick will need to be eliminated or reduced to allow for DLL calls (the new MT4 Builds 600 may have killed DLL calls to who Metaquotes considers 8220untrusted 3rd party sources8221. which of course means everyone except metaquotes is untrusted). Not really sure what this means yet. Commercial Tools cannot be created only for those with 24GB RAM, Xeons, and 25602151600. We are forced to create for 32bit 2005-2006 1280215720 15.68243 Laptops runnin8217 Windows XP sporting a max of 3.63GB usable RAM. Because if you are trading Retail Forex in 2017 and do not reside in the United States, Japan, Canada, or North Western Europe 8230 these are most likely your machine specs. Featured Forex Meter: 5NITRO for Metatrader 4 Builds 1031 . Need HelpgtSiteSearch or Search Site wYahoo - DVDsBooks - quotWorld Toursquot gt2015 - Events Calendar Newest Implosion Powerpoint Dan Winters BOOKS :1. Alphabet of the Heart . 2. EartHeart . 3. Implosions Grand Attractor . 4. Implosion: Secret Science of EcstasyampImmortality , - Origin of Alphabets Physics - Stellar PurposeHistory of DNA Articles - new master Photo Gallerie s. New Book. Origin Biologic Negentropy: fractalfieldfractalspacetime - Bonus: Updated 25 DVD Set - 144 Euro - with Dan Winter - now includes latest beautiful color printed book: goldenmean. infotools Latest 2016 Breakthru Science and Announcements from Dan Winter, Implosion Group research: ImplosionGroup - US ph: 800 395 1701 Dans recent Intro to the physics of negentropy . fractalfieldconjugategravity amp Intro to the BIOphysics of negentropy: fractalfieldconjugateperception StateOfTheArt - Fractal Science Online Education FractalU Rejuvenation Plasma Healing Conjugate Field (Priore): TheraPhi Worlds Most Powerful amp Most Proven Growth Water Treatment: TheImploder Preview:Most Powerful amp Exciting IOS Heart BiofeedbackAppEVER HRV-App If a someone is to help you understand FRACTAL FIELDS - centripetal life force and biologic rejuvenation ( commercial proof it works: theraphi )- you will definitely need a scientist who knows why an object falls to the ground (thus excluding Einstein and Stephen Hawkins). Gravity is a centripetal electrical force. Golden ratio perfected fractalityrecursionembedding called phase conjugation - is proven to be negentropic self-organizing - self aware. This LIFE PRINCIPLE allows charge waves to add and multiply (heterodyne) recursively constructively not just their wave lengths - but also their phase VELOCITY. This converts a part of the charge COMPRESSION toward center into charge ACCELERATION toward center - named THE GRAVITY - and the ORIGIN OF ALL BIOLOGIC NEGENTROPY (book). The new equations: fractalfieldconjugategravity Dan Winter Einstein:the solution to infinite non-destructive (charge)compression IS the unified field. So - if perfect compression is the solution to virtually every science problem in history: gravity, alchemy, fusion, urban design, computers. the physics of human (peak)perceptionbliss. the list goes on - THEN what does it mean that we have just proven the (fractality perfected) wave mechanics showing that golden ratio IS the solution to perfect (charge) compression Fractal Space Time: Origin of Negentropy fractalfieldfractalspacetime - by Daniel Winter - 212p. Edition 2, Dec 2015- Scientific Abstract: Originally Dan Winters team ( fractalfield. fractalU ) wave equations proved golden ratio wave mechanics optimizes constructive wave interference, compression and therefore phase conjugation ( fractalfieldmathematicsoffusion ). Then Dan Winter discovered that integer exponents of golden ratio phase conjugation ( perfect fractality )- times planck length and time (musical key signature of matter) - dramatically predicted: 1. Hydrogen Radii ( goldenmean. infogoldenproof ). 2. Exact frequencies of photosynthesis ( fractalfieldfractalphotosynthesis ). 3. Exact duration of the Earth year and venus year ( goldenmean. infocoincidence ). 4. Virtually exact frequencies of the SCHUMANN HARMONICS and (peak perception) BRAINWAVE HARMONICS ( fractalfieldconjugateperception ). 5. Exact frequencies of ADP (ATP), 6. Exact frequencies of MAYER WAVE of Blood Pressure HRV LF and HF. and Spine liquid pump. Dan Winter calls this phenomenon: Perfected PHASE CONJUGATE NEGENTROPIC CHARGE COLLAPSE - and thus presents evidence this perfected 3D wave fractality - is the electrical CAUSE of LIFE FORCE Rejuvenation and a) Negentropy, b) Gravity, c) Perception, d) Color and e) All Centripetal (Implosive) Forces. Winters original successful TheImploder water implosion for growth - invention - used his Hydrogen geometry equations - ( for hydrolysis. fractalfieldhydrogen ) and more recently - Dan Winter built exactly these frequencies into Perfected Negentropy Rejuvenation Plasma System ( aka Priore )- in Theraphi - which is now rapidly proving his negentropy for biology hypothesis. Announcing: FractalU - New The Fractal UNIVERSITY - from Dan Winter - and our complete Implosion Group Team - Scientists Announcing: Fractal U: THE Fractal Field University - with 4 latest conference films up-to celebrate launching-and announce our themes FractalU in association with LearnItLiveFractalU Sponsored by FractalField - Dan Winter - and Implosion Group - - THE place the learn the science and universe sweeping broad practical applications of the new fractal field sciences - like BioActiveField Inexpensive - highly interactive - real telepresence into your space - your questions answered - media rich We have the worlds most compelling teaching team and state of the art - teaching environment - right here - to learn the real new physics AND new physics of consciousness. Summer 2015 Updates from Dan WinterImplosion Group: Phase Conjugate Fractal Wave Mechanics of Perception Bliss - 3 Compelling New Spectral Charts compelling new summary and scientific tour de force fractalfieldconjugateperception BioActive Fields: Life Creating Field Effects-new Major Index Commercial Applications bioactivefield Major Breakthru on the Physics: Dan Winters PHASE CONJUGATEFRACTAL CAUSE OF GRAVITY Electromagnetics gets New High Level Proof Equation from Mark Rohrbaugh: The Charge ARC (THE Gravity) Which Embeds the Proton IN the ELECTRON IS CONJUGATE fractalfieldconjugategravity New interviewsphysics accompanies the clinical release of our breakthru PRIORE Plasma REJUVENATION FIELDHEALING Tech: goldenmean. infophaseconjugateRejuvenationFieldTech. html latest newsletter:Try IMPLOSION SOUND yourself - THE psychoactive binaural (and key to bioactive electromagnetics as well) fractalfieldimplosionsound NEW: GROZINE Magazine Feature Article Announces Major Successful SUPERIMPLODER Trials - Dramatic Improved Growth Rate AND Nutritional Brix Measure (Films amp Pictorial Documented): fractalfieldimplodermagneticresearchImploderGROZINE1.html History amp Physics of FIRE IN THE BLOOD Main - Implosion Group Dan Winter index: goldenmean. info. Origins of Negentropy Project intro(below). Note: Dan Winter Implosion Group blogcurrent updates have migrated to facebookfractalfield - Join us there - were having fun Dan Winters Compelling new Book - A Scientific Tour de Force - from Implosion Group Publishing.. New Special Offer: Receive This New Color Cover Printed Book - as FREE BONUS(39.50 Value) - when you order Implosion Group Updated 25 DVD Set ( goldenmean. infotools) Fractal Space Time Fractal Conjugate Space amp Time: Cause of Gravity, Negentropy and Perception. Subtitle: Conjuring Life - The Fractal Shape of TIME Geometric Origins of Biologic Negentropy. The MOST audacious hypothesis since the dawn of science Winter presents overwhelming hard evidence - fractal conjugate (golden ratio) wave mechanics is the CAUSE of gravity, life force, perception, and spiritual immortality. (and so far NO one has presented a shred of evidence that he is wrong) A complete tour-de-force - with astounding implications for virtually every branch of science: using Winters accurate new equation the frequency recipe: most EVERY wave system can be tuned to emerge from chaos - The Schumann Earth harmonics - (Winter PROVED - are a phase conjugate pump wave) - can be tweaked to bring climate and atmosphere OUT of chaos. The SAME frequency recipe from Winters equation can PRODUCE simple charge environments (AND EEG signatures) - to RESTORE human attention. and this is just the beginning Winters group has already a promising (Priore re-invented using the precise PRINCIPLE of conjugation) rejuvenation field prototype - based exactly on this frequency set. THE GENERALIZED WAY OUT OF CHAOS - in - to the pure principle of sustainability - THAT is what the origin of NEGENTROPY is. Complete physics of non-linear propulsion: impulse vs warp gravity field projection explained in detail. We have the pure physics of alchemy now that the PRECISE wave geometry of non-destructive collapse is defined. Precise physics of fusion energy - now that the wave mechanics of charge fusion is precisely defined (hint: if you know HOW to make a phase conjugate longitudinal pump wave - the brain does it - called flame in the mind - but instead - in the microwave, this is the absolute holy grail of plasma containment for fusion solution. ) Dan Winterrsquos new book presents the most compelling and systematic scientific evidence to date that fractality in space and time is the specific mechanism and cause of gravity, biologic negentropy, life force, perception, and human bliss. Although several hugely famous authors have already presented their books on fractality in time - by comparison this book shows they were functionally clueless about the physics. Winter quotes many scientists who have already speculated that fractality is the cause of gravity - BUT Winter is the first to very specifically define the frequency, geometry, and wave mechanic optimization of that gravity causing fractality. Winterrsquos work (with his mathematics team - including Martin Jones)- was the first to prove the wave equations showing golden ratio solves the problem of max constructive interference, compression, and phase conjugation. SO phase conjugation well known and proven in optics for time reversal, self organization and negentropy - now becomes a candidate for proving negentropy in general (many physicists agree that the gravity is itself negetropic self organizing). Originally - just Dans theory that golden ratio phase conjugate multiples of planck length and time the universal key signature of the vacuum - would optimize negentropy. Winter has now gone on to prove it. He was famous for proving that hydrogen radii are exact golden ratio phase conjugate multiples of Planck. In his new book Winter has assembled with equation graphics results overwhelming further evidence - that golden ratio exact multiples of planck predict: photosynthesis frequencies, schumann resonance frequencies, brainwave frequencies causing peak perception bliss, (new) table showing the sacral cranial tidal frequencies are phase conjugate. new table showing the ear ringing lsquosound currentrsquo frequencies heard by meditators are phase conjugate. almost exact duration of Earth AND Venus orbital years, - the list goes on. (dodeca icosa conjugate geometry of d, f electron shell noble gases and platinum group metals - physics of alchemic implosive charge collapse - new science of transmutation..). These are all the structures which produce life and negentropy They fit the pattern far too well - for this to be arbitrary. Everyone agrees that fractality is infinite compression. Fractal mathematics teaches the mathematics of infinite compression but until Winter - no one knew what a fractal FIELD was. Golden Ratio is unquestionably self-similarity optimized - as precisely is fractality. Einstein argued that gravity was infinite charge compression - but never learned what a fractal was. Winter now presents overwhelming evidence that golden ratio phase conjugation IS fractality incarnate in all wave mechanics. IF Winter is right with his exact frequency signatures for fractality in space and time - he clearly presents how to repair all wave systems to emerge from chaos - fixing environments for peak perception, amplifying the Schumann phase conjugate pump wave so Gaia climate emerges from chaos - are just the beginning. Fractality in time is now quantized and predictable - you can set your calendar. Synchronicity is nothing more than the charge coupling produced by conjugate embedding in the (fractal) charge rotation intervals - called time. How to emerge from chaos - starts with knowing why objects fall to the ground - now for the first time both questions are answered - in pure fractal highly accurate wave mechanics: HOW negentropy originates Predictably with Winter, there is also a deeply spiritual aspect to his new book. He claims that ALL concepts of sacred space (bioactive fields - the SHEM), collective unconscious, communion of saints, and living plasma surviving death (NDE)- are specifically explained and can be created and optimized intelligently with the teachable science of ubiquitous phase conjugate dielectrics, optics, magnetics etc (Elizabeth Rauscher has acknowledged Winter for inventing phase conjugate magnetics). He insists spiritual traditions are ONLY completed with a new and powerful fractal geometry wave physics - eliminating the need for disempowering miracle worship, personality worship. AND religion wars. (The Fractal Space-Time equations here form the basis of a developing technology of Life Force - Plasma Rejuvenation Field - re-invented PRIORE device - see new PICTURES Priore hardware-at link for the book. fractalfieldfractalspacetime ) FRACTAL SPACETIME - Book Update Dec. 2016, Dan Winter, fractalfield - info at fractalfield For Origin of Biologic Negentropy Book - 3rd printing Our proof - phase conjugate negentropic charge collapse - cause of negentropy, gravity, perception, color, life force ndash paper is being reprinted for physics journals at: goldenmean. infocoincidenceproofofnegentropy. html Key new summary graphic analysis spreadsheet table ndash graphically reveals our compelling new theory: This clear line shows how the new DAN WINTER EQUATION: INTEGER (perfect phase conjugation) exponents of Golden Ratio x Planck lengthtime - stunningly predict: -3 hydrogen radii, - ADP(ATP)bond length, - exact 2 frequencies of photosynthesis, - lsquosacredrsquo English foot, - virtually exact fre quency series of the Earthrsquos Schumann resonance harmonics ndash AND the human EEG brainwave frequencies of blisspeak perception, - the MAYER wave and the HRV peaks LF and HF, - the Earth year, - the Venus year, - Precession, and the Galactic year This means it is now UNDENIABLE - that all of these factors entered into virtually perfect PHASE CONJUGATE NEGENTROPIC IMPLOSIVE CHARGE COLLAPSE - in order to emerge from chaos This also tells us HOW to tune the frequencies of Earth and Brain and Heart and Breath and plasma - to CREATE NEGENTROPY. ndash Our successful examples include our new IOS BIOFEEDBACK APPS: itHRVE. HRV-app, CranioSacral-app . and coming soon (EEG) FlameinMind --And finally - with these EXACT frequencies applied to broad spectral phase conjugation in plasma - our Theraphi is now in over 12 countries - with hundreds of documented reports of rejuvenation, pain reduction, and many benefits. See also new conjugate REMOTE healing: theraphistaticremoteconjugatingplasma. html Also see the new discussion ALCHEMY and LONGITUDINAL WAVE SPIRITUALITY: fractalfieldalchemyoffusion 3 Ways to Order Now: Fractal SpaceTime - Dan Winters compelling new book - 1: PDF Full Color Online, 2: Amazon Kindle Color Online, 3. Printed 192 Page Softbound - Color Covers - Full A4 Size 1. Order the Full Color 192 Page PDF - for immediate reading online: 10 Euros ( approx 13.00 USD) or 3: Order the Beautifully Printed - Soft-Bound Color Cover - 192 Page PRINTED Version - just published-Implosion Group Publishing Australian 29.50 10 Air Shipping Total 39.50AUD (Approx 35 USD) Dan Winter wrote: quotWould not recursive iteration climax in golden ratio phase conjugation wave function quot . Feedback: Reply from - Lori Gardi Fractal Women - butterflyeffect. ca quot This is exactly what I am saying. The Universal Wavefunction (iterated wave function system) generates the phi relationship via the simultaneous expansion-contraction dynamic. The phase conjugate wave function is just the complex conjugate of the incident wave function. In my theory, phase conjugate waves corresponds to the negative and positive imaginary components of the Mandelbrot set. quot Updating Physics evidence - Dan Winters Phase Conjugate Fractal theory of gravity - predicts the physics literature is likely mistaken for inventing dark matter merely because they could not account for more gravity in the universe than its mass required - BECAUSE physics is unaware the ARRANGEMENT (conjugate symmetries)- of the mass - would increase the AMOUNT of gravity (per Winters model)- YET much evidence shows the arrangement of mass in the universe (like in the Earth)- is dominantly (golden ratio conjugate) DODECAHEDRAL - New physics article - may support this: What If Dark Matter Were Actually A Vast Electric Field Qualify for your FREE copy of Dan Winters new book: Fractal SpaceTime (recorded publication date: Oct 20, 2014) Just provide evidence you are a professional scientist, and answer these few questions ( email to info - at - fractalfield ) 1. I agree that Dan Winter has discovered the generalized wave geometric cause of gravity, life force, and biologic negentropy TRUE F ALSE 2. I have no other answer as to why an object falls to the ground TRUE FALSE 3. I have no other answer as to howwhy wave geometry creates negentropy so well proven in phase conjugate optics TRUE FALSE 4. I have no other answer as to how Earth and its Schumann harmonics creates the self organization evidenced in the GAIA HYPOTHESIS TRUEFALSE 5. I agree that golden ratio phase conjugation is the only wave geometry which defines a fractal field TRUE FALSE 6. I have no other explanation why virtually exact integer exponents of golden ratio (phase conjugate) times PLANCK length amp time predict: - multiple exact radii of hydrogen - the exact only 2 frequencies which motorize photosynthesis - virtually exact Schumann Planet harmonics - the brainwave (ALPHA BETA) frequencies of peak perception bliss - virtually exact duration of the Earth year and Venus year - virtually exact frequencies PRIORE and also RAUSCHER used to heal - exact frequency and geometry used to create commercially proven life giving (bioactive) fields at TheImploder (hydrodynamic implosion) and Pyraphi (capactive implosion) - the PRIORE rejuvenation field . (phase conjugate plasma time-reversal) DanWinterMikeHarriseditB20141212.mp3 (mpg file - radio interview direct link) Dan Winter key is that the life giving, biologically regenerative, vacuum cohering, and propulsion generating living (cool) plasmas from monatomics (Keshe) - precisely are centripetal, and negentropic because they are conjugators (like carb on nano fullerenes he uses. they obey all the self organizing physics of phase conjugate dielectrics - same as why ball lightening is so famously available to telepathic steering. Free Preview extract from Dan Winters new book: Fractal Space Time this free preview pdf is 33 pages from the chapter on Bioactive Field - Physics of KUNDALINI and Agnit Hotra FractalSpaceTimeBookPreview. pdf As several of Winters 4 earlier books have multi-language offering - this FRACTAL SPACE TIME - penultimate book in the series is translation underway scheduled to be released on Implosion Groups: spanish. french. german. italian. polish. czech. portuguese. dutch web sites. AND - to wit - Prime Example - Restoring Biologic Negentropy - USING THE PRINCIPLE: Fractal Plasma Time Reversal Field Tech - Prototype soon Ready Implosion Group Australia team - is preparing to release WITH this new book. A PRIORE Device-. Their latest functioning prototype: The Priore Plasma Field was documented by the French Government - for curing thousands of serious diseases and cancer: (pdfs: fractalfield ) Dan Winters equations now explain the pure phase conjugate principle behind Priore - and our partners are completing the very exciting prototype (see picture): Actual biologic living plasma induced time reversal field technology Plasma conjugate light and magnetics - all based precisely on the frequencies and phase conjugate technology described in FRACTAL SPACE TIME SHEM:accessing the black hole - conjugator-origin of term-belowgt The sCHEMatic for Implosion - origin of alCHEMy, CHEMistry, sCHEManism.. In the book (and introduced at original article: goldenmean. infomalta ) we present evidence that this quotVAIROCANA EFFECTquot - was a turning point in the survival of civilization when they learned how to build a BIOACTIVE FIELD It would save agriculture (fertility effect charge seeds), and save tribal memory (SHEMa nic ability to plasma project)- connection to ancestral memory - ability to take memory (plasma projection) through birth and death. What a good time for a turning point in OUR civilization - to learn the electrical science of life force negentropy generation More info on Winters Accurate Geometric Model Geometry of NEGENTROPY FIELD, Hydrogen, DNA. EARTH GRID, PGM Metal d, f subshell. Implosive Collapse and more.. STAR MOTHER KIT: goldenmean. infokit From Dan Winter, Nov 30, 2014: - A rotary path of self similar zero resistance in space (what I call implosive coherence) exists which is behind all vacuum coherence technologies: a coherent perpetual oscillator. I believe I have identified - that path: the phi recursion fractality based implosion of the vacuum by phase conjugation to planck dimension ( my new book: Fractal Space Time ) . It is profound that the correct path is the same spiral on the torus which is the origin of Sanskrit and Hebrew ( goldenmean. infodnaring ) This same perfect spiral strip - implosion slip knot - we also showed is the correct path (accurate fluid and flux inertia spiral path mapped on the torus) to create propulsion (how the Vimana - and the Nazi bell flew) ref: fractalfieldpropulsion (see the nonlinear hydraulic propulsion section - navier stokes equations optimize). Causing your mind brain(optical cortex as dream spell charge hologram) plasma field to focus on (literally take the SHAPE of) the correct shadow angle of that spiral (called a Hebrew Sanskrit letter) is the only way you have of navigating your (KA) self as a (toroidal) plasma body during dreaming death.. identifying all necessary directional propulsion vectors.. sacred letter pronunciations (pro-noun see A tioninside out ness) - as physics of creation - symmetry sequence of (Golem making) - blown smoke rings. The same spiral shadow by power spectra creates the SOUND of that letter - the sonic hologram is the optical hologram. see - spectrograms of the hebrew alphabet (above link). The RATIO of idealized self similarity (fractality) is golden ratio. - So having shown THIS fractality is the cause of gravity, perception, life force and all negentropy, this also must be in fact the reason that all time space is quantified by planck length and time because all unified fractals have to grow from a single (unifying) seed. quotthere is no substitute for electrical engineering understanding of phase conjugates - without that the wu wu new age movement is doomed to disempowering miracle worship of trinkets..quot Abstract: We have extensive evidenceliterature now that negentropy self-organization in (biologic) electric field generation (like blood)- is extensively related to the well known self organizing quality of phase conjugation (originally optical - now we are learning about phase conjugate dielectrics and magnetics). All of these phenomenon are potentially present in blood - particularly in the presence of recursive implosive DNA braiding associated with human peak experience bliss kundalini. The coherent lo frequencies from EKG EEG - entrained also with the known sacral cranial spine liquid pump lo frequency tidal harmonics - These are the phase conjugate pump wave - we can well understand - create negentropy - for blood and glands. Dr Tom Dooley - proving disease organisms die quickly in his blood - might be an example. Fractality Origins of Negentropy: Our Blood vs ET History - Dan Winter FaceToFace with Sacha Stone - May 2013 Interview for - New Earth Science amp Technology New Earth Wellness Faculty Humanitad Foundation humanitad. org newearthnation. org facebookThe. New. Earth. Project exemplarzero. org naturalworldorganization. org Published with Dan Winter - Implosion Group - Newsletter: fractalfieldnegentropicfields Consciousness Self Awareness IS The Conjugate Negentropic Implosive Portion of any Field Effect What evidence do we have - that the negentropic conjugate implosive component of field effect IS precisely what we call conscious - and self aware When we read pervasive stories about ball lightening responding to telepathy just like dogs and horses do - we are compelled to wonder. Is the core component of the toroidal ball lightening which is like a conjugating pump wave - exactly what makes it respond to awareness Is this the initiating threaded spider web to mindfullness When TV documentaries ask - just how intelligent is it possible to become - it IS obvious that intelligence is the amount of information (charge) which can be compressed efficiently. We have the wave mathematics which confirms that the (fractal) wave symmetry which maximizes charge (information) compression - is precisely the same golden ratio phase conjugation which identifies peak perception awareness in EEG (BlissTuner goldenmean. infoclinicalintro ) It becomes also then obvious that the peak of intelligence is also the peak of the centripetal (conjugate) wave force which MAKES the field around the brain - and around conscious intention - ELECTRICALLY CENTRIPETAL (as Tiller so carefully measured). So then to me it would stand to reason - that the actual power of consciousness - and evolution of intelligence would be simply measureable by HOW centripetal was the (conjugate) field you create with your mind - the so called flame in the mind. (See below how the correct sequence of Hebrew letters - in the 4 direction - square pump wave - identify the centripetal moment which creates the spell in Ophanim ritual). This means that the self awareness of the Sun - which every Shaman will tell you is capable of profound conversation - is precisely the component of its field which by generating fusion - is in fact generating (the self organizing field - we call) AWARENESS. This would in part also explain that (conjugating) capacitive charge distribution efficiency - as Korotkovs GDV in air - showed - correcly measures where Shaman can go to make survival critical phone calls to ancestor voices and memory. This means that the component of the Earths field effect which is generating negentropy - by being conjugate (read Bills hypothesis that the famous quotSmoky Godquot - inner core of the quothollow Earthquot - is in fact a warmth releasing nickle cold fusion reaction) - IS in fact the core component of what makes the Earth appear electrically self-organizing. This would be exactly the frequency signature and symmetry operation of precisely WHO is GAIA - This would also mean that weather and the metabolism of our planet which keeps us from chaos (obviously now breaking down quickly) - could be restored to negnetropy self organization - by carefully feeding the correct low frequencies globally to increase the critical phonon phase conjugate pump wave. This is obviously related directly to the conjugating dodeca symmetry of the Earths electromagnetic grid - and especially note how the Schumann resonance harmonic series almost precisely fits the phase conjugate golden ratio (caducceus) frequency cascade down to Planck (bottom caducceus wave - frequency table graph below in SOLID PHYSICAL EVIDENCE DAN WINTERs NEW IMPLOSION PHYSICS . ) This same bliss pump wave (conjugate phonon) frequency signature this article shows - can make DNA implosive firey - negentropic and ultimately regenerative (immortal). Note here also how I discovered this exact same lo frequency signature harmonic cascade identifies the magnetics applied in BOTH the Priore device (healed thousands of cancers - docs below)- AND Elizabeth Rauschers successful FDA trials - pain reduction by magnetics - Fractal Phase Conjugate Nature of Self-Organization LIFE - in TIME : Revealed by Dan Winters new equation for implosive phase conjugation - precise golden ratio exponents - multiples times PLANCK TIME: Immediately above: the exact frequency signature (frequencies labelled in BLUE)- and wave shape of the lo frequency - longitudinal wave generating - phase conjugate pump wave - which causes GAIA - the Earth grid (see the Schumann series there) to emerge from chaos and become self organizing which causes DNA to implosively braid recursively embed - to set up NEGENTROPY and SELF ORGANIZATION in the blood (ensoulment) which then predicts the EXACT frequency series used to reduce pain magnetically used by Elizabeth Rauscher (she di d not know the equation) which then predicts the EXACT frequency series used to heal thousands of cancers by the PRIORE SYSTEM (who also did not know the equation). Below - using Mathematica - to model the perfect 2D Fractal Tree Structure based on Golden Ratio.. we suggest this is a prelude to the 3D charge wave mechanics of conjugate fields (dielectrics optics magnetics) Good example - of the phase conjugate origin of biologic negentropy - Creating a HARMONIC STILL POINT - as the way thru a healing crisis to more phase coherence order healing: Question - 52314, 8:35 PM, Underwinger - nwocsiunseen. wrote: gt gt Greetings Dan, gt gt It is said that a meridian block is reopened using EFT tapping on meridian points. Ive used it to find that it really works. Can you explain what the block is at the meridian as well as the synaptic gap between neurons Some sort of invisible unmeasurable force is preventing the neuro transmitters from passing from the dendrite terminal of one neuron to the receptor end of the next cell. Thank you, Dan. gt gt underwinger gt Dans answer The power of the synapse is its ability to average and summate the number of arriving capacitance waves from axon to dentrite. The moment of firing is triggered if a critical mass of waves arrive in summation there follows a period then when firing is not possible. T he mathematics of this summates to simple wave interference whose constuctive arrivals climax with golden ratio optimized phase conjugation (why golden ratio EEG power spectra identifies peak perception and bliss because this enables plasma density of the still point. goldenmean. infoclinicalintro The key mechanism is always the same: a lo frequency phase conjugate pump wave (see attached discussion: origin of all biologic negentropy) THEREFORE it would be clear to me - the most effective tap frequencies (phonon pump wave piezo triggers) would have to be idealized when its harmonics were comprised of. or in phase to. THIS phase conjugate pump wave --This pump wave - is precisely not just eeg harmonics but quite documented as the frequency series of the phonon harmonic of the sacral cranial pump tidal harmonics ( mechanism clearly of kundalini goldenmean. infokundalini -- ( in phase with breath of HRV heartsring ) - In just the same way sacral cranial physics well known to Upledger Insti tute teaching WHEN these same sacral cranial liquid harmonics GO (phase conjugate) to a still point (literally - moment of stillness..) THIS is the climax healing crisis. . -- precisely how a still point massaged by the right (tap) phonon harmonics transcends the block (still point) to resumed flow WHICH is in both cases then with more phase discipline (healed) - exactly how spinal pump still point initiates more phase coherent (healed) flow - after the HRV breath pumped phase conjugate pump wave. -- in summary. phase conjugate origins of ALL BIOLOGIC NEGENTROPY -- - dan winter ( original discussion: The Conjugate Synapse Not only is (golden ratio) PHASE CONJUGATION the climax phenomenon of WAVE COHERENCE - it is rather the negentropic SOURCE of biologic coherence in general 1. At the well documented negentropic center of phase conjugate optics - coherence increases - (the only waves which cancel are those out of phase ). 2. Wave mathematics has proven - golden ratio optimizes CONSTRUCTIVE interference AND phase conjugation 3. Extensive historical research has proven golden ratio (conjugate) harmonics in EEG power spectra correlate to peak perception bliss. THAT EXACT SAME FREQUENCY SERIES phase conjugate ( alpha beta) power spectra exactly correlate with the frequencies of all biologic negentropy (from hydrogens frequencies and radii to the exact 2 frequencies of photosynthesis to the duration of the earth year and venus year. This is NOT a coincidence goldenmean. infocoincidence SO - a) focused human attention, b) life force (photosynthesis), amp c) gravity - are all measureable electrically negentropic. Turns out what identifies the wave mechanics of each one is golden ratio phase conjugation to planck dimension March 2014 Events - Conferences - Upcoming Course Announcements from Implosion Group, Dan Winter. goldenmean. info and fractalfield Implosion Group with Dan Winter - is Announcing: All New Suite of Fractal Tech:Projectsgt Stay Tuned-see new films also at: TheImploder. fractalfield. Breakthru-Technologies. New HeartBreath Empathy Biofeedback - iPhone: heartsring Major Updates to Implosion GroupFractalField - many exciting RESEARCH PROJECT SUMMARY Latest Dan Winter Media Interview Implosion Group - newsletter reaches 10,000, Web attendance over 8 years - million per month, (below - for those available - invite to our event with Dr K. in South France) In conjunction with Dan Winters participation in NY 2014 quotThe amount of coherence in your auras charge field or plasma - is called your KA. The portion of that coherence which IS projectable and makes it to faster than light speed - is called the BA - like a seed pushed out of a husk or shell. The process of pushing the aura central charge seed (KA BA)- during death or coherent lucid dream involves a highly specific and known sequence of geometric phase transformations - documented as the Kluver Form Constants (images below). What is profoundly instructive is that these transformations specifically known to be the geometric sequences generally seen at death - are precisely the recursive braid mechanics also present in DNA - AND follow the physics of phase conjugation. In other words - the so called pure intention phase coherence of entering the world of the collective unconscious - or communion of saints requires specifically charge distribution optimized geometry - the so called phase conjugate dielectricmagnetic. This then suggests a very specific electrical environment for successful deathbirth - the prefect squeeze - enabling plasma distribution - the bed - the place - the magnetic map. As the Hopi and the Cherokee knew - the graveyard must be a plasma map - library card to survival critical ancestral memory as sustainable field effect. Korotkov pioneered how to measure the fractal charge distributed AIR - where phone calls to ancestors are enabled. Hints from the altar or shem at Machu Pichu. (Generally opposite of the obscene electrosmog of a modern hospital). This further explains as Ray Moody has so nicely documented from professional medical reports - that the Near Death Experience (like the Kundalini ) is an elecrically contagious plasma or charge field-with critical mass - and a propagation geometry. This Bio-PLASMA PROJECTION process explains in part the precise alignment of the tubes pointing from the Great Pyramid to Sirius - and the fractal star mapping of dolmen structures. In fact the ancient SHEM unto the Lord - Biblically mistranslated as ALTAR in church - is a phase conjugate dielectric bioactive field plasma projector stone or crystal - not only door to electrically successful deathbirth. It is no coincidence that the so called Sacred Ark - could non-destructively contain radioactive material - which we now know is an electrical quality of perfected conjugate compression EXACTLY like the same measureable quality of focused human attention. ALL of which is part of understanding the fractal conjugate implosive and negentropic ORIGIN in general of all centripetal forces. (the gravity, life force, perception). which include the wave mechanics of successful death. quot - related: Plasma Projection Symmetry Index - origin of Alphabets - goldenmean. infodnaring Sacred Geometry Fest. NYC April 4-13th, 2014 ldquoEre many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by power obtainable at any point in the universe. it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature. - Nikola Tesla The first principles of things will never be adequately known. Science is an openended endeavor, it can never be closed. We do science without knowing the first principles. It does in fact not start from first principles, nor from the end principles, but from the middle. We not only change theories, but also the concepts and entities themselves, and what questions to ask. The foundations of science must be continuously examined and modified it will always be full of mysteries and surprises. - T. E. Bearden, Ph. D. What would happen if and when all this stuff eventually gets used in a civilization After all, this society is scarcely above slightly organized barbarism. So letrsquos reverse the polarity on the wayback machine and take a peek into the future. Letrsquos set the year for say, 2491, and see the world through the eyes of a citizen of that time. - Bill Donavan. from his classic book Glimpses of Epiphany The extraction of energy directly from space has been sugested as a viable process for the solution of the enrgy problems of society - Bruce E. Depalma There is a persistent urban legend about Nikola Tesla, the prolific Serbian inventor. According to some contemporaries, he developed an electric car in the 1930s. He converted a Pierce Arrow car removing its tailpipe. He claimed that his greatest achievement was not alternating current or the radio, but a high voltage tube, which could produce energy and transmute materials. This story has usually been dismissed as nonsense. Now in the light of emerging LENR (Low Energy Nucler Reactionsaka Cold Fusion) experience, this could have been true after all. He claimed ldquonature has stored up in the universe infinite energy, rdquo (Columbia College Lecture, N. Y. May 20, 1891). Dear Subscriber Event Highlight with Dan Winter and Bill Donavan: Webinar April 9th EXTRACTING AND USING ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY FROM THE ACTIVE VACUUM VIA SACRED GEOMETRY PRINCIPLES WinterDonavan webinar via France: Applied Sacred Geometry: New Energy Systems, innovations and Physics. Thinking outside the BOX Discover in this webinar, why golden ratio is the wave solution to constructive compression implosion, phase conjugation, negentropy - and therefore life force, perception, and consciousness. Perhaps the secret to tap the vacuum APPLIED QUANTUM FRACTAL FIELD THEORY Breakthru-Technologies and the BIO-ACTIVE SYSTEMS Implosion Company presents solid science based on the unifying principles of the Fractal Field along with its technical applications. An inspiring new order of pure scientific principles, the fractal field operates and expresses itself through Phase Conjugation. What is a Fractal Because a fractal signifies infinite compression, it is what spans the gap between the symmetries of the very small and the very large. Fractals exhibit self-similarity, meaning their inner structure has the same pattern as their outer structure (like a pine cone or a fern tree). Just as fractality describes the geometry of waves of energy or charge, fractals manifest as wave patterns that evolve ad infinitum ndash like an encoded thread linking larger spirals to infinitely smaller ones. The Golden Mean (key to understanding the Fractal Field) The Golden Mean ratio is the keystone to: Sacred Geometry Ancient World Technologies Classical Architecture Sumerian, Egyptian and Greek Philosophies Mathematics Astronomy Chemistry Alchemy All the Platonic solids are Golden Mean proportioned. Representative of our global scientific and philosophical heritage, the Golden Mean is now being rediscovered and applied to cutting-edge physics and breakthrough technologies. The Fractal Field Unified Theory The Fractal Field Unified Theory and the principle of the Golden Mean allow for the addition and multiplication of waves of charge and energy. The idea of symmetry is vital to both. Quantum physicists can explain the menagerie of fundamental particles we observe ndash quarks, gluons, fermions, bosons and more ndash as different facets of a symmetrical object. Relativity, too, is an expression of the symmetries that exist between space and time (Einsteins famous equation Emc2 articulates a symmetry between mass and energy). Symmetry is part of the language of nature, from the molecular level on up: Many animals and plants exploit symmetrical shapes as a way of standing out against the chaos of their landscape. The Fractal Field Unified Theory illustrates that the perfect, infinite symmetry sought by physicists pre - and post-Einstein is a fractal and Golden Ratio phase conjugate field. For example, the DNA is a spiral that exhibits a Golden Mean structure. When we apply the electric principles of phase conjugation, the dielectric field made by DNA itself becomes suddenly clear. The Shape of the Universe BIO-ACTIVE Systems Dan Winter was one of the first scientists to provide evidence that the shape of the universe is a stellated dodecahedron. As a shape capable of producing the perfect fractal, the stellated dodecahedron can cause charges to scale, materialize and implode. While electric field theory has been slow to produce a model of a fractal electrical field, the stellated dodecahedron stands as its perfect 3-D realization. Winter was also one of the first scientists to attribute the cause of gravity to the fractal nature of the universe. According to Winterrsquos research, it is the stellated dodecahedronrsquos perfect charge collapse geometry ndash based on the Golden Mean ndash that creates gravity. Only the Golden Ratio allows for constructive interference of wave addition and multiplication. Winter is not alone in his convictions. World famous research scientist El Naschie agrees with Winter, and has calculated groundbreaking mathematics proving the universe is a fractal based on the Golden Ratio. Garrett Lisi recently went public with his like-minded Theory of Everything model E8. The work of Alain Connes has shown that non-commutative spaces naturally evolve toward fractality. In fact, most astrophysicists now agree that the shape of the universe is a dodecahedron. Groundbreaking physicist Andrei Linde has found fractals helpful in modeling the behavior of the universe, and is currently spearheading research suggesting that the fractal nature of space may actually be the cause of gravity. The revelation that the Golden Ratio is the essence of fractality ndash and thereby the root cause of gravity (along with all centripetal forces) ndash is groundbreaking in that it links waves of all kinds to a single fractal heart. DISCOVER THE SOLUTIONS TO THE GROWING ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL NEEDS OF OUR PLANET - and get involved A rich understanding of the fundamentals of the universe is at the heart of these sophisticated, sustainable technologies. If yoursquore passionate about innovations in energy production systems, sustainability and agriculture, health and education, and interested in being part of the solutions - not the problems, then the Breakthru-Technologies is the place to be. We represent a brilliant international team of cutting edge scientists and investors, all committed to effective change and a vision of a better world. NOTE: Book by 25th March to receive event discounts MARK YOUR 2014 CALENDAR FOR THE SACRED GEOMETRY EVENT OF THE YEAR Featuring Scott Olsen Ph. D, Robert Lawlor (Aust.) . Mark Hanf, Steve Bass, Dorothea Rockburne, Frank Vedegys, Lance Harding Ph. D, John Lloyd, Karl Lorenzen, Dan Winter and Bill Donavan. Join me in this celebration of the Art and Science of Sacred Geometry beginning Friday evening April 4th in NYC REAL BIOLOGIC HISTORIC EXAMPLE OF (AN IMMORTALIZING) NEGENTROPIC FIELD Vincent Bridges - Dan Winter Compendium - 72 page pdf - Recommended reading - download here . VincentBridgesDanWinterCompendium. pdf - Key points: Historical study evidencing that many of the secret codes of Nostredamus and Leonardo DaVince (Virgin in the Rocks et al)- point clearly to a pent land magnetic - in South France St Remy Arles - which provided the (negentropic) environment for the real Grail bloodline - Trophimius secret son of Magdalen - the real John - whose knee print melted - his Arles - coffin lid - becoming the Grail Platen - setting off hundreds of years - rush-to be buried with him - in the Arlyscamp - literally Elysium Field.. Also - summary investigations of the physics of Angel Alphabets - John Dee Kelly and much more - a real insight into our lifetime teachings of Physics of the Grail mysteries - Originally assembled with Roger Green - fengshuiseminars in conjunction with ongoing lectures in South France - Grail Series.. Below: News - from TheImploder Celebrating our new successful assembly operation, the spring growing season - and the upcoming release of our dramati c new Imploder Brochure - (cover below)- we are extending our very special offer - for Superimploder - and also Triploder - if you agree to share the results of your testing (as so many have )- we have a very attractive arrangement to get you started - contact: infofractalfield or US 310 651 8123 Aug 2014- New SuperImploder Results Report - We are so excited about this 168 Growth Benefit - Marijuana-with Superimploder 168Growth Benefit - Marijuana - Alberta Trials-Documented w2 Photos Tester - A. V.- Critical Study-Trials - Superimploder - Edmonton, Canada - wrote (quoting) gt Aug 1, 2014 - quote: ldquoHi Dan, Thanks a million for such an amazing piece of technology, I am so happy to have it - test results. (Hemp) Strain. Church - Result - Superimploder Growth Benefit to Marijuana 168 church A - 227g - SUPER-IMPLODED water (Reverse osmosis) church B - 135g - Reverse osmosis water These two plants where grown under LED lights and all the variables have been kept the same, the only difference between them is the water type. rdquo Now included in the special offer: Triploder as well also upcoming with Dan Winter - Short summary - film above - When DNA - is imbued with life force genetic diversity - and implodes. The (golden ratio phase conjugate fractal recursive negentropic) recursive braiding of DNA - embeds centripetally and phase coherently - in the electrical presence of bliss (coherent conjugate ekgeeg)- sucking in its electrical environment - to become powerful and sustainable (virtually immortal). ( DNA imploding geometrics graphics . goldenmean. infodnamanifesto ) announces his new book: (self organization, golden ratio, and biologic life principle) April 6, 2014 - quot Hi Dan, gt I hope you are fine and doing well. My book quotDiscovery of the Life-Organizing Principle - In Search of the Fundamental Laws of Lifequot is now available. gt I have acknowledged your collaboration and the importance of your discoveries to my work. Please find enclosed. gt Kind regards gt Elsheikhquot Video Research Updates from Dan Winter ( with links ) Priore Regenerative Field Tech Published on Mar 8, 2014 MAP stands for Magnetically Aligned Plasma, advanced technology based on the 1960s ground breaking Priore Technology that proved without a doubt that magnetic plasmas can regenerate the bodys cells. Full description on Breakthru-technologies breakthru-technologiestechnologiesmagnetically-activated-plasmas-map Based on magnetic cascade, which eliminates pain and speeds healing. In the 1960s and 1970s, in France Antoine Priore built and tested electromagnetic healing machines of startling effectiveness. In hundreds and hundreds of rigorous tests with laboratory animals, Priores machine cured a wide variety of the most difficult kinds of terminal, fatal diseases known today. However - the technology was then supressed. Time to now get it back into society. We are very passionate about this and are seeking investors. Comment from Dan Winter: above we have complete breakthru - DRAMATIC and SOLID physics evidence of the ability to build the planets most regenerative, negentropic, healing field effect - DEMONSTRATING THE ABSOLUTE PURE PRINCIPLE OF WHAT LIVING NEGENTROPY IS the real caducceus conjugate magic of Hermes - all this - while not one government, hospital, university, or medical school, or publication - even remotes cares or gives a damm - or would even consider that self regenerating fields exist and can be made. THE most important concept ever developed in healing: the electrical ESSENCE of the root of all real bible study: quotI will build a SHEM (regenerative field) altar unto the Lordquot. What this tells me is that those stupid institutions of this planet deserve their impending death. The only path out of chaos is clearly electrically marked - it is phase conjugate and negentropic - and those whose arrogance blinds them to the truth - deserve the chaos they face. This principle is especially the essential solution to those who need to restore electrical negentropy to the ATMOSPHERE AROUND DYING PLANETs. like Earth (if you thought your climate was going into chaos. you aint seen nothin yet..) Please read some of the very detailed pdf file s: and see the description below - courtesy of Tom Bearden Complete document from Tom Bearden - Predictions - harmonics emerge from chaos - and stock market: Published on Mar 8, 2014 www, FractalWaveForecast The stock and Forex markets were a perfect environment to leverage our technology that understands oscillations in financial markets are biologically induced. By adjusting the threshold conditions to say when there are dominant harmonics present in a stock or Forex price history - the shape of the next move can be used to identify the next likely direction. Take a look at independent trades, statistics and proof of concept charts. The living wave function happens because when a million people are involved in the stock market - it is a living event, that has quotemerged from chaos. quot It creates a pattern, an emotion, a movement, an expression, a predictable order that can be measured, tested, validated and used as a tool for stock market analysis. ANY wave form that enters into implosive collapse or quotcompressionquot - has therefore become part of a self organizing system. By applying unique IP mathematics - we can powerfully look at stock analysis - in a far more subtle and sensitive manner - for the well known Golden Ratio-indicators of the moment of self-organization. Any wave shape - which is going to emerge from chaos - is going to exhibit these characteristics. Other Implosion Group - quotRestored Centripetal Forcesquot Projects: Example of our (Dan Winter team) development of fast conjugator (implosive) dielectric field - BIOACTIVE field generator (Icosaphi amp Pyraphi) All inner surfaces are gold - in phase conjugate charge geometry. Powerful centripetal charge field: will - accelerate growth, reduce radioactivity, preserve life force (food etc). To be added soon: phase conjugate MAGNETICS: pain reduction, healing acceleration. Global Heart Link Up with Breath Heart Entrainment - over IPhone: heartsring Global PEACE UNIVERSITY - Comprehensive Science of PeaceMaking Curriculum - based on PEACE as defined by CENTRIPETAL FORCE - goldenmean. infopeaceuniversity Origin of Alphabets Symbol - as Physics: goldenmean. infodnaring Main Index (2 million hitsmonth). goldenmean. info History amp Physics of FIRE IN THE BLOOD Origin of BioElectric - NEGENTROPY: The subject of this article is the electrical origin and history of negentropic (self organizing), centripetal (implosive) fields in blood. (As in where does physics learn about soul). First a background discussion: It is critical to understand how the electrical cause of centripetal, negentropic ( conjugate implosive) fields - are absolutely essential to the nature of life, consciousness, and the path out of chaos in general. First let us be clear - this is all related to the stupefying tragedy caused by Earths physics community really not having a clue - to the wave symmetry cause of any centripetal (and negentropic) field. This is why current physics also has no information as to WHY an object falls to the ground - or what electrical field causes life and mind and awareness. These are all phase conjugate and negentropic (self organizing ) wave phenomenon. SO - wouldnt you think scientists who CLEARLY observed negentropy and self organization in phase conjugate optics - would at least admit to you that the absolute most important question in all of physics ( how do waves emerge from chaos, and make life and mind and negentropy) - desperately needed an answer - if we were to survive as a species (as in - if you hadnt noticed - right now chaos seems to be winning..) NO - those physicists who also really have not a clue to what a makes a phase conjugate mirror work. The non-linear material question so artfully swept under the rug - they dont know WHY certain material MAKES a phase conjugate mirror works - The truth is the magic material which motorizes negentropy in phase conjugate mirrors must be phase conjugate to planck dimensions both at atomic and molecular scales. (Again - the visual here for phase conjugation as a wave phenomenon is essentially two golden spiral pine cones - learning to kiss noses - animated: goldenmean. infograil ) This is the same science community - ignorant of the phase conjugate wave nature of all paths out of chaos - who knowingly nod their heads when you ask them why does a bird fly south in the winter - INSTINCT they assure you. When in fact the word instinct is merely a label for ABSOLUTE IGNORANCE. ( chaos is definitely winning in the language of science). Maybe we should ask them why the word G-ray-vity means quotG - Ray of Vitaquot - the generative centripetal spiral wave mechanics of life itself What IS clear by measurement - is that human consciousness IS electrically centripetal and negentropic ( Tiller - measuring fields compress when exposed to attention, Dossey measuring seed growth accelerated when exposed to human attention, Geller measuring radioactive half life reduced by human attention - like it is also reduced by phase conjugate dielectrics). The illustration of this principle I most like - are the numerous testimonials about roses popping open suddenly in the hand of a saint. Centripetal fields are the ESSENCE of making bioactive healing charge ( - see PRIORE device film and links above, also theimploder and pyraphi ). We explained at length the wave mechanic origin of FLAME IN THE MIND - how brainwaves in phase conjugate golden ratio frequency signature - combined with hemispheres 180 degrees out of phase - produce the compressional longitudinal field effect - - at fractalfieldmindwave This is the teachable, measureable brainwave pattern of all psychokinesis, prayer, and how you create your immortal kesjahn ka (aura plasma coherence). your only vehicle thru death (KA means boat to the underworld.) SO - to those who understand how to re-arrange waves so that negentropy - happens - chaos is avoided - to them belong a path alive out of history. The only alternative ultimately is Death (of their species). Note especially the phase conjugate negentropic hygiene which is associated with taking memory thru death ( goldenmean. infoimmortality ). To the rest - your stubborn physicist community - who smugly ignore everything we have published about implosion - we send them appropriately to their karma: chaos and oblivion. Specifically - this graphic below - reprises exactly what your physics community obscenely chooses to ignore (golden ratio phase conjugate origin of centripetal forces): - our published physics article - mathematics and wave mechanics proof: golden ratio is the solution to constructive wave interference, non-destructive compression - and phase conjugation negentropy: goldenmean. infomathematicsoffusion - This (lo frequency phase conjugate pump wave) is for example clear proof of what phase conjugate wave symmetry CAUSES photosynthesis. This is how you cook up life NEGENTROPY among waves This is more than just the optical frequency recipe which obviously restores attention span to your childrens classroom. - as in shoot those damm non-full spectrum flourescent lights will you.. - it is also the GENERALIZED wave mechanic recipe to get all of life out of chaos So - having vented my frustration-. actually looking at the murderous governments everywhere in the world. perhaps these tragedies are too little to mention. We always knew chaos was winning. we see that locally - but perhaps. riding a longer wave of history. Back to my subject here. history and physics of negentropy - implosion in blood. HOW human DNA participates in the broad spectral - implosive - negentropic - phase conjugate PUMP WAVE - which ensouls: 1. The recursive braiding golden ratio molecular geometry - contributes to the mid range frequency component ( khz - mhz) - Probably relates to the so - called psychokinetic measuring BOSON 7- or MicroChloridians in the blood stories..- doing REAL power spectra of DNA to measure psychokinesis evolution is of course a political hot potato. 2. The imposive geometry of hydrogen - golden ratio proven orbits - at the DNA ladder rung core - contributes to the very hi frequency phase conjugate component. 3. The lo frequency phase conjugate component - seems likely largely generated by the below 50 hz beautiful harmonic cascades - from the heart brain during peak experience coherent emotion bliss (much of my lifes work was on this). The EKG harmonic cascade during peak emotion appears to be a linear - octave based harmonic series - which however - seems to move closer to a conjugate .618 hz - key signature - during love empathy etc. WHEREAS the EEG harmonic series - during bliss psychokinesis - projective plasma events - appears to take on beautiful golden ratio - precisely phase conjugate harmonic series (see BLISSTUNER - again at goldenmean. infoclinicalintro ). And what may be even more beautiful - as we discuss in the frequency cascade graphic at the top of this article - the KEY signature ALPHA EEG frequency - seems to lock on to the Schumann resonance - planetary embedding - which is also profoundly phase conjugate to PLANCK length - and time (meaning precisely atomically implosive). - RESULT - a plasma field around DNA which is psychokinetic - negentropic - time travelling - lucid dreaming - and ensouled These are all the things which our Nephalim - Draco - Uru - Annunaki ancestors precisely could not do. To - Enlil Yalweh and the soulless - cloners - - we send our condolences. Compare the real mechanism of soul - by BLISS MEDIATED - penetration into the immortal by biologic plasma coherence - (see how the DNA field does it - below) the clueless - Stephen Hawking approach: he says: STEM CELLS are the key to immortality. What he doesnt know is that phase conjugate dielectric (implosive charge) fields - are the key to switching on and off - stem cell behavior. What lies deeper beneath this - is that the conjugate field of the stem cell - in order to have soul making context - requires - EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE - of what cloning offers - in order to make the human plasma field - actually immortal SO - Stephen Hawking - who (like the obviously deprived primitive monkey like skull cavity of George Bush) sadly it appears - is lacking the biological equipment - to HAVE a glandular bliss experience. SO he advocates - the soullless approach of the Nephalim - Draco. OF course - those who choose a machine mechanical assisted form for metal life extension - for them the only form of life extension is a metal environment. Stephen Hawking limited understanding represents a ground-hog day - were gonna have to repeat this mistake - return to our soulless ancestors. Instead of maximizing the negentropic field effect of a genetic diverse biosphere to create the ensouling negentropic charge implosion of nature - with the yoga lifestyle of charge attraction - NO - these small minded - clueless to how DNA makes a soul types - would lead you down the literally DEAD end path - which took the Dracos ( our part ancestors) and the Greys - to their dead metal encased - soulless agony. Our past - and their soulless future - does not have to be our future Bit of irony here - that Enki (and his Caducceus conjugator - sidekick HermesThothTehute DaWiD)- - Enkis other name NUDIMUD - means THE CLONER. (see Anton Parks) - talk about finding your job description IS the problem instead of the solution. By becoming his Fathers team leading cloner - he discovered exactly how cloning was de-souling his bloodline - and offered the solution - the Caducceus. In the physics of wave mechanics - the Caducceus - IS the shape of a conjugate field. Naturally generated by DNA - in the right (blissful) biologic context - the conjugate wave (so called perfect storm - rogue) - can propell our bioplasma aura - into the immortal. This becomes exactly the mechanism which makes Enkis profession THE CLONER - obsolete. So - our story - we start with implosion in DNA.. About the DNA geometry: - First - a short review of what we have said in other articles about the PHYSICS of implosion phase conjugation negentropy in blood (soul by black hole).. we clearly show the recursive braid algorhythmn of DNA is golden ratio phase conjugate (implosive). above from quotGeometric Extensions of Consciousnessquot by Anne Tyng Emphasizing particularly in Anne Tyng geometric analysis of DNA - watchet braid (from Coxeter she suggests): DNA BRAID: quotRotating Dodecahedron with 10 turns per circumference - in each turn a GOLDEN RATIO Progression: VERTICAL INCREMENT OF TURN. Golden Ratio HORIZONTAL INCREMENT OF TURN. Golden Ratio 2 RADIUS OF TURN. Golden Ratio 3 quot Note how this applies to the exact visions sequence: KLUVER FORM CONSTANTS - which accompany near death experience: goldenmean. infoimmortality Compare how DNA recursive braid embeds - to implode - geometrically - with the Kluver Form Constants - the sequence of visions geometrical shown to be archtypal to the death visions sequence. Note how Ray Moody has extensively shown - documented by high level medical professionals - that the electrical black hole of the death experience - is specifically contagious - and anyone sensitive nearby will often be sucked in. (first image credit - Ann Tyng. 2nd image from Dan Winter) - - At DEATH - or bliss kundalini tantra - moments: This KHEM unto the lord - black hole created by the phase conjugating genetic field - is DNAs way of attempting plasma projection - if you throw the ball coherently - it creates a plasma toroid which can sustain. It becomes the doorway thru death - to immortality - depending on coherence - whose climax form is phase conjugate. Here we shed more light on the archtypal concept: the BA from the KA - Translating the Egyptian concept - the KA - is the AMOUNT of coherence in your plasma aura - enabling your boat into the underworld - and the BA is squeezed out from the KA - like a seed from the husk. The BA is the part of your plasma coherent aura - which CAN and DOES survive implosive compression acceleration THRU the speed of light - enables lucid dreaming, time travel, and memory mainenance thru death. This is where the human DNA experiment - CAN - outshine our Draco URU Annunaki - anyone not cloned is illegal ancestors. The hydrogen center bond of each codon is phase conjugate fractal implosive negentropic . - - The center of each implosive CODON rung (image above) on the DNA ladder - IS the HYDROGEN atom which is precisely implosive phase conjugate in nuclear structure: goldenmean. infogoldenproof (since my new equation proved that at least 3 radii of hydrogen are precisely whole number golden ratio exponents times planck length - therefore here is a corrected picture of the radii of hydrogen - at the heart of DNAs implosive braid: Phase Conjugate TORNADO - to the SOUL: the black hole wormhole down the center zipper of DNA Recursive phase conjugate phonon pump wave braiding (EKG EEG harmonics of bliss emtion)- make this broad spectral enveloping long wave embedding.. We suggest the mechanism which allow human emotions like love and bliss - to program DNA to implosive soul making - is long wave piezoelectric BRAIDING - phase conjugate pump waves - from the frequency signature of EKG and EEG during love and bliss - shareable wave - emotions of pure intent - measureably causing implosive braid in DNA.- see image below pic from rein (exerpts here: Mechanism of EKGCoherent Emotion Progamming DNA by BRAID. measured.(click pic for link) Defining and Measuring ASCENTION - in EKG and DNA BRAID: Real meaning of ASCENTION: DNA Ascends in Braiding Piezoelectric HARMONIC INCLUSIVENESS - measureably in reponse to EKG Heart Coherence - harmonic inclusiveness Read about Heart Harmonic INCLUSIVENESS - at goldenmean. infoholarchy I am correctly credited in the literature for inventing this term HEART COHERENCE - because I originally developed the mathematics (cepstrum) for how heart coherence is measured ( fractalfieldcoherence ) - We pioneered the biofeedback to teach this coherent emotion - originally HeartTuner - goldenmean. infohearttunerspecial - and now HeartsRing - HRV-heart breath coherence - empathy training - iPhone iPad. New - Aug 2013: Powerful Psychoactive BINAURAL BEAT - Audio Generator Software released - for use with HeartsRing See demo and info. fractalfieldmindwave The major point of the MINDWAVE article and extensive film series - was.. Bliss and Implosive brainwave (immortalizing) psychokinesis - can be further measured and taught (with biofeedback - even beyond my Blisstuner ) now because we know TWO things about the BRAINWAVE - EEG - signature of peak perception bliss psychokinesis: 1. Brainwave EEG harmonics alphabeta frequency cascade enters GOLDEN MEAN (phase conjugate implosive) RATIO (alpha locked to Schumann conjugation-top graph) and 2. - in addition - the right versus left hemisphere of the EEG must be 180 degrees out of phase - in order to make the necessary LONGITUDINAL (compressional) WAVE - which accounts for psychokinesis - compression at a distance (fusion control) - the so called FLAME IN THE MIND acknowledgement here to Marc Kroeks - for his help in developing this audio code A Potent Binaural Beat - sound generator - specifically designed - to create precisely - the (golden ratio) phase conjugate - EEG - AND the ne cessary (180 degree) phase relationship to make brain hemispheres create the LONGITUDINAL (sometimes incorrectly called SCALAR) wave frequency recipe - essential to centripetal forces (making the FLAME IN THE MIND)- heart of psychokinesis. Note: this can be disorienting - use carefully. The psychological issue is that if your emotions cannot focus (you have not made your memories into a perfectly distributeable wave-) then the very nature of the perfect flame in your mind - first must burn every emotion wave not rendered SHAREABLE. (another way of saying - need to develop the focus of pure intention - gently first - before you try living in the FLAME - which like kundalini - will otherwise feel like hell) . quotPrepare to enter the perfect biologic flame in the same way you prepare for. prayer. your lover. or. death - THE STILL POINT GETS YOU COMING AND GOING. quot (kind of adds to the romance doesnt it..) The phase conjugate (centripetal) point - has its own discipline - which like the ruthless eye of the eagle - implodes all in its aura - and re-radiates only the perfectly SHAREABLE (regenerate) wave (time reversal ONLY applies to those returning to a MORE ordered state) New Software download for new longitudinal phase conjugate EEG builder - binaural beat - (above) - from dan winter . inventor heart coherence iphone - thanks for your interest in what I believe is the most potent binaural beat audio software - for peak perception - yet. The software is called Secret Sound the description is at fractalfieldmindwave Particularly in the last film there.. (To maximize psychokinesis) - The sound series can be set to the key signature of your hearts musical fundamental - taken from the iPhone HeartsRing but that is optional - The default harmonic series (depicted at the link) actually is probably the most potent because it is tuned to pure phase conjugation from planck length (more FRACTALITY IN TIME at goldenmean. infocoincidence ) -- We believe setting the phase difference between hemispheres to 180 degrees in the Secret Sound software is most potent because it produces the psychokinetic LONGITUDINAL waves in the brain ( see article at fractalfieldmindwave To use the Secret Sound Software (acknowledgement here to Marc Kroeks): download: unzip that. exe file (runs in Windows) then put that file in the same folder as (download this required. dll too) also put the following file in the same folder -- Run the program set the ha rmonic series - as suggested at link to start use headphones preferably - for the binaural beat effect note this is potent - so use gently and with care feel free to email me with questions dan winter skype danwinter danwinter (at) fractalfield (note this software ran fine in Windows XP and Windows 7. added note - for Windows 8: in the directory that has the program, and the OCX file, you need to run this in an elevated command prompt, regsvr32 MSCOMCTL. OCX. once you register it, it will run - see screen exerpt here (thanks to Jason) So it is my view - that the structural and wave mechanic mechanism (lo frequency phase conjugate pump wave) by which DNA implodes to become negentropic and ensouled - is now fairly well understood. Consider - a probable solution to WHY DNA - is ennantiomorphic: the necessary assymetric handedness of all biologic proteins. The DIRECTION of rotation on the surface of a torus - determines whether the net gravity created is centripetal or centrifugal (similar to why one pole of a magnet is more centripetal - and healing than the other - the physics of ying yang). SO - biologic proteins HAVE to go one way only - SO that the phase direction of the phase conjugate pump waves in DNA helixes (schumann to EKG cascades - of bliss emotion) - WILL be necessarily in the centripetal AND negetropic (self organizing direction). Example of negentropic handedness - (HOW the Vimana flew) when you pump high inertia mercury liquid in the correct toroid spiral trajectory to make gravity (star trek impulse powder - vs the kowsky frost which was their warp power)- the DIRECTION on the critical trajectory determines the polarity of the gravity (independant inertial field) created. Next - for one of our prime example projects demonstrating the Phase Conjugate Negentropy Principle - more help on the PRIORE HEALING TECHNOLOGY (film intro above) - here exerpted from goldenmean. infophaseconjugate Fractal Field Technologies. Update, New Films, New Background Articles.. with Dan Winter Update - Mathematics of PHASE CONJUGATION FUSION - June 2012: fractalfieldmathematicsoffusion also - addend here - complete review of Priore Phase Conjugate Tech - below - added more from Tom Bearden - see bottom here.. Update July 2011 . 20 New Films on Phase Conjugation and the RESTORATION OF CENTRIPETAL - Self Organizing and Life-Giving - FORCES . fractalfieldcentripetalforces Also see: replicated measurements of our Phase Conjugate Dielectric PYRAPHI - accelerating metabolism 40-50: pyraphi Related new developments - we now have equations to show that the PHASE CONJUGATE MAGNETIC (term coined by Dan Winter) - frequencies Elizabeth Rauscher used in her FDA study on magnetic pain elimination - DID FIT Dan Winters equation( planck time x golden ratio exponents) for phase conjugate magnetics. COMPRESSION RESTORED IS HEALING Also related Dan Winters new equation showing this same equation for phase conjugation (fractality) in space (planck length x golden ratio exponents), and in time (planck time x golden ratio exponents)- defines synchronicity - time is charge rotation - synchronicity is the charge distribution enabled by fractality in time: goldenmean. infocoincidence Finally - note this same equation predicts which frequencies do create photosynthesis (life is the charge distribution this phase conjugation fractality allows): fractalfieldfractalphotosynthesis also more on Breakthru-Technologies - Conference and Scientists Summit: Calgary Over 1,000 people attended this lecture from Dan Winter, In Riccione Italy - on the Adriatic.. Accompanying his new book release in Italian - which was a sell-out on site.. Click here for PART TWO of this film - English and Italian: Growing Your Aura - Toward Immortality:Science Review. Science Review: Phase Conjugation and HEALING.. This section is about the PRIORE Healing Machine - which is an outstanding example of centripetal conjugate fields - creating electrical HEALING SELF-ORGANIZATION. The principlen is that naturally phase conjugate noble gases are pumped with a conjugating frequency - which fits my new equation (planck time - exponents golden ratio). --This produces electromagnetic and optical conjugating centripetal fields - so essential to healing. Please download the major PRIORE TECH pdf documents - here - : and see the description below - courtesy of Tom Bearden Complete from Tom Bearden - This is simply a short reprint from some of Tom Beardens helpful notes on Phase Conjugation, Self Organization and the Healing process. It should be pointed out that Tom nicely notes the observable nature of self organization and self repair - in The Priore (Healing) Machine and Phase Conjugation In the 1960s and 1970s, in France Antoine Priore built and tested electromagnetic healing machines of startling effectiveness. In hundreds and hundreds of rigorous tests with laboratory animals, Priores machine cured a wide variety of the most difficult kinds of terminal, fatal diseases known today. Funded by the French government in the amount of several million dollars, Priores machines concretely demonstrated a nearly 100 cure of all kinds of terminal cancers and leukemias, in thousands of rigorous laboratory tests with animals. These results were shown to medical scientists as early as 1960. Many of the experiments and tests were done by prestigious members of the French Academy of Sciences. Robert Courrier, head of the Biology Section: and Secretaire Perpetuel, personally introduced Priores astounding results to the French Academy. The operation of the Priore machine was seemingly incomprehensible. Many orthodox French scientists8212some of them world renowned8212were outraged at the success of such a machine, shrilling that science had nothing to do with quotblack boxes:.quot They loudly called upon the inventor to explain the mechanism utilized by his machine, but the inventor either wouldnt or couldnt explain the curative mechanism. Priore certainly knew how to build the machine and make it work. It is debatable to this day whether anyone8212Priore included 8212actually understood its principle of operation. Neither the French Academy nor Antoine Priore knew anything of phase conjugation at the time. In fact, the entire Western World knew nothing of phase conjugation in the 1960s when Priore was getting his finest results. At that time, only the Soviets knew of time-reversed waves. Certainly Priores machine was impressive. Into a tube containing a plasma of mercury and neon gas, a pulsed 9.4 gigahertz wave modulated upon a carrier frequency of 17 megahertz was introduced. These waves were produced by radio emitters and magnetrons in the presence of a 1,000 gauss magnetic field. Experimental animals were exposed to this magnetic field during irradiation, and the mixture of waves (some 17 or so) coming from the plasma tube and modulating and riding the magnetic field passed through the animals bodies. Amongst other things, a plasma can convert a transverse wave to a longitudinal wave. Also, phase conjugate (time-reversed) waves can be produced by plasmas. Priores apparatus produced a scalar EM wavesignal with deliberately constructed, infolded components including phase conjugate waves. One of Priores intermediate devices. This device cured terminal cancers and leukemias in thousands of laboratory animals. (Courtesy Bob Whitney) One may roughly view a cancer cell as a normal human cell gone quotawryquot and out of control of the bodys master cellular control system. The cancerous cells, viewed as a sort of separate, parasitic group of cells, form a special kind of organism having its own master cellular control system quotlevel, quot immersed in the hosts biopotential. One strongly points out the relevance of Dr. Robert Beckers epochal experiments proving that cells can be dedifferentiated and redifferentiated electrically. Those experiments are strong indicators that the cancer cell should be capable of being reverted to its more primitive state8212that of the normal cell8212by electromagnetic means. There is thus a specific, constant electromagnetic quotdeltaquot that differentiates the parasitic cancerous quotorganismquot from the normal - human cellular organism. This quotdeltaquot can be considered a sort of constant, complex-structured charge existing in the bodys atomic nuclei. Its exactly as if the body biopotential had been charged up by Kaznacheyevs quotdeath photonsquot for that specific cancer condition. If this cancerous quotdeltaquot (which may be rather like a complex intermodulation mix of waves)8212or a frequency shifted quottransformquot of it to a different frequency band8212is phase conjugated, a specific healing delta frequency pattern results. If phase conjugate replicas of a cancers cells specific quotdeltaquot frequencies are fed into the body having that cancer, the deviation of the cancer cells master cellular control system will be quottime reversed. quot That will return the cancer cell to control of the animals proper master cellular control system. The cancerous cell will be immediately destroyed, or reverted back to a normal cell of the animal. A very similar process exists for just about every disease bacterium and infectious agent that attacks the body. The Kaznacheyev experiments in the Soviet Union proved that any cellular death and disease pattern can be induced by a specific electromagnetic pattern carried on an electromagnetic signal, if the t arget cells are bombarded with the pattern-carrying carrier signals for a length of time. What was not published of Kaznacheyevs work was the correspondent work showing electromagnetic reversal of cellular death and disease conditions by irradiating the diseased cell cultures by phase conjugate replicas of the pattern-carrying induction signal. In simplified terms, if an action in forward time induces a condition, then the time-reversal of that action will reverse the condition. The concept is almost laughably simple. The time-reversal of an electromagnetic disease process is a specific healing process for that disease. In his device, Priore internally structured the carrier photons themselves8212making them vacuum engines. He phase conjugated his vacuum engines, and then passed these time-reversed vacuum engines down and through a strong magnetic field which thoroughly penetrated all cells of the biological organism being treated. The scalar components (structured photons) representing the time-reversal of the disease were absorbed and reradiated in all the cells, quotcharging upquot the nuclei of the atoms in the organism to some potential level of the exact quothealing and reversing pattern. quot In the process, the cancerleukemia patterncharge also destroyed the cancer calls, or converted them back to normal cells as appropriate. As a highly simplified analogy, the complex signal - viewed as a scalar Fourier expansion - represented a quotstressquot against any abnormal cellular control system encountered and returned it to the normal cells master cellular control system of the body. Encountering the normal control system in normal cells, it produced zero stress. Encountering the abnormal control system in tumerous cells, it produced great stress on it, reverting it to the normal control system of the bodys normal cells. Thus to a normal cell the Priore signal pattern acted somewhat as a comb passing through ones hair. No interference occurred with the normal cell (one whose scalar control pattern is phase-locked to the bodys master cellular control system and in phase with it). The Priore signal stimulated and quotstrokedquot the normal cell, but did not hurt it at all. On the other hand, the scalar control pattern in and of an abnormal (cancerous) cell is out of phase with the bodys master cellular control system, and is not phase-locked to it. Hence the Priore signal caused direct interference with the abnormal cells independent scalar control system. The interference pattern constituted the reconstruction of normal energy directly in the cancerous cell, and also jammed its abnormal scalar life signal. This destroyed the cancerous cell by two mechanisms: (1) physical energy was kindled directly in the abnormal cell, causing direct mechanical damage, and (2) the cancerous cell, being an quotindependent living critter, quot had its scalar life channel (connecting its primitive quotmindquot to its quotbodyquot) jammed and stopped. If the cancerous cell was reverted to a normal cell by the Priore stress before being destroyed, it became just a normal cell and the Priore stress had no further effect upon it. Any disease with cellular, biochemical, or genetic basis can be cured in like fashion. Priores method, for example, was clearly shown to be able to completely reverse clogging of the arteries with fatty deposits, and to be able to lower the cholesterol level to normal, even in the presence of an abnormally high cholesterol diet. His method also showed complete mastery and cure of sleeping sickness and trypanosome-induced illnesses. Often Priore found that every cell of the body8212even the hair8212 must be irradiated and treated (quotcharged upquot) with the signal, for the disease pattern was in every cell. The master cellular control system is holographic8212the pattern (substructured potential with its dynamic, oscillating components) is in each component (each atomic nucleus, hence in each cell.) Every structural level of the body larger than the cell also has its own correlated pattern, or modulation, on the overall. A biological organism can regenerate lost limbs, for example, if it can utilize its natural recovery process in a Priore manner. Even though Priores work was presented to the French Academy of Sciences by Robert Courrier, the prestigious head of the Biology Section, the Academy could not understand the device and its functioning. That was because the Academicians knew nothing of scalar electromagnetics, and phase conjugation, and the Priore machine was a scalar electromagnetic device using phase conjugation. In 1974, a change of local government lost Priore his government supporters. His support and funding were lost. Ironically, Priore was just completing a 4-stories-tall apparatus capable of radiating and treating entire human bodies. It would have been capable of curing cancer and leukemia in humans rather than just in laboratory rats. (His previous machines were much smaller, and only a small animal could be irradiated whole-body. In that machine Priore used a quot1amp, quot a special section, in which 17 specific frequencies were mixed and modulated upon the 9.4 gigahertz carrier. The large, special, phase-conjugating plasma tube for Priores giant device. The final machine would have treated humans quotwhole-body. quot (Courtesy Bob Whitney) Capping assembly for the top of Priores giant plasma tube device. The last device would have treated human patients quotwhole-body. quot The cap assembly was on the third floor of the device. (Courtesy Bob Whitney) The machine was large enough to irradiate humans over their whole body. It should have been capable of curing cancer and leukemia in two five-minute irradiations, one week apart. While Priore was still alive, with my associates I spent nearly two years of my life in an effort to bring the Priore device to market and into the mainstream of medical research and developmen t. Robert Whitney, Frank Golden, and Tony Gideon played the major role, going to France and negotiating directly with the Priore group and the French government. Verbal agreements with both the Priore group and with the French government were obtained. The machines were to be built, assembled, and tested in Bordeaux. Then they were to be dismantled and shipped to the purchasers8212large medical research and development laboratories where they would be reassembled on site. A group of wealthy backers was going to provide the necessary millions to fund the effort. Final contracts were being drawn. Mysteriously, all funding for the project was suddenly withdrawn. Our backers were quotleaned onquot very hard and strongly threatened. Nothing we could do could revive the project. Priore never again recovered his funding, and later died. The machine fell into disarray and was disassembled. However, the proof that the requisite time-reversed signal can be produced, and will ride down a magnetic field, to penetrate every cell and every atomic nucleus in the body, is already in the present hard-core physics literature, if one knows where to look and how to properly interpret the work. The fact that such signals can reverse nearly every major cellular illness condition of the body also has been proven by Priore and the scientists who worked with him, and it is in the French scientific literature. The Priore-type cure for AIDS and other diseases only requires the necessary funding and personnel to be redeveloped and reestablished. A Non-Technical Description of the Priore Process A Non-Technical Description of the Priore Process by Tom Bearden November 9th, 2000 In simple terms, it works like this. There are two mechanisms in the body of concern to treatment of disease and recovery from disease and damage. One is the immune system, which is like the soldiers on a battlefield. It attacks the quotbad guysquot (the invaders) and destroys them. After a great battle, usually it wins (or we would all die), and the battlefield is littered with the residue. The immune system also has large quotscavengerquot cells when then come in and quotclean up the residuequot. Thereafter, the function of the immune system is over. It does not quothealquot anything, even its own damaged cells. The actual quothealingquot system in the body is the cellular regenerative system, poorly studied, and in fact mostly studied by Becker. This is an electromagnetic system, but of a rare kind not used in our common power systems, communication systems, etc. Instead of using the common transverse EM waves, this system uses longitudinal EM waves and time-polarized EM waves. Ugh A time-polarized EM wave is an energy current in the time domain, and the basis for such does appear in a very modern physics theory called quantum field theory. There we are introduced to time-polarized photons, for example. The easiest way to quotvisualizequot a time-polarized oscillation is that, instead of oscillating energy in space, the wave oscillates the rate of flow of time just a little bit. So it is a quotcompression and rarefaction of the local rate of flow of timequot, so to speak. Anyway, just as biological systems used common electromagnetism, frequency modulation, amplitude modulation etc. for eons before Maxwell finally glued together magnetism and electricity, it has also used this quottime-domainquot type of quothiddenquot electrodynamics since the beginning. In fact, it uses it to heal damaged cells, etc. It works this way: After the Russians briefed Lawrence Livermore Laboratory scientists in 1972 about a strange kind of electromagnetic wave that would suddenly appear in experiments and quotrestore orderquot, modern phase conjugate optics was born. In extremely simple terms, suppose you quotsqueezequot (pump) a little particle of nonlinear mass with spatial-energy (normal) EM waves at certain frequencies, and then quotticklequot the rhythmically squeezed mass with a separate little EM wave that you input. Oddly, the energy in the quotpumpingquot waves will be transformed into a strange kind of quotbackwards travelingquot or quotcrawfishquot wave that backtracks the path that the little input wave took. In short, this strange quottime-reversedquot wave in essence is in magnitude some fraction or amplification of the input wave, and it propagates back along the path taken by the input wave -- even if the input wave itself is already quotgonequot So with NORMAL pumping with spatial energy, we create an amplified time-reversal spatial energy wave that REVERSES whatever the input wave did. Here is the magic in the Priore process: If we pump (squeeze rhythmically) a living cell in the TIME domain, we pump every part and point of it simultaneously. So we produce an amplified quottime-reversal force wavequot on each and every part of the mass-energy comprising the cell. The miraculous thing is that we then precisely quottime-reversequot the entire cell and all its parts -- including the genetics itself -- back along the previous path through time that the cell took in having changes occur to it -- such as diseases and damage Not only can we amplify and time-reverse the energy in a normal EM wave, but we can now also amplify (shorten the time required to change) and time-reverse the energy comprising a living mass. We can gradually reverse the damaged or diseased cell back to an earlier physical condition, before the damage or disease was there The cell itself gradually physically changes. That is the basic mechanism, uncovered by this researcher, that every living biological system uses to heal itself. That is the final mechanism that Becker so ardently sought and so closely approached in his epochal work, and that is the mechanism that was responsible for the astounding cures achieved by the Priore team in France in the 1960s and early 1970s. It took me 14 years to decipher that mechanism, so simply explained above. Anyway, the body ages only because gradually the cellular regenerative system deteriorates a bit, and so can no longer fully restore the cells back to full youthful vigor. The aging process itself can also be reversed and quotcuredquot by precisely the same process. We emphasize that all the treatment does is accelerate and enhance the human bodys own natural healing mechanism -- which still does not appear in our medical science, because the type of electrodynamics used by the bodys healing process has not even been applied (and seldom even studied) by Western medical scientists. A rigorous theoretical basis for the foregoing can now be established from the pioneering advanced electrodynamics work of a few great pioneers, such as Evans and Barrett. The electrodynamics that results is in fact a unified field theory, which is now shown by those researchers. Particularly the magnificent higher symmetry O(3) electrodynamics advanced by Evans has quotmet in the middlequot with Sachs unified field theory, and so the combined Sachs-Evans theory is now able to fully model and explain the mechanisms involved. Yet our scientific community remains hostile to the very notion of EM healing, even though the natural healing mechanism used in all biological systems is purely electrodynamics -- albeit a most unusual form of electrodynamics that the medical scientists do not study. I also found a way independently to greatly accelerate the Priore method, and then discovered later that French researchers had previously uncovered this mechanism, without at all understanding it. Nonetheless they first demonstrated it. In the Priore method, one must irradiate the entire body of the patient (or animal subject) with longitudinal EM waves, made from plasmas, etc. Priore embedded these waves in rippling magnetic field carriers, to guarantee that the deepest bone marrow was penetrated and exposed to the non-ionizing radiation. Irradiation with longitudinal waves stimulates the body to produce a little more of the time-polarized quotpumpquot waves, hence achieves some quotpumpingquot of the required type in the living cells. That results in quottime-reversalquot of the damaged cells back to health in short, an accelerated natural healing process. In the new method, if the exact spectrum of EM radiation FROM a diseased or cellularly-damaged body is captured and amplified, and then fed back into the body, one finds a very strange process occurs. Imagine that you have a great ship with portholes, and there are many dynamic processes ongoing in that ship, which all emit light, etc. The light reflects from many things in the ship, but eventually emerges from the portholes. Now imagine that you could put back in stronger light precisely antiparallel to the emerging light, of exactly the same frequency, waveform, patterning, etc. All that amplified light energy would now travel backwards through all those (assumed) reflection paths, and arrive back at all the original processes. But the arriving energy is greater than the ongoing emerging energy, so the processes get quotreversedquot back to a previous state of operation. In short, the quotportholequot effect uses only ordinary EM radiation, but very precisely and very carefully measured and tailored. Yet it will also engender the same time-domain pumping back in all the deep interaction of the body, in every cell and every part of it. In short, we get a direct and very quick time-reversal of all those physical processes. This method is very dramatic, and very quick (less than one minute irradiation). It is also agonizing to the patient during irradiation (it has been done surreptitiously on dogs, e. g. by a researcher who wisely conceals his identity) and did rejuvenate an aged, crippled German shepherd. All of this, properly funded with a great scientific team carefully chosen, can provide a revolutionary new medical therapy. There are no such things as quotresistant pathogensquot to the process everything is mass energy and just get backed up right out of there. Indeed, the exchange between the pathogen and the hosts immune system, where the pathogen finally succeeded in tricking or avoiding the immune system (as in AIDS), is also reversed back out of there, and the immune system is also restored to full vigor. The result is that the immune system now recognizes the pathogens again completely, and goes after them vigorously. In short, the body is again able to use its full healing power against the quotresistantquot organism again, completely negating the quotdeceptionquot that was achieved by the pathogen. But this science will never be born from the official science community, because those who control the funds for research will simply not allow it. It will require a private group or private wealthy person to fund the research necessary to do it. Let us hope that the day comes when the funds are available, and we then do get on finally with developing a science of total healing, to replace and augment the present medical science of cut, burn, kill, and vaccinate. In response to a further query on this subject, Dr. Bearden responds: I know of no other reference to time-reversing the cells electromagnetically than my own papers. In biology, the change of a cell to a previous or quotmore primitivequot state is called dedifferentiation. The change of a cell quotforwardquot or to a quotmore specializedquot state is called quotdifferentiationquot. So the change of the cell back to a more primitive state or forward to a more specialized state is well-known. Another area involved is cellular regeneration. Robert Beckers work is probably the best and most advanced example of the state of the art of the study that has been done of the quotcellular regeneration systemquot, particularly from the standpoint of inducing changes in it by electromagnetic means. Becker did, I feel, induce the phase conjugation effects, but during much of his work (earlier, 1960s) modern phase conjugate optics had not even been born. It eventually got started after Russian researchers briefed U. S. researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory about a strange EM wave in reactions that would come back out and quotrestore orderquot in disordering processes. Even then, it really did not get well underway until about 1979 or 1980, except for a handful of U. S. researchers such as Yariv and Fisher. So Beckers work used ordinary EM electromagnetics, without the phase conjugate part of the theory -- but his work did show some of the effects. He certainly was able to stimulate regeneration or partial regeneration of limbs in certain test species. As another problem, even today phase conjugate electromagnetics does NOT deal with reversing mass-energy itself, so that the mass is quottime-reversedquot. Instead, it is concerned only with forming a time-reversed replica of an input wave (as in 4-wave mixing). The beauty of the process is that the two oppositive quotpumpquot waves add energy to the phase conjugate replica wave that is born in response to the stimulus wave (called the quotsignalquot wave). So the resulting time-reversed wave may have greater energy than the stimulus way to which it responded. But some of the characteristics are most interesting. The stimulated time-reverse wave will quottravelquot or appear back along through space over the exact path, point by point, that the stimulus or input wave took when it came in. (This is the simplest case it is possible to force the emitted time-reverse wave in the forward direction as well, etc.). Here is the point: We may consider the energy in an ordinary EM wave to be oscillating in a plane (the wavefront) which is traveling at the speed of light). In short, the energy exists in two dimensions in its oscillation, but the entire quotcarrier plane for the oscillationquot is moving. In a mass, the mass-energy is three dimensional, not two dimensional, and it is not confined to a plane wavefront. Hence standard quottwo-dimensional wave in spacequot pumping will not reverse the mass. It will simply produce nonlinear wave effects, such as phase conjugating incoming quotsignalquot wave or some of the quotsignal waves present in the mass. So the problem in returning the mass-energy includes several requirements: (1) the 3-dimensional energy (highly compressed) that is the mass-energy is what must constitute the quotsignal wavequot, (2) the pumping must pump every single point in the mass, throughout its interior, simultaneously, else we are not pumping 3-dimensional energy but are pumping quotsurfacequot wise or 2-dimensionally, (3) the domain in which we pump (quotsqueezequot) must therefore be what is called quotmultiply connectedquot to every point in that 3-space object (mass), and so (4) that is a characteristic of time (the time domain, since at a single point it time, every spatial point in the universe exists), and (5) it must be a localized time-domain pumping, so that only the mass or its close vicinity is pumped. Only by fulfilling all those requirements can we quotpump the mass -- such as the human body or the body of a test animal -- in the time domain, thereby time-reversing the cells back to a previous earlier (healthy) condition. In France, Pautrizel did some experiments with immature baby rats that clearly proved that time-reversal was involved. He infested the rats (whose immune system was still very immature and not very strong) with trypanosomes. Then he applied the Priore treatment, which restored the cells back to their previous condition and the immune system back to its previous system. However, the time reversal does not kill the trypanosomes, so the pathogens are still present. And the baby rats immune systems were still very immature and unable to cope with the pathogens. Hence those rats all died. Yet mature rats with fully developed immune systems, infected the same way and treated the same way, resulted in the re-invigorated and strong immune systems dispatching the pathogens in short order, so that the rats all lived. In short, he really did show that the EM non-ionizing radiation was in some manner time-reversing the cells of the treated body back over the paths they had taken in time. Hence he demonstrated that, somehow, those five conditions were being achieved by the odd EM irradiation that Priore had established from stimulated plasmas in plasma tubes. Becker showed that the cellular regeneration system also restores the cells, and is stimulated and amplified electromagnetically. But he could not achieve quite such startling results, since he used ordinary EM radiation and not specialized EM radiation coming from plasmas. That was the arena into which I stepped. The first problem was how to quotpump in the time domainquot. In quantum field theory, there are several polarizations of the photon: (1) the regular transverse photon, which we model as the energy oscillating sideways -- and this produces and constitutes the ordinary EM transverse wave. That is the quotenergy oscillating in the plane of the wavefront, while the wavefront travels at light speedquot. (2) the longitudinal photon, in which the energy vibrates along the line of motion of the photon, like an accordion contracting and expanding along that direction of travel as it travels. (3) the time-polarized or quotscalarquot photon, in which the oscillation is quotoutsidequot 3-space and is oscillating in the time-dimension (time-domain). Thus one has to discover how to make time-polarized EM waves, which do not appear in any straightforward fashion in Western literature. I eventually worked out a proposed mechanism for that (the mechanism remains to be experimentally proven, but I am even surer of it now than when I first discovered it some years ago). At any rate, at least in theory I finally had my required time-polarized EM wave, so that one could quotpumpquot or quotsqueezequot the mass in the time-domain, and hence do what is required for mass-reversal back through its path through time. This is NOT quottime-travelquot in the conventional science fiction sense. In time-travel, the entire universe except the observer would have to be time-reversed back to a previous condition, while the observer continued to age normally (move in his forward time). This does not do that at all. What it does do, is take one piece of the universe and change it back to a previous state. While it is uncomfortable for scientists to think in such terms, nonetheless dedifferentiation of cells -- e. g. as rigorously shown by Becker and others -- clearly shows that cells can be quotretroregressedquot or whatever name one chooses to call quottime-reversalquot. So it is a fact, experimentally demonstrated. Beckers work, e. g. is applied to cure otherwise intractable bone fractures. Trickle currents or pulsed EM is applied between silver electrodes, one on each side of the fracture. So (1) a potential exists in the area, and (2) a field also exists. Eventually, new cells of the type that make bone are deposited in the fracture and it is healed. Becker revealed the startling thing that happens. The RED BLOOD CELLS entering the area undergo remarkable changes. First, they shuck their hemoglobin and grow nuclei -- which is dedifferentiation back to a previous state, before they differentiated into red blood cells. Then the redifferentiate (move forward in time) but to the type of cells that make cartilage However, that is not what is required, so these cells AGAIN redifferentiate (move forward in time) to the type of cells that make bone. These are then deposited in the fracture site, closing the site and healing the fracture. We worked out the underlying type of unified field effects that would be required for those types of changes. We also worked out a proposed manner in which time-domain pump waves were produced in that fracture site. Interestingly, so long as there was a quotdifferencequot between the type of cell being pumped (in this case, the red blood cells in the area), the pumping continued and was therefore continually acting to ELIMINATE THAT DELTA. Hence the changes in the pumped active cells were continually being redirected toward bone cells. By studying Beckers work and his proposed EM composition of the cellular regeneration system, it became clear that the above mechanism, expanded, was being used by the cellular regeneration system to restore cells. This gave an entirely new function to the potentials in the cells and in their parts. I already knew (from Whittakers 1903 paper) that the scalar potential is actually comprised of sets of longitudinal EM phase conjugate wavepairs. From this, it became obvious (if my proposed creating mechanism for producing time-polarized EM waves was correct) that the cellular regeneration system was capable of weakly producing time-polarized EM waves, and hence was capable of quotpumpingquot the cells in the time-domain. And therefore capable of time-reversing the mass-energy of the entire pumped cell. Thats about as simple as I can lay it out. Hope this helps and perhaps answers the question. Energetics is the Russian name for what the present author has long referred to as scalar electromagnetics. In the Russian scheme, energetics as an overall name consists of three subsets: (i) energetics, which applies to nonliving physical systems (ii) bioenergetics, which applies to the physical bodies and cells of living systems (iii) psychoenergetics, which applies to the minds, personalities, memories, emotions, and perceptions of living systems Figure 1 shows the breakdown of energetics into its three branches. As an overall field, energetics is the application of Stoney-Whittaker-Ziolkowski (SWZ) internal structuring of the scalar potential, to constitute quothidden EM variablesquot in the sense of Bohm8217s hidden variable theory. It is thus the application and usage of vacuum engines, and vacuum engineering. Also, Bohm8217s quantum potential, including its SWZ structuring, is utilized and applied. Both local action and action-at-a-distance are incorporated in energetics. Partial support by the Association of Distinguished American Scientists (ADAS) is gratefully acknowledged. During the last two years, we have produced and published several papers with insights into the overunity energy field and the energy medicine field which indicate areas for further intensive and rapid development. Parts 1 through 3 of this article summarized the progress made in understanding overunity energy systems . and pointed out the need for a new energy medicine. Part 4 summarizes the progress made to date in formulating the new energy medicine, and indicates the nature of future articles planned in the series. Some startling new overunity energy principles are also summarized. A quotNewquot and Revolutionary Medical Therapy The Priore Energetics Therapeutic Method The first full explanation of the Priore effect - cellular dedifferentiation (biological view) or time-reversalphase conjugation (physics view), via unorthodox application of EM - has been given. See Figure 25. The Priore team cured terminal tumors, trypanosomias, and other dread diseases in laboratory animals in France, in the 1960s and 1970s, under rigorous scientific protocols by eminent scientists. The Priore project was funded by the French Government to the tune of several millions of dollars (equivalent). The pertinent papers documenting the team8217s results in the hard-core French literature have previously been cited.4 The Priore team 8217s results were impeccable, but no scientist has previously advanced an adequate explanation of the mechanism by which the puzzling usage of EM was able to perform such miracles. The Key: Energetics and Vacuum Engines The key was in Priore8217s manipulation of the internal EM hidden variables comprising the DC potential. Antoine Priore constructed a near-harmonic series of internal bidirectional quot pump waves quot (in the nonlinear phase conjugate optics sense) that pumped the cell and all its individual parts - including the genes and chromosomes - with pump waves in the internal structuring of the cell8217s biopotentials . By standard nonlinear optics theory, this converted the cell and each of its parts to pumped phase conjugate mirrors. The physical pattern of the disease constitutes an electromagnetic quotsignal wavequot in terms of 4-wave mixing theory. It also constitutes a vacuum engine in the inner quothidden variablesquot domain inside the biopotentials . by a corollary to Wheeler8217s principle. Thus, by standard pumped phase conjugate mirror theory, exact antiengines for the specific disease were self-generated in the diseased cell and each of its parts. The result was that the cell was time-reversed back to an earlier state (dedifferentiated back to its normal healthy state prior to becoming diseased or disordered). It is accented that this mechanism is already the normal mechanism utilized by the body8217s DC control system for its reparative or restorative system (as contrasted to the immune system). In the pumped case, the restorative mechanism is highly amplified by the nonlinear optical pumping in the interior EM channel utilized by the body8217s own restorative system. In other words, Priore found how to amplify and augment the body8217s own restorative system - something which had not previously been discovered, at least to such a degree. Independently from Priore . Becker had pioneered the use of DC potentials to accelerate healing of bone fractures see Figure 26 and also to differentiate and redifferentiate cells. In Germany, Popp 8217s investigations into mitogenetic radiations from cells had revealed an underlying master cellular control system Figure 27 which contained coherent photons. In the Soviet Union, Kaznacheyev had gone much, much farther. He had shown that, under the proper conditions, internally conditioned EM signals from damaged or dying cells transported cellular death and disease patterns into healthy cells, with his cytopathogenic mirror experiments . See Figure 28 However, most of Kaznacheyev8217s work appears to have been classified by the former Soviet government, and directly applied toward developing EM biological warfare systems . Carefully controlled testing of this quot weaponized quot distant EM induction of cellular disease patterns was evidenced in the weak Soviet microwave radiation of the U. S. Embassy in Moscow over several decades. Figure 29 Two U. S. ambassadors were killed, dying with leukemia-like diseases. A third ambassador sickened, was transferred, and later died of a leukemia-like disease. Hosts of health changes were generated in personnel, but only in those areas free from EM force fields (i. e. with zero gradients of the scalar potentials). This provided a 100 correlation to the thesis that the persistent (i. e. gradient-free potentials) were the culprit. In turn, that directly shows application of energetics . vacuum engine templates . etc. - which sometimes the Soviets refer to as the information content of the field. We have adequately documented this weapons application of vacuum engines elsewhere. We will now briefly point out the work of Becker and of Popp. Other Important Work Utilizing the Energetics Mechanism Becker8217s Dedifferentiation and Redifferentiation of Living Cells The quot inner EM quot or quot hidden EM variables quot explanation we have advanced for Priore8217s work also dramatically expands upon Becker8217s demonstrated DC potential restorative control system in biological organisms. In profound work, Becker proved conclusively that DC potentials with extremely weak currents (picoamperes) could indeed dedifferentiate (i. e. time-reverse ) cells, genetics and all, back to a previous state . He also proved that it can iteratively redifferentiate cells, i. e. change the cell along the forward-time track, to a new cellular development (differentiation) type, thereby providing the local type of cell needed by the specific type of tissue and injury. Again see above Figure 26. In his pioneering of electrical DC potential (and picoampere DC current) treatment of otherwise intractable bone fractures, Becker showed that rather astounding healing occurred. He then showed that the red blood cell first dedifferentiated (time-reversed) by shucking its hemoglobin and growing a nucleus. Then that quotnewquot cell redifferentiated (time-forwarded) into the type of cell that makes cartilage. Then that new type of cell redifferentiated into the type of cell that makes bone. Whereupon the latter cells were deposited in the fracture as new bone growth. Becker was nominated for a Nobel prize for this epochal work. For his noble efforts, he was hounded, castigated, his funding dramatically curtailed, etc. Popp8217s Master Cellular Control System The proposed vacuum engine explanation we have advanced of the Priore effect also dramatically extends Popp8217s discovery of the coherent virtual photon involvement in the master cellular control system of the living body. Creating and using a vacuum engine (deliberate structuring of the virtual photon flux of the vacuum) is indeed the mechanism achieved by the Priore effect. Weak vacuum engines are also achieved in the body, as part of Becker8217s DC potential control system for the body8217s restorative system, and Popp8217s master cellular control system, once the Stoney, Whittaker, Ziolkowski (SWZ) internal biwave structuring of the scalar potential is incorporated. Energetics Implications for Reversal of AIDS Quick, Cheap, Highly Effective The implications to AIDS . e. g. of directly quottime-reversingquot an HIV-infected cell and all its genetics, back to a previous normal state, is obvious. The Priore cellular reversal therapeutic technique, if redeveloped and applied, could result in the total, quick, cheap cure of AIDS . including riddance of all HIV-infected cells, in possibly two or three treatments with very weak, non-ionizing radiation in special manner. We accent non-ionizing radiation by strong, rippling magnetic fields no nuclear radiation or overt high frequency EM radiation need be involved. The moment an individual tested HIV positive . the Priore type treatment could be performed. Every cell in the body would be affected. Normal cells would just get a little younger. HIV-infected cells would just be reversed back into normal cells, genetics and all . Thus a total cure for the AIDS patient could be achieved without waiting for the slow destruction of the patient8217s immune system and restorative system - which are followed by debilitation, intense suffering, and lingering death. The Usual Progress of AIDS The problem in AIDS infections is that, regardless of how one tries to quotkillquot the HIV-infected cells, not all of them are killed and a few escape. Obviously, the few that escape were more resistant to the lethal agent than were those who were killed. As this is repeated, the treatment is repeatedly selecting the most resistant strains of the virus that are present. Also, the unstable virus itself continues to change and adapt. The end result is: increasing numbers of strains of the virus actually infecting the body increasing resistance to the killing agent and the human immune system by those survivors the immune system is a finite system, and as it makes more and more antibodies and gets more and more of its own cells infected, it increasingly deteriorates and loses effectiveness Eventually the disease quot adapts quot to its host8217s weakened immune system weaponry and almost any other weaponry brought to bear to kill it. Every HIV-infected cell is still an HIV-virus factory . As the viruses win the battle against the immune system and medical agents, these factories have more and more survivors, and the HIV infection grows apace. With resistance achieved by the new strains of HIV viruses poured out into the bloodstream, the disease spreads until the standard symptoms and debilitation appear. Meanwhile, the immune system is steadily degraded, as is the body8217s recovery or restorative system. Other infectious agents which could normally be countered by a healthy immune system, now begins to pose lethal threats. In the advanced AIDS patient, death usually results from opportunistic infections that develop and thrive in the seriously weakened body with its depleted immune system and depleted restorative system, killing the patient. At the present time, all conventional treatments can do naught but prolong the process. The eventual result is almost certain death. Energetics Dramatically Eliminates the Viral Factories With the Priore approach, at any stage in the AIDS disease progression, the HIV-factories ( HIV-infected cells ) would be simply time-reversed back into normal cells, genetics and all. This would totally remove all HIV virus and all HIV-factories (infected cells). Thus the present great problem of AIDS - the inability of the body and present medical therapies to rid the body of all HIV-factories in the body early on - would be solved. As proven by the Priore group, the energetics would also restore the immune system to vigorous functioning, and it would revitalize the restorative system as well. Instead of prolonging the life of the AIDS patient a bit, it would dramatically reverse the disease and cure the patient. In other words, it would represent a total interruption and elimination of the entire AIDS-producing process in the infected patient. Nothing else presently proposed has such an awesome capability for AIDS disease reversal. It8217s also a completely different medical approach: Instead of killing the struggling cells that are infected - which after all is killing part of the immune system as well - simply help the infected cells immediately change back into normal cells again, by highly amplifying the very mechanism by means of which the body8217s cellular restorative system works anyway. Becker et al. already rigorously proved in vivo that cells - genetics and all - can be time-reversed and time-forwarded by application of very weak EM. Priore rigorously proved that such can be applied to the whole body, to achieve remarkable and unparalleled remission of dread diseases. AIDS was not known at the time of Priore8217s major work, and therefore was not treated. However, the technical basis for the entire above discussion on the ability of energetics to cure AIDS, is already rigorously proven in the laboratory, and the results are published in leading French scientific journals. The only barrier to the greatest medical breakthrough in history is the dogmatic minds of our present scientists and scientific administrators. A Change of Scientific Viewpoint is Urgently Needed Electrodynamics and Medical Science Are Dogmatic It is our firm opinion that, if the conventional medical science and energy communities were less dogmatic and biased . these are the types of potential solutions they would be working on with alacrity, and developing at top speed. The results in the preceding discussion have been rigorously proven by eminent scientists, in laboratory experiments. The technical basis we have extended from the work of Becker, Popp, Kaznacheyev, Stoney, Whittaker, and Ziolkowski is solidly founded. That the results of these pioneering scientists are ignored and even suppressed is a glaring commentary on the extreme bias of our present medical science community. It is also a sad commentary on the condition of our physics and electrodynamics communities, which adamantly refuse to overhaul electrodynamics and quantum mechanics, to incorporate Bohm-type hidden variable theory, particularly of the engineerable EM kind shown by Stoney and Whittaker, and also by Ziolkowski. They are Also In Woeful Shape Present electromagnetics . medical therapy, and electrical power technology are in woeful shape. Without further discussion, Figure 27 above, shows just how bad the classical electromagnetics problem is. The very foundations are seriously flawed. The problem seems to this researcher to lie primarily with the quotscience controllersquot - they who control and dispense the funding extracted from the taxpayers. One Must Continually Review and Correct Foundations Many famous scientists have previously commented on the absolute requirement to continually review and revise the foundations of our scientific models and theories, and on just how hard it is to displace the prevailing dogma in physics. To show just how deeply Einstein felt about never totally accepting foundations as absolutes, here are his words: quot. the scientist makes use of a whole arsenal of concepts which he imbibed practically with his mother8217s milk and seldom if ever is he aware of the eternally problematic character of his concepts. He uses this conceptual material, or, speaking more exactly, these conceptual tools of thought, as something obviously, immutably given something having an objective value of truth which is hardly even, and in any case not seriously, to be doubted. in the interests of science it is necessary over and over again to engage in the critique of these fundamental concepts, in order that we may not unconsciously be ruled by them. quot Einstein, quotForeword, quot in Max Jammer, Concepts of Space: The History of Theories of Space in Physics, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1969, p. xi-xii. Max Planck also was quite pessimistic, wryly pointing out that usually the orthodox scientists adamantly resist innovation until their deaths. As he stated: quotAn important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents: it rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out, and that the growing generation is familiarized with the ideas from the beginning. quot Max Planck, in G. Holton, Thematic Origins of Scientific Thought, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1973. Why Scientists Do Not Work on Such Proven Novel Approaches Many scientists and graduate students would be delighted to work on these potential enhanced electromagnetism solutions . if the quotmoney controllersquot would allow funding for such efforts. The dogma and biasing of the scientific community is achieved primarily by these quotmoney and program controllers, quot many of whom (just as in other human fields) are interested primarily in personal power, prestige, turf, and control. The working scientist must desperately struggle with intensive grant applications, along only acceptable lines, if he is to have funding and remain employed at all. So conventional scientists are largely not permitted to work on problems such as AIDS and cancer and the energy crunch, along enhanced StoneyWhittakerZiolkowski hidden variable electromagnetic lines. Meanwhile millions of persons die needlessly every year, the meter stays on the gas pump for the automobiles, and the electric power meter stays on the house, factory, and city for electrical utilities. And the wholesale pollution of the planet and our own bodies continues apace. In Big Science administration it8217s the old quotGolden Rulequot quotHe who has the gold, rulesquot Planned Future Articles In light of the iron dogma in science, all a single researcher can do - with no funding, laboratory, staff, or supplies, and with open hostility from the orthodox establishment - is just doggedly persevere in trying to solve the foundations problems in energy science, and communicate the solutions as widely as possible. In the future we shall endeavor to continue to do just that, along the lines indicated below. How To Increase the Energy Collection Fraction A future article will show methods and processes which will and do increase the amount of energy collection from the raging Poynting energy flow . and will and do use (dissipate) the excess collected in electrical systems to perform useful work. Working examples will be given including the Letokhov-Lawandy effect (and the highly significant Lawandy patents and experiments), the Patterson effect (and patents), and the fiber fuse effect. We will accent that the same energy flow can be retroreflected and additional energy recollected from it. Energy itself is always a flow, as opposed to energy collection. Energy used once can be used yet again the entire process can be iterated incessantly. A single joule of energy can do a million joules of work We just have to collect that same joule of energy flow one million times. Already nature does it this way, scattering and reusing the same energy, over and over. It is high time that we learned and utilized nature8217s own quotiterative energy reusequot system. Energy is never used up, but simply reused again and again. So we will accent iterated, multipass, multicollection from iteratively retroreflected Poynting energy flows. We will also discuss the use of the quantum potential in order to directly amplify energy collection by automatically iterating a local energy template at multiple distant collection locations. The Letokhov-Lawandy (Anti-Stokes) Effect and the Patterson Effect The first two effects (Letokhov-Lawandy effect and Patterson effect) are both cases of what is referred to as the Anti-Stokes Effect . In the Anti-Stokes effect . the medium outputs more energy than the stimulation contains that one introduces. Classically, the remainder of the output energy is assumed to come from molecular transactions, etc. However, Lawandy with TiO 2 particles and Patterson with palladium-clad microsphere capacitors have added: an array of Poynting generators to the normal fluid medium iterative retroreflection of the Poynting energy multipass, multiple collection of energy from the multipassed S-flows These extensions to the anti-Stokes effect caused the present author to name the TiO 2 - type case the Letokhov-Lawandy effect, and to name the charged beads-type case the Patterson effect. In each case, there has been highly significant augmentation of the basic anti-Stokes effect to warrant naming it as a new effect of its own. In addition, either the Patterson case or the Lawandy case can also involve a quantum potential, which has not previously been even conceived of in conjunction with the anti-Stokes effect. See Figure 30 and Figure 31. The Letokhov-Lawandy effect and the Patterson effect recover their excess emission energy directly from the vacuum energy exchange. They utilize iteration of both retroreflection and collection. Iterated, multiple collection of energy from the same Poynting flow occurs. In addition, an exponential positive feedback effect also occurs: As the multipass, multicollection process increases the local (collected) energy density, in turn that increases the magnitude (energy density) of the local scalar potential, increasing the E-field accordingly. In turn, that increases the Poynting energy flow . which further increases the amount of energy collected in each pass of the S-flow over a collector particle (Lawandy) or bead (Patterson). This positive feedback continues until stabilized at some level determined by the increasing rate of escape by multiple scattering actions from the perimeter of the collectors. The Quantum Potential As A Direct Energy Amplifier The Patterson device and the Lawandy device also can partially utilize a quantum potential, which power engineers presently know zilch about, and which most physicists know very little about. The degree of susceptibility to initiating a quantum potential ( QP ) is a function of the phase conjugate reflection activity produced by each collector (particle or bead). Formation of a quantum potential adds a totally new dimension to the energy collection: Once the QP forms, each collector (bead or particle) has some fraction of participation in the overall quantum potential. This means that the energy appearing at one station has a fraction of its energy simultaneously and instantly appear at every other participating station, and vice versa. The primary station does not quotlosequot any energy in this transaction, because now the local space is partially multiply-connected. In a multiply connected space, an object, field, or amount of energy can exist simultaneously in two different, widely separated, spatial locations (as seen by an external observer outside the system.) In this case, to the external observer direct energy multiplication occurs, which violates any quotenergy propagationquot model of energy transfer in a singly-connected space. Nonetheless, overall conservation of energy is not violated when the vacuum interaction is included. One is simply replicating the same ordering (template) of the local vacuum, at multiple locations simultaneously. So the excess energy arises from the local vacuum at each station (as seen by the external observer). In the particular case, imperfections in the quantum potential process limit the amount of direct energy amplification, by limiting the degree to which a multiply connected space is achieved. Also, as the multiple connections in space improve and energy amplification rises, the distortion and instability of the multiple space connections i. e. the degradation of what Wheeler called wormholes ) increase exponentially. This provides a maximum, finite stability level so that the QP stabilizes at a finite value, as does the energy amplification factor. Otherwise, there would be no limit whatsoever to the amount of energy that a quantum potential - e. g. as in Lawandy8217s new form of lasing - would rapidly produce. In fact, if perfectly formed in a perfect, multiply connected space, a QP would immediately produce a self-inflated quot false vacuum, quot and a great new quot Big Bang quot, resulting in the creation of an entirely new universe, separate from this one. Whether or not it would utterly destroy this particular universe is a matter of conjecture. Fortunately, we need not worry about creating a new quot Big Bang quot the normal processes allow the formation of only a fractional QP . with rapid degradation and total clamping of the maximum energy level, for a particular QP - generating process. We published the mechanism for making a quantum potential some time ago, obscurely in 1989 and later in a book, Gravitobiology . in 1991. At any rate, the exposegrave of the use of multipass collection, negative absorption by the medium, iterative retroreflection of scattered energy, and the quantum potential as a method of enhancing energy collection in overunity devices is planned for future articles. The Fiber Fuse Effect See Figure 32 below. The fiber fuse problem is presently quotunsolvedquot by conventional science (although Russell and his colleagues are very close). However, it always produces more energy out (by far) than what one puts in to initiate it. The extraordinary thing is that, even after the fiber fuse runs (at about a meter per second) the length of a fiber optics cable and quotdestroysquot it (even for many, many kilometers), the physical damage - holes blown in the core about every centimeter or so - can often be reversed by simply reversing the laser light direction down the cable and re-initiating the fiber fuse from the other end. The series of holes about every centimeter of so, down the entire cable, will then often be refilled again with material, sufficiently to restore a functional cable The Letokhov-Lawandy effect Figure 30 far above and the fiber fuse Figure 32 above are readily demonstrable by any university lab (sophomore level). Patterson is proceeding toward commercialization of his independently validated overunity approach . Presently Lawandy seems focused on lasing it remains to be seen whether or not he will recognize the electrical power system implications of the effect. I suspect that he will or has already, and that we will see Lawandy overunity systems in our power future. In the future we will also acquaint the reader with a host of other overunity or potential overunity effects, devices, and principles. We will cover, e. g. the Wiegand effect the Johnson multivalued potential gate effect the Radus effect multi-kilowatt, parametric oscillating, self-powering overunity generators produced in Russia in the late 1930s and extensively published in the pre-war scientific literature, both in Russia and in France Stanfords and General Electrics development of true negative resistors (self-powering) in the late 1930s, under our greatest electrical scientist, Gabriel Kron Westinghouses loss or abandonment of two major overunity processes, even after hardware was produced multi-looped feedback, open systems that accomplish S-flow iteration and multi-collection the use of the quotmissing halfquot of the EM energy that is in our circuits as a highly damped but equal energy flow down in the atomic nuclei the Sweet vacuum triode amplifier magnetic flux path switching the unsuspected violent energy flows produced by the human body the energetics energy flow of the Earth linkage of human body energy flow into the overall energy flow of the Earth the surprising and previously unsuspected direction emerging for future development of education, health, medicine, and engineering Summary and Conclusion In one sense the summarized work over the last few years has been enormously productive, at least in increased insight into electrical power and medical therapy possibilities. As Figure 33 above clearly shows, asymmetrical regauging - which the electrodynamicists themselves admit is free for the taking - will generate excess force, excess energy, and positive work. On the other hand it has been most frustrating to have to work without funding, and to have to watch helplessly as, so many millions continue to die needlessly of dread diseases such as cancer and AIDS the energy-connected pollution of the planet and rape of our pocketbooks continues apace The funds spent by the U. S. Government in a single week on cancer . AIDS . and energy would re-establish the entire Priore approach, as well as develop a plethora of practical overunity systems, were those funds focused on the extended hidden variable electromagnetics approach that is represented by energetics . Figure 34 above graphically characterizes the real problem: As a nation, we still have our collective scientific and medical and governmental heads in the sand, like the proverbial ostrich. The ostrichlike attitude . quotPretend we don8217t see it, and maybe it will go awayquot can no longer be justified. Nonetheless we continue to make slow progress. As new developments occur, they will be shared openly with the reader here in Explore, over the InterNet as in The Virtual Times ( hsv ), in books, in journal articles, and in other publications. This concludes this four part series. Notes and References T. E. Bearden, quotMaxwells equations, regauging, and overunity systems, quot Explore More. No. 17, Jul.-Aug. 1996, p. 13-21 quotThe Master Principle of EM Overunity and the Japanese Overunity Engines, quot Infinite Energy, 1(5amp6), Nov. 1995-Feb. 1996, p. 38-55quotRegauging and Multivalued Magnetic Scalar Potential: Master Overunity Mechanisms. quot Explore. 7(1), 1996, p. 51-58 quotThe Master Principle of Overunity and the Japanese Overunity Engines: A New Pearl Harborquot, The Virtual Times, Internet Node HSV, January 1996quotThe Final Secret of Free Energy, quot Association of Distinguished American Scientists, POB 1472, Huntsville, Alabama 35807, Proceedings of the International Forum on New Science, Fort Collins Colorado, September 1992, also distributed over the Internet quotFree Energy: The Final Secret, quot Explore. 4 (34), 1993, p. 112-126 quotOverunity Electrical Devices and Free Energy, quot Explore. 5(1), 1994, p. 74-82 quotOverunity Electrical Power, quot address presented to the 2nd International New Energy Symposium, Denver, Colorado, May 15, 1994 quotOverunity Electrical Power, quot address presented to the 2nd International New Energy Symposium, Denver, Colorado, May 15, 1994 quotUse of Asymmetrical Regauging and Multivalued Potentials to Achieve Overunity Electromagnetic Engines, quot Journal of New Energy, 1(2), Summer 1996, p. 60-78. T. E. Bearden, quotVacuum Engines and Priores Methodology: The True Science of Energy-Medicine, Parts I and II, quot Explore. 6(1), 1995, p. 66-76 6(2), 1995, p. 50-62 quotMechanism for Long-Term Cumulative Biological Effects of EM Radiation, quot presented to the 70th Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science, University of Alabama at Huntsville, March 25, 1993 Cancer and the Unresolved Health Issues in the Biological Effects of EM Fields and Radiation, Tesla Book Company, POB 121873, Chula Vista, CA 91912, 1993. Bearden, Explore. 6(1), 1995, p. 66-76 6(2), 1995, p. 50-62. Bearden, Explore. ibid. Part II. As one example, a given Priore radiation of a rat with a particular type of grafted terminal tumor would cure that rat. Another rat with the same type of graft could then be cured, merely by injecting the second rat with a single drop of blood from the first rat. Needless to say, orthodox cancer therapists were horrified -- and vehemently opposed this work because they themselves could produce nothing even remotely resembling the Priore effectiveness, nor could they understand how Priore did it. Strangely, a French Government report by physicists who closely examined the work in detail, and reported very positive findings, remains classified to this day by the French Government. One may speculate that the report may have recognized the internal structuring of the scalar potential (i. e. vacuum engines) created by Priore. If so, such recognition would only be accomplished and remain classified if the French government were already involved in classified work in that technical area, directed toward weapons. Two good references on the functioning of pumped phase conjugate mirrors are: (1) Amnon Yariv, Optical Electronics, 3rd Edn. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1985, Chapter 16: quotPhase Conjugate Optics -- Theory and Applications, quot and (2) David M. Pepper, quotNonlinear Optical Phase Conjugation, quot Optical Engineering, 21(2), MarchApril 1982, p. 156-183. Wheelers principle deals with the mutual interaction between the violent flux of vacuumspacetime and matter, and is stated in W. Misner, K. S. Thorne, and J. A. Wheeler, Gravitation, W. H. Freeman and Co. San Francisco, 1973, p. 5 as: quotSpace acts on matter, telling it how to move. In turn, matter reacts back on space, telling it how to curve. quot Since matter is just locally collected (trapped) energy (by Einsteins Emc 2 ), we may retranslate Wheelers principle as: quotSpace acts on trapped energy, telling it how to move. In turn, trapped energy reacts back on space, telling it how to curve. quot The present author has extended Wheelers principle and added it to electrodynamics to form a powerful corollary. This corollary constitutes the Principle of Vacuum Engines (or the Principle of Vacuum Engineering), as follows: quotNested spacetime curvatures tell electromagnetic energy how to internally structure, be trapped, and change and internal electromagnetic energy structuring, trapping, and dynamics tell local spacetime how to internally nest multiple curvatures to form local vacuum engines. By this principle, it can be seen that Priore -- in creating and manipulating nested EM energy structuring, was forming local vacuum engines. His method utilized the quottemplatequot vacuum engine of the diseases deviation from normal, as the quotsignal inputquot to the cell-and-its-parts-as PCMs. Priores nested, structured biwaves impinging upon these PCMs constituted pump waves, in the nonlinear optical sense. Thus an amplified antiengine was formed in the cell and in every part of it, precisely against the specific diseases vacuum engine template. The result was the rapid time-reversal of the PCMs (the cell and all its parts), dedifferentiating the affected cell and all its parts back to the previous normal condition. Priore actually finished his doctoral course work and thesis, and submitted the thesis. The Cancer Cartel brought such pressure on the university that its review committee did not dare accept the thesis. The actual thesis is presently in the personal files of the present author. F.-A. Popp et al. quotPhysical aspects of biophotons, quot Experientia, Vol. 44, 1988, p. 576-585. See also Fritz A. Popp, Biologie des Lichts: Grundlagen der ultraschwachen Zellstrahlung. Paul Parey, Berlin, 1984. See particularly Fritz Albert Popp, quotPhoton Storage in Biological Systems, quot in Fritz Albert Popp et al, eds. Electromagnetic Bio-Information: Proceedings of the Symposium, Marburg, Federal Republic of Germany, Sep. 5, 1977 Urban amp Schwarzenberg, Baltimore, 1979, p. 123-149. See Fritz Albert Popp Ke-hsueh Li, and Qiao Gu, eds., Recent Advances in Biophoton Research and its Applications, World Scientific Publishing Co. New York, NY, 1992, 23 papers by 24 authors from outside the U. S. Editors affiliation: International Institute of Biophysics, Kaiserslautern, Germany. Vlail Kaznacheyev and L. P. Mikhailova. (1981) Ultraweak Radiation in Intercellular Interactions, in Russian, Novosibirsk, 1981 an English exposition of much of the Kaznacheyev work is given in Vlail Kaznacheyev, quotElectromagnetic Bioinformation in Intercellular Interactions, quot Psi Research, 1(1), Mar. 1982, p. 47-76. See Vlail Kaznacheyev et al. quotDistant intercellular interactions in a system of two tissue cultures, quot Psychoenergetic Systems, 1(3), Mar. 1976, p. 141-142 quotA Commentquot by William A. McGarey, p. 143 quotA Commentquot by Arthur C. Hastings, p. 143-144. See also quotApparent information transfer between two groups of cells, quot Psychoenergetic Systems, 1(1), Dec. 1974, See T. E. Bearden, AIDS: Biological Warfare, Tesla Book Company, 1988, passim Gravitobiology, ibid. 1991, passim quotVacuum Engines and Priores Methodology: The True Science of Energy-Medicine. Parts I and II. quot Explore. 6(1), 1995, p. 66-76 6(2), 1995, p. 50-62. Based on Stoneys and Whittakers work. Oddly, Whittakers 1904 paper showing that all classical EM fields and waves could be replaced by two scalar potentials was partially utilized in physics, and initiated what is now called superpotential theory. Reference to superpotentials is in Springers Encyclopedia of Physics, passim. Two authors (Melba Phillips in Vol. 4 and H. Bremmer in Vol. 16) describe the Whittaker Potentials as a quotspecial casequot of scalar superpotentials, which are related to the quotDebye Potentialsquot and the quotBromwich Potentials. quot Both articles refer to papers by Nisbet, McCrea, Casimir, etc. Dirac also worked in superpotential theory. Strangely, even though Whittakers 1904 paper is credited today with initiating superpotential theory, Whittakers 1903 paper showing the hidden EM variable (wave) decomposition of the scalar potential has been largely ignored, even though the two Whittaker papers taken together lay the basis for all of Soviet energetics and an engineerable hidden variable theory. However, exceptions to the general disregard for the StoneyWhittaker biwave decomposition of scalar potentials are provided in papers published by a few scientists such as Ziolkowski, Cornille, and Barrett. Robert O. Becker Charles H. Bachman, and Howard Friedman, quotThe direct current system: A link between the environment and the organism, quot New York State Journal of Medicine, Vol. 62, April 15, 1962, p. 1169-1176 R. O. Becker, quotThe direct current field: A primitive control and communication system related to growth processes, quot Proceedings of the. XVI International. Congress of Zoology, Washington, D. C. Vol. 3, 1963, p. 179-183. Becker has stated in effect that the restorative or reparative system in the living animal is electromagnetic in nature, but of a peculiar kind involving dc currents (and therefore dc potentials). He notes that it functions, however, as an analog command and control system. He points out that it corresponds to the entire organism, and calls for further study and experimentation. The present author has extended Beckers epochal work to incorporate the hidden variable biwave structuring of the scalar potential, and the fact that not just signal theory but vacuum engines are involved. The concepts of classical EM are insufficient to describe this system properly, because it uses the internal Stoney, Whittaker, Ziolkowski structuring. Instead of an EM quotsignal, quot the control systems sends a vacuum engine to the cell. That vacuum engine is a structuring of the local vacuum flux. The vacuum engine is a Maxwellian demon and it performs work upon the cell and all its parts, including its genetics. Hence its ability to dedifferentiate and redifferentiate cells, including their entire genetics. An excellent discussion of this work, for the layperson, is given in Robert Becker and Gary Selden, The Body Electric, William Morrow and Company, New York, 1985. This bone-healing application of the amplification and augmentation of the bodys restorative system is approved by the Federal Drug Administration, and utilized in treatment of otherwise intractable bone fractures. F.-A. Popp et al. quotPhysical aspects of biophotons, quot Experientia, Vol. 44, 1988, p. 576-585 quotPhoton Storage in Biological Systems, quot in Fritz Albert Popp et al, eds. Electromagnetic Bio-Information: Proceedings of the Symposium, Marburg, Federal Republic of Germany, Sep. 5, 1977 Urban amp Schwarzenberg, Baltimore, 1979, p. 123-149. Popp approaches the results of the quotinternal EM hidden variablesquot quantum mechanically, using the standard Bohr QM instead of Bohms more fitting hidden variable theory of QM. Actually Beckers DC restorative control system and Popps cellular control system are one-and-the-same in the living body. Becker approached the problem in terms of a classical electromagnetics model Popp approached it in terms of quantum mechanics and a quantum electrodynamics model. Stoney and Whittaker advanced the sum set of the hidden bidirectional EM waves that comprise the scalar potential. Ziolkowski added the product set. Heres a master identity statement for the deep thinker, one that has previously escaped scientific notice: Scalar potential not spacetime geometry virtual state presence of energy collection. Also, internal structuring of one of those terms is identical to internal structuring of each of the others. Internal dynamics of one is identical to internal dynamics of each of the others. So if you can internally engineer and structure one of them, then you can (given sufficient technological development) internally engineer and structure any of them. Further, all observables are composed of ensembles (structures) of the internal elements of oneall of these. Hence one can engineer the entire observable state -- so-called macroreality itself, including the vaunted quotlaws of physicsquot -- if one can engineer any one of the elements of the master identity. The importance of the Stoney, Whittaker, and Ziolkowski work is that, taken together, they show precisely how to engineer that entire master identity electromagnetically. Mind and mindmatter interactions can also be included in this engineering model, but that is another story for another treatise. Priores last machine was a very large, 4-story affair capable of providing whole-body rippling magnetic field exposure to the entire human body. That device was designed to heal terminal illnesses such as cancer in two 5-minute exposures, to a very strong and rippling magnetic field containing the inserted StoneyWhittakerZiolkowski biwave structure, where the exposures are one week apart. There appears to be no valid reason why such procedure could not be utilized for rather total rejuvenation of cells in the body, thereby reversing the effects of aging, or most of them. The Priore therapy was rigorously demonstrated to clear clogged arteries, restore suppressed immune systems, cure terminal tumors, cure terrible and advanced trypanosomias, etc. Indeed, in case of HIV infection, from the very outset of the infection the bodys immune system makes a Herculean effort, literally killing almost all the hostile viruses and infected white cells. This effort continues without letup, so the body operates quotnormallyquot to all external appearances, for an extended period. However, gradually the repeatedly selected, more resistant viruses and infected cells survive, more and more. Slowly the body loses its titanic struggle, and the immune system -- which is finite and is also being progressively degraded by the virus, gradually loses the battle. For a vivid description see E. Pennisi and K. A. Fackelmann, quotHIV toll: Over a billion white cells a day, quot Science News, 147(2), Jan. 14, 1995, p. 21. See the Jan. 12, 1995 Nature, for the report by the two study teams who uncovered the fact that the virus is not dormant initially, and an editorial by Simon Wain-Hobson of the Pasteur Institute in Paris. The studies show that HIV actually replicates furiously, inducing a titanic struggle between the virus and the immune system, from the very outset -- a struggle that the slowly degrading immune system eventually loses. There are a very small number of patients, however, whose strain of AIDS seems to lie dormant. They have the virus, but somehow the terminal debilitation phase does not occur. Present quantum mechanics is already known to be wrong because it does not possess just such hidden order for an excellent lay discussion of the missing chaos problem, see Robert Pool, quotQuantum Chaos: Enigma Wrapped in a Mystery, quot Science, 243(4893), Feb. 17, 1989, p. 893-895. For a more technical discussion, see P. V. Elyutin, quotThe quantum chaos problem, quot Sov. Phys. Usp. 31(7), July 1988, p. 597-622. Presently QM is based on random variable theory, taken directly from Gibbs original thermodynamics statistics. So it excludes the organized macroscopic world we live in, because its quotrandom variablesquot when integrated to the macro level yield only further randomness. In other words, random ordering of variables have a quotsignal to noisequot ratio of zero. Hidden ordering of variables, on the other hand, will have a signal to noise ratio greater than zero (STNgt0.0). If STNgt0.0, coherent integration will steadily increase the signal faster than the increase of the noise. Coherent integration will eventually yield the familiar macro universe that we observe. If one believes in a correspondence principle as covering the boundary layer between observable and virtual, or between quantal and subquantal, then one can jolly well apply the principle in either direction. This means that the macrolevel can be used as a set of boundary conditions or a forcing function upon the subquantal level. In other words, one can insist on partial subquantal ordering, a priori, because of the observed macro-ordering. It is inexplicable that most quantum physicists, in still vigorously objecting to hidden variables, are in fact defending the prediction that they themselves do not exist. Classical electrodynamics is so riddled with errors and omissions that it must be completely redone. As stated succinctly by Bunge, quot. it is not usually acknowledged that electrodynamics, both classical and quantal, are in a sad state. quot (Mario Bunge, Foundations of Physics, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1967, p. 176. Bunge adds: p. 182: quot. the best modern physicist is the one who acknowledges that neither classical nor quantum physics are cut and dried, both being full of holes and in need of a vigorous overhauling not only to better cover their own domains but also to join smoothly so as to produce a coherent picture of the various levels of physical reality. quot Nabil M. Lawandy, quotOptical Gain Medium Having Doped Nanocrystals of Semiconductors and Also Optical Scatterers, quot U. S. Patent No. 5,434,878, July 18, 1995 quotSecond Harmonic Generation and Self Frequency Doubling Laser Materials Comprised of Bulk Germanosilicate and Aluminosilicate Glasses, quot U. S. Patent No. 5,157,674, Oct. 20, 1992 quotOptical Gain Medium Having Doped Nanocrystals of Semiconductors and Also Optical Scatterers, quot U. S. Patent N o. 5,233,621, Aug. 3, 1993 quotOptically Encoded Phase Matched Second harmonic Generation Device and Self Frequency Doubling Laser Material Using Semiconductor Microcrystallite Doped Glasses, quot U. S. Patent No. 5,253,258, Oct. 12, 1993 quotOptical Sources Having a Strongly Scattering Gain Medium Providing Laser-like Action, quot U. S. Patent application No. 08210,710, filed Mar. 19, 1994. See also Nabil M. Lawandy, R. M. Balachandran, A. S.L. Gomes and E. Sauvain, quotLaser action in strongly scattering media, quot Nature, Letters, 368(6470), Mar. 31, 1994, p. 436-438. James Patterson, quotSystem for Electrolysis of Liquid Electrolyte, quot U. S. Patent No. 5,372,688, Dec. 13, 1994 quotMethod for Electrolysis of Water to Form Metal Hydride. quot U. S. Patent No. 5,318,675, June 7, 1994 quotMetal Plated Microsphere Catalyst, quot U. S. Patent No. 5,036,031, July 30, 1991 quotImproved Process for Producing Uniformly Plated Microspheres, quot U. S. Patent No. 4,943,355, July 24, 1990 James Patterson, U. S. Patent No. 3,577,324, May 1971 James Patterson et al, U. S. Patent No. 3,632,496, Jan. 1972. See also Barbara Goss Levi, quotLight travels more slowly through strongly scattering materials, quot Physics Today, June 1991, p. 17-19. Light total transit time through the materials is increased, but between reflections it travels at c. The Poynting energy flow, however, endures longer in these materials, and so the electron reaction time (i. e. energy collection time) is increased. The Shoulders cluster overunity patent may also utilize this enhanced energy collection via increased transit time due to iterative retroreflections of the Poynting energy flow, and also may utilize a weak quantum potential effect. Por exemplo. see D. D. Davis and S. C. Mettler, quotExperimental investigation of the fiber fuse, quot Summaries of Papers Presented at the Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, Vol. 8 1995 Technical Digest Series, Postconference Edition, 1995, p. 187-188 D. P. Hand and P. St. J. Russell, quotSolitary thermal shock-waves and optical damage in optical fibers, quot IEE Colloquium on Non-Linear Optical Waveguides, IEE Digest No. 88, London, England, 1988, p. 101-3 quotSoliton-like thermal shock-waves in optical fibres: origin of periodic damage tracks, quot Fourteenth European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 1988), Sep. 11-15, 1988, Publication No. 292, 1(2), 1988, p. 111-114 quotSolitary thermal shock waves and optical damage in optical fibers: the fiber fuse, quot Optics Letters, 13(9), Sept. 1988, p. 767-769 P. St. J. Russell and D. P. Hand quotSolitary thermal shock waves and optical damage in optical fibers: the fiber fuse, quot Optics Letters, 13(9), Sept. 1988, p. 767-769 D. P. Hand and T. A. Birks, quotSingle-mode tapers as fibre fuse damage circuit-breakers, quot Electronics Letters, 25(1), Jan. 5, 1989, p. 33-34. For a very good lay description with photographs, see Ivars Peterson, quotFibers With Flare, quot Science News, 140(13), Sept. 28, 1991, p. 200-201. Excess emission from a medium has been known for a long time, but not much has been done with it until the work of Letokhov and the work and inventions of Lawandy. Por exemplo. we quote from H. C. Dake and Jack DeMent. (1941) Fluorescent Light and Its Applications, Chemical Publishing Company, Inc. Brooklyn, New York, 1941. p. 51-52: quotWhen a phosphor or other luminescent substance emits light, it gives in most cases an emission according to Stokes Law. This law states that the wavelength of the fluorescent (emitted) light is always greater than the wavelength of the exciting radiation. It was first observed in 1852 in the memoir quotOn the Change of Refrangibility of Light, quot by Sir G. G. Stokes. In terms of energy the relationship states that e em lt e ab. While Stokes Law holds for the majority of cases, it does not hold in certain instances. In some cases the wave length is the same for both the absorbed and the emitted radiation. That is, the efficiency appears to be perfect or unity. This is known as resonance radiation. In other cases Stokes Law does not hold where the energy emitted is greater than the energy absorbed. This is known as Anti-Stokes emission. In 1935 Prileshajewa showed that there is an energy difference as much as 1.1 v between the exciting light and the fluorescence of aniline vapor. This added energy is attributed to additions from the internal energy of the molecule. quot However, when the active medium produces excess energy emission, and continues to do so, then the added energy cannot be attributed to additions from the internal energy of the molecule, unless the internal energy of the molecule is itself continually being replaced from -- you guessed it -- the vacuums fierce interaction with the molecules charges. Further, the dynamic dipoles comprising the molecule or the particleliquid boundary, can produce double-surface E-fields of large magnitude, as is well-known in electrochemistry. Multipass retroreflection between TiO2 particles (Lawandy) or between palladium-clad, charged beads (Patterson) can collect and disperse (as scattered coherent photons) additional energy from the powerful S-flows of the double-surface Poynting generators. It follows that, by quotdoctoringquot anti-Stokes radiation situations so as to allow multipass retroreflection and thus multicollection, a permissible overunity process emerges that is practical. It is also one which can be developed into commercial overunity and even self-energizing power sources. See David J. Bohm, quotA Suggested Interpretation of the Quantum Theory in Terms of Hidden Variables, I and II, quot Physical Review, 85(2), Jan. 15, 1952, p. 166-179 (Part I) 189-193 (Part II) quotHidden Variables and the Implicate Order, quot Quantum Implications: Essays in Honour of David Bohm, Eds. B. J. Hiley and F. David Peat, Routledge amp Kegan Paul, London, p. 33. See also D. J. Bohm and B. J. Hiley, quotOn the Intuitive Understanding of Nonlocality as Implied by Quantum Theory, quot Foundations of Physics, 5(1), March 1975, p. 93-109 quotThe de Broglie Pilot Wave Theory and the Further Development of New Insights Arising Out of It, quot Foundations of Physics, 12(10), 1982, p. 1001-1016 quotUnbroken Quantum Realism, from Microscopic to Macroscopic Levels, quot Physical Review Letters, Vol. 55, 1985, p. 2511-2514. See particularly B. J. Hiley and F. David Peat, Eds. Quantum Implications: Essays in Honour of David Bohm, Routledge amp Kegan Paul, London, 1987, reprinted in 1988. For simplicity I have referred to this quotexcess radiation by the mediumquot as the Letokhov-Lawandy Effect. However, it is an application of anti-Stokes emission, as we noted earlier. Lawandy is not the original discoverer of anti-Stokes emission, and there is a background of work in the area preceding Lawandys own important new research and patents. Por exemplo. see V. S. Letokhov, quotGeneration of light by a scattering medium with negative resonance absorption, quot Soviet Physics JETP, 26(4), Apr. 1968, p. 835-839. What Lawandy has done, of course, is to provide a rather brilliant and practical extension and development, building on the basic anti-Stokes effect, and adding a highly effective means of initiating multipass energy collection, which yields permissible overunity. We particularly stress that Letokhovs term, quotnegative absorptionquot (which has been adopted in the field) is just a euphemism for quotexcess emission. quot Translate this to quotnegative energy absorptionquot and then to quotexcess energy emission, quot and one can see why one might prefer to use the term quotnegative absorptionquot when filing a patent application with the U. S. Patent and Trademark Office, rather than directly filing on the true overunity process one has developedI am an investor in both oxford biomedica and Sareum, although i have no scientific background in the science behind this drug, i believe if the drug trials does what it says on the tin, its future could be massive, i came up on this drug and Saraum whilst researching immunotherapy or immuno-oncology therapies, these new wonder such as CTL019 are in deed wonder drugs that have re-engineered a patients own blood cells to turbo charge the bodies own immune system to seek out and kill tiny cancer cells in the blood and once injected they can carry on working for decades, however this treatment has only one achilles heel and the is solid tumors if caught early enough before a tumor has formed it can wipe out any and all traces of cancer, however once a tumor has formed and mutated into a solid lump it becomes very difficult for these newly engineered and introduced blood to attack these solid tumors, so i started looking to see if there existed another way of overcoming this problem to create the perfect cancer bomb, so i started looking for drugs and therapies that directly targeted cancer tumors, it was whilst researching this whole area that i stumbled on sareum and their jointly developed oral drug with cancer research UK Checkpoint Kinase 1 (Chk1), I just want to stress again i am no expert, but what i am good at is joining up the dots and seeing things other people might have missed, whilst all the talk on the use of this drug is in combination with chemotherapy, i believe it146s real promise might well be alongside the latest and most exciting immuno-oncology therapies, targeting the hard to reach solid tumors, as it works by preventing the solid tumors from mutating, dividing or growing i was just wondering if it was possible to take this oral drug for the long term because if it effectively puts the solid tumors growth into a long term sleep or hibernation mode from which it never wake up from when used in combination with any or all immuno-oncology therapies. Extract from today146s RNS Checkpoint Kinase 1 (Chk1) Targeting lung, pancreatic and other cancers, licensed to Sierra Oncology This programme was successfully licensed to Sierra Oncology (NASDAQ:SRRA) in September 2016. The handover of the running of the two ongoing clinical trials was completed in January 2017, resulting in a 2 million milestone payment by Sierra, of which Sareum will receive approximately pound450k. Additional payments in the aggregate amount of up to US319.5 million become payable upon achievement of certain development, regulatory and commercial milestones. Sierra Oncology will also owe high single to low double digit royalties on the net sales of any product successfully developed. Sareum would be entitled to 27.5 of any such payments. The Phase I clinical trials in cancer patients initially opened at the Royal Marsden Hospital, London in May 2016 and, since then, two other centres have started to recruit patients the Velindre Cancer Centre, Cardiff and the Freeman Hospital, Newcastle. Sierra Oncology has recently announced that it expects to issue an update on these trials towards the end of 2017. It also notes that it is considering further trials of SRA737 in combination with targeted and immuno-oncology therapies, and expects to report preclinical data on these combination studies during the second half of 2017. I would like to propose a bonus of pound50,000 to every shareholder, not in anticipation of anything, but to reward them for sticking with a company which has been loosing value hand over fist for at least 9 years - nice earner for the directors - if they want this company to be private why dont they buy us out. If it is going to earns tons of dosh why is the share price continuing to fall. Surely the directors could put their money into the shares and benefit (suffer) from all this money. No let them award themselves pound50000 One of the worst investments I have ever made. Dont suppose there is anything we can do to stop this Droid1 Hey I seem to invest in most the BBs where youve said the same R94 Does this mean Ive terrible investment skills. Hang in there LTH amp good luck. Tom Winnifrith eh Theres a man whose t1ps cost me a pretty penny in days gone by. Just noticed this was on Tom Winnifrith death list. June 2015. edik edik Based on nothing at all. OK then Ill buy because your argument left no stone unturned Before we all get too excited lets remember that there are 1,941,000,000 shares in issue. EPS will need to be very substantial over time to allow for dividends, although substantial royalties might well be in prospect. I havent looked at the current balance sheet but all the bf losses would have to be eliminated before divis are allowed to be paid. That is not to say that a share consolidation of say, 1 share for 1000, would not be out of the question. There is the distinct possibility that the 28.75 stake in the future cash flows could attract the attention of managed funds who will pay a DCF calculated amount up front for future long term cash flows. That exit wouldcould represent a decent exit barno99 Under Sareum146s agreements with Cancer Research Technology and the CRT Pioneer Fund, Sareum is entitled to 27.5 of these payments 150 around 90.4m. Plus royalties ongoing..IMO What could this be Well it will be in the millions also surely. Market cap of the whole company right now pound33.73. Clearly a correction upwards will come. sungam clockwurktangerine Is falling back thanks to usual ramping and outlandish futute sp But rampsters dont get Lse banned the so called deramping buy actually realistic posters do I believe this is Thursday pm. Perhaps the analysts will then understand the full potential here and mark up accordingly. In the meantime, yeah usual spike and then drift lower. GLA that are holding. Ive got a million shares so a fairly sizeable holding. suddenly. wish i had only been waiting 5 years rather than 10 - will this be the one that actually delivers Although I recall afew of you laughing at this choice. Advised to watch the spike from 0.2p Mustnt get to greedy. After 2011. Same share, one mega spike and bust. Playing safe and not selling a single this year. This sector is prime for a bang after 5 years of waiting. wrong Im afraid - usual pattern - big rise on news then fall back barno99 Just the mm gettingbtheir fill of stop losses and lemmings bailing out of the gold mine. Big payments to come so Im very happy to stay at present up to 3-4p. wrong im afraid - usual pattern here - big jump on news and then a fall back barno99 27.5 of 328 million is not to shabby. Especially as the current market cap is only pound12 million.. Search TPL LOGIN SUBSCRIBE LEFT RIGHT 1 OF 11 READ ALL TODAYS ISSUE IN FULL TODAYS ISSUE Leaderboard ProNAi buys rights to cancer drug for up to 328.5 million ProNAi buys rights to cancer drug for up to 328.5 million 27-09-2016 Comments (0)Print US clinical-stage drug development company ProNAi Therapeutics (Nasdaq: DNAI) has bought exclusive worldwide rights for the Chk1 inhibitor cancer drug candidate CCT245737 (to be renamed PNT737) for a figure which could reach 328.5 million. It has obtained an exclusive license from the CRT Pioneer Fund, a cancer investment fund established by Sixth Element Capital (6EC), Cancer Research Technology (CRT) and the European Investment Fund (EIF) and managed by 6EC. The deal caused a 150 rise in the share price of Sareum Holdings (AIM: SAR), a cancer drug discovery and development company and co-investment partner of the CRT Pioneer Fund, though the stock has since stabilized. quotPNT737 targets the DNA damage response network, a promising approach to treating cancer based on recent leading-edge discoveries in cancerquot Under the terms of the agreement, an immediate upfront payment of 7 million is due to the co-investment partners and an additional fee of up to US2 million will be payable upon the successful transfer of the two ongoing Phase I clinical trials to ProNAi. Additional payments in the aggregate amount of up to 319.5 million may become payable upon achievement of certain development, regulatory and commercial milestones. ProNAi will also owe high single to low double digit royalties on the net sales of any product successfully developed. PNT737 was originally developed in a research collaboration between the Institute of Cancer Research, London, Sareum and Cancer Research Technology. The Program was licensed to the CRT Pioneer Fund in September 2013 and a co-investment partnership with Sareum was formed to progress the candidate drug through clinical trials. Nick Glover, chief executive of ProNAi, said: 147This transaction adds another high-quality asset to our pipeline based on recent leading-edge discoveries in cancer biology. PNT737 targets the DNA damage response network, a promising approach to treating cancer based on recent leading-edge discoveries in can. quot 147Cancer cells often depend on activated Chk1, a central cell cycle checkpoint regulator in the DDR network, as a strategy to survive and replicate despite accumulating extensive DNA damage due to replicative stress or in response to chemotherapeutic intervention. PNT737 is a potent and selective inhibitor of Chk1 that targets a potential Achilles heel of cancer cell proliferation and survival.148 Robert James, managing partner of 6EC, said: 147This is another significant milestone on the development path for this promising Chk1 inhibitor. We recently initiated a Phase I single agent monotherapy study and a Phase I study of PNT737 in combination with DNA-targeting chemotherapies. ProNAi has a world-class oncology development team and is well-capitalized, and we believe these studies and the ongoing development strategy for this drug are in excellent hands.148 Tim Mitchell, chief executive of Sareum, which is due to receive 27.5 of payments from the deal, said: 147This is a major achievement for our lead candidate as well as for Sareum. Starting with the initial discovery, we have contributed financially and scientifically to the ongoing development of the program into clinical trials. The returns from this research investment will be realized in this licence agreement, validating our strategy and business model. 147ProNAi is in a strong position to further the development of PNT737 and plans to expand its development into the USA and with broader clinical studies. We look forward to reporting on their progress.148 ProNAi Licenses Oncology Drug Targeting DNA Damage Response Checkpoint Kinase 1 (Chk1) From CRT Pioneer Fund, UK Share with Twitter Share with LinkedIn VANCOUVER, Canada, September 27, 2016 PRNewswire -- - PNT737 Currently in Phase 1 Clinical Trials at the Royal Marsden, London, UK - Potential to Exploit Cancer-Driving Genetic Mutations to Achieve Synthetic Lethality - Broad Development Opportunities in Combination With DNA Damage-Inducing Chemotherapies ProNAi Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: DNAI), a clinical-stage drug development company advancing targeted therapeutics for the treatment of patients with cancer, today announced that it has obtained an exclusive license from the CRT Pioneer Fund LP for worldwide rights to develop and commercialize PNT737 (formerly CCT245737), a highly selective, orally available, small molecule inhibitor of Checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1). PNT737 is being investigated in two recently initiated Phase 1 clinical trials, currently sponsored and managed by the Cancer Research UK Centre for Drug Development, led by The Institute of Cancer Research, London, and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust. (ClinicalTrials. gov identifiers: NCT02797977 and NCT02797964). Under the terms of the agreement, ProNAi will pay the CRT Pioneer Fund an upfront payment of US7.0 million. ProNAi will take on sponsorship and management of the clinical development of the agent from Cancer Research UKs Centre for Drug Development and pay a fee of up to 2.0 million upon the successful transfer of the two ongoing Phase 1 clinical trials to the Company. Additional payments in the aggregate amount of up to US319.5 million may become payable upon achievement of certain development, regulatory and commercial milestones. ProNAi will also owe CRT Pioneer Fund high single to low double digit royalties on net sales. quotThis transaction adds another high-quality asset to our pipeline. PNT737 targets the DNA Damage Response (DDR) network, a promising approach to treating cancer based on recent leading-edge discoveries in cancer biology, quot said Dr. Nick Glover, President and CEO of ProNAi. quotCancer cells often depend on activated Chk1, a central cell cycle checkpoint regulator in the DDR network, as a strategy to survive and replicate despite accumulating extensive DNA damage due to replicative stress or in response to chemotherapeutic intervention. PNT737 is a potent and selective inhibitor of Chk1 that targets a potential Achilles heel of cancer cell proliferation and survival. quot PNT737 was discovered and initially developed by scientists in the Cancer Research UK Cancer Therapeutics Unit at The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) in collaboration with Sareum Holdings plc (LSE AIM: SAR), with funding provided by Cancer Research UK, the ICR and Sareum. The program was licensed in September 2013 to the CRT Pioneer Fund, a specialist cancer investment fund established by Sixth Element Capital LLP (6EC), Cancer Research Technology (CRT) and the European Investment Fund (EIF) and managed by 6EC. quotThis is another significant milestone on the development path for this promising Chk1 inhibitor. We recently initiated a Phase 1 single agent monotherapy study and a Phase 1 study of PNT737 in combination with DNA-targeting chemotherapies. ProNAi has a world-class oncology development team and is well-capitalized, and we believe these studies and the ongoing development strategy for this drug are in excellent hands, quot added Robert James, Managing Partner of 6EC. Dr. Udai Banerji, Cancer Research UK Reader in Molecular Cancer Pharmacology at the ICR and Consultant at The Royal Marsden, stated: quotThis is an exciting opportunity to investigate a novel anticancer agent targeting the aberrant tumor DDR pathway. Two PNT737 clinical trials are now underway and, as Principal Investigator of these studies, I look forward to working closely with ProNAi to optimize the development path for this promising drug candidate. quot Professor Paul Work barno99 No idea how sell came up. Should be strong buy. HomeNewsArticlesLON:SAR Sareum shares rocket after ProNAi Therapeutics licenses cancer drug Share 12:44 27 Sep 2016 Shares in Sareum have rocketed over 150 after it announced its cancer drug candidate has been licensed to ProNAi Therapeutics. Cancer cell graphic 147This is a major achievement for our lead candidate as well as for Sareum. quot Shares in Sareum Holdings PLC (LON:SAR) rocketed over 150 after it announced its cancer drug candidate has been licensed to ProNAi Therapeutics, Inc (NASDAQ:DNAI). Under Sareum146s agreements with Cancer Research Technology (CRT) and the CRT Pioneer Fund, the drug discovery group will receive US1.9mln as an up-front payment and potential future milestone payments of up to US88.4mln, some of which will be paid within the next year. Sareum146s Chk1 Inhibitor CCT245737 (to be renamed PNT737) was originally developed in a research collaboration between the London Institute of Cancer Research, Sareum and CRT. The ChK1 or checkpoint kinase 1 inhibitor is shown to prevent cancer cells from multiplying by attacking its faulty DNA, meaning the cancer self-destructs. The group sees potential for synergy between standard cancer therapies - such as radio - or chemotherapy - and checkpoint inhibitors as a combination therapy. 147This is a major achievement for our lead candidate as well as for Sareum. Starting with the initial discovery, we have contributed financially and scientifically to the on-going development of the programme into clinical trials. The returns from this research investment will be realised in this licence agreement, validating our strategy and business model,148 said chief executive Tim Mitchell. 147ProNAi is in a strong position to further the development of PNT737 and plans to expand its development into the United States and with broader clinical studies. We look forward to reporting on their progress,148 he added. quotProNAi has a world-class oncology development team and is well-capitalised, and we believe these studies and the ongoing development strategy for this drug are in excellent hands,148 said Robert James of Sixth Element Capital LLP, managers of the CRT Pioneer Fund. Shares shot up 150 to a three-year high of 1.56p. 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