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O que é o futuro de Deus? Aanhou, van omstandighede wat jare lank baie sleg bly, camionete raaisels sonder antwoorde em aarde, tye wanneer ons moet besluit de ons Deus gaan bly vertrou de nie. Forex Online simples Trading. 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25287 CCS FUNDO PROVIDENTE 25295 FUNDO ALMODEN PROVIDENT 25302 FUNDO GALAXY PROVIDENT 25308 FUNDO DE PENSÃO CELGLADE HARRY 25319 FUNDO DE PENSÃO WSMP 25328 FUNDO PROVIDENTE KEMPTON CITY MATERIALS 25339 FUNDO DE PENSÃO DA CIDADE KEMPTON 25341 BOTHASIG FARMÁCIA FUNDO PROVIDENTE 25343 CENTRO DO CICLO PROVIDENT FUND 25347 Umgeni PRODUTOS PROVIDENT FUND 25349 TREVERTON CONFIANÇA PROVIDENT FUND 25353 APPLE GROVE FARMS PROVIDENT FUND 25354 DR STAN Leketi PREVIDENCIÁRIO E Life Assurance ESQUEMA 25357 DUNCKER LOUW PROVIDENT FUND 25363 WRDC PROVIDENT FUND 25364 GUIDO S PROVIDENT FUND 25365 Golden City SUPERMERCADO PROVIDENT FUND 25385 LUSITANIA FOODS PROVIDENT FUND 25389 RADIOSPOOR COMMUNICATIONS FUNDO PROVIDENTE 25393 GSC SYSTEMS PROVIDENT FUND 25400 DJA FUNDO DE APOSENTADORIA 25401 KONTAC MARKETING FUNDO PROVIDENTE 25402 JOHANN SMIT MAKELAARS PENSIOENFONDS 25404 REGIME DE BENEFÍCIOS DE RETIRAMENTO PARA AS ORGANIZAÇÕES ASSOCIADAS DAS SERRALHAS ASSOCIAÇÃO DE SA 25406 AVANÇADO TECNOLOGIA DE 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DE PENSÃO 25531 PARKER VICTOR ESTATES PROVIDENT FUND 25539 GRAMEC PROVIDENT FUND 25542 KAYREED FUNDO PROVIDENTE 25557 HSCA FUNDO DE APOSENTADOR 25582 ESPECIALISTAS DE TECNOLOGIA AUTOMOTIVA FUNDO PROVIDENTE 25587 ELECTROLUX APARELHOS DE LAZER FUNDO PROVIDENTE 25596 EMPH GRUPO EMPREGADO BENEFICIO 25599 SUNSTOPPER FUNDO DE PENSION 25601 SOLUÇÕES DE COMPUTADOR FUNDO DE PENSÕES 25611 BRM Pensioenfonds 25612 NATAL DE BAGAGEM PROVIDENT FUND 25615 Cogumelo Edulis grupo de empregados BENEFÍCIO ESQUEMA 25616 EMPREITEIROS Power Group PROVIDENT FUNDO 25617 SDM PROVIDENT FUND 25618 CAMBRIDGE PROVIDENT FUNDO 25619 SOLUÇÃO 6 CABO DE PREVIDÊNCIA 25625 TRANSISTOR MUSIC PROVIDENT FUND 25637 GODFREY LEQUESNE PROVIDENT FUNDO DE PENSÕES 25652 chamotte FUNDO Nº 2 25654 DANTEX EXPLOSIVES PTY LTD FUNDO PROVIDENTE 25666 FUNDO DE PENSÃO DE GALVANIZAÇÃO INDUSTRIAL 25670 IRS FUNDO PROVIDENTE 25671 PLANTORAMA FUNDO PROVIDENTE 25673 TRICOLOR PRESS FUNDO PROVIDENTE 25688 FUNDO DE FORNECEDOR RELEVÔNICO 25690 FUNDO PROVIDENTE DE FUNDO ASCOT 25693 FUNDO DE FUNDOS DE VIDA PROVIDENTE 25700 FUNDO PROVIDENTE COMBINADO 25710 FUNDO COMBINADO PROVIDENTE 25717 IMANU-SHALOM PROVIDENT FUND 25719 HILTI FUNDO DE PENSÃO 25724 WM CORPORATE SERVICES PTY LTD FUNDO PROVIDENTE 25730 MERIDIAN TRAVEL PROVIDENT FUND 25740 MLP CKV PROVIDENTE FUND 25750 BRAAMTOOLS PROVIDENT FUND 25752 GRAVADORA GROSSISTAS FUNDO PROVIDENTE 25759 SCS PROVIDENT FUND 257 71 FUNDPRO PROVIDENT FUND 25774 VENTURE PLASTICS CC FUNDO PROVIDENTE 25792 KILO TREADS FUNDO PROVIDENTE 25805 HYGRADE HOLDINGS FUNDO PROVIDENTE 25823 NE SECRETÁRIOS FUNDO PROVIDENTE 25830 SOUTACOC REGIME DE GARANTIA DE PENSÕES E VIDA 25831 NEWMANS FUNDO PROVIDENTE 25834 FLASH PRÉ-PENSÃO E PLANO DE VIDA GRUPO 25836 GRAEME LEITCH LANDSCAPES PROVIDENT FUND 25860 NEVIN ASSOCIATES EXECUTIVO APOSENTADORIA organismo umbrella 25861 FINCO UM GUARDA-CHUVA FUND 25874 CAPITAL DO TABACO TRABALHADORES GROUP PROVIDENT FUND 25886 Hinteregger GROUP PROVIDENT FUND 25888 J RUBIN TA SPRINGBOK FARM E ESTAÇÃO DE ALIMENTAÇÃO PROVIDENT FUNDO DO CABO 25889 JOINTING COLOCANDO EMPREITEIROS CC PROVIDENT FUNDO 25890 PINTURA E ALLIED PROVIDENT FUNDO 25894 GRUPO ASTRA FUNDO PROVIDENTE 25895 I FUNDO PROVIDENTE SANDLER E EMPRESA 25913 FUNDO PROVIDENTE ORIENTE LONDRES 25917 FUNDO PROVIDENTE ADMINISTRAÇÃO HERMANUS 25925 GEOPRACTICA CC FUNDO PROVIDENTE 25927 SA FUNDO DE PENSÃO DE SEGURANÇA 25928 AA ACESSÓRIOS DE FILTRAÇÃO FUNDO PROVIDENTE 25931 BARNES TEA E CAFÉ NÃO-EXECUTIVO PROVIDENT FUND 25938 SUGAR AGRICULTORES EMPREGADORES PROVIDENT FUND 25955 NUFLOOR PROVIDENT FUND 25982 CORRETORES LEAMINSTER PROVIDENT FUND 26025 RABRO AND ASSOCIATES PROVIDENT FUND 26028 coordenadores de vôo PROVIDENT FUND 26029 CDG PROVIDENT FUND 26031 Emmanuels serviços de pessoal FUNDO DE PENSÕES 26051 BE ABAS PHARMACEUTICALS PROVIDENT FUND 26061 ALP CORPORATION APOSENTADORIA Plano de Benefícios 26062 WALKER organização financeira GUARDA-CHUVA PROVIDENT FUND 26063 KHUVENI MEDICAL CENTER PROVIDENT E VIDA ESQUEMA 26064 DICK MARTIN ASSOCIATES GUARDA-CHUVA PROVIDENT FUND 26075 ENVIRON PLANT CC PROVIDENT FUND 26076 GB PERRY PROVIDENT FUND 26096 MENTOR PROVIDENT FUND 26097 DELBA ELÉTRICA PROVIDENT FUND 26099 AFC PROVIDENT FUND 26102 PN BARRETT PROVIDENT FUNDO 26110 ABERTURAS PROVIDENT FUNDO 26118 ACOMPANHAR PROVIDENT FUNDO 26125 SA CORTE DE VIDRO PROVIDENT FUNDO 26141 RGC PROVIDENT FUNDO 26151 JOHN B BELGROVE Dordrecht PROVIDENT FUNDO 26158 EXPLOCHEM PROVIDENT FUNDO 26160 INSALES PROVIDENT FUNDO C 26162 MERCÚRIO P LANT EMPREGUE PROVIDENT FUNDO 26168 Shelford SA PROVIDENT FUNDO 26169 grupo Z PREVIDÊNCIA 26172 AGIC PREVIDÊNCIA 26187 BKH PROVIDENT FUNDO 26197 WANDERERS CLUBE PROVIDENT FUNDO 26200 PRECISÃO CASTINGS GRUPO PROVIDENT FUNDO 26211 PANOA BUSINESS MACHINES PROVIDENT FUNDO 26214 Ellisras BOU hardeware VOORSORGFONDS 26215 DDN FAMÍLIA DE CONFIANÇA PENSUIN FUNDO 26218 WAGNER PROMOÇÕES CC PROVIDENT FUNDO 26222 HARRY WALT PROVIDENT FUND 26227 MPC PROVIDENT FUND 26235 MÍDIA SHOP PROVIDENT FUND 26236 IPS PROVIDENT FUND 26239 INVEROY APOSENTADORIA FUND 26263 WALNUT ROUPAS PROVIDENT FUND 26267 BFB ASSOCIATES GUARDA-CHUVA FUND 26271 AJB MANAGEMENT SERVICES PTY LTD PROVIDENT FUND 26275 BELLE BLINDS PROVIDENT FUND 26285 JUSTLEE PROVIDENT FUND 26289 CORNISH MEDICAL SERVICES PTY LTD PROVIDENT FUND 26290 SUNSHINE SERVIÇO PROVIDENT FUND 26296 Carcraft PROVIDENT FUND 26301 JIREH PROVIDENT FUND 26304 Semer JEWELLERS PROVIDENT FUND 26305 Bothma TRANSPORTE PROVIDENT FUND 26306 SCCR PROVIDENT FUND 26310 DAIMLERCHRYSLER ÁFRICA DO SUL DEFCOMP B APOSENTADORIA FUND 26314 SPA CONSULTORES PROVIDENT FUND 26318 LEEWAYS FARM PROVIDENT FUND 26319 DANGO E DIENENTHAL SA PTY LTD PROVIDENT FUND 26321 ROSEBANK ORTHAPAEDIC PROVIDENT FUND 26323 RAINBOW PROVIDENT Fundo, 1992, 26328 ETI GROUP PROVIDENT FUND 26332 BONFIGLIOLI PODER TRANSMISSÕES PROVIDENT FUND 26340 RH KAISER PROVIDENT FUNDO 26345 CRUZ FOGO DE GESTÃO PROVIDENT FUNDO 26353 MINVEST PREVIDÊNCIA 26354 LAKATO EFP-AG PROVIDENT FUNDO 26361 KINGSTAN-eSPECTRO APTEEK WINSDELINGSKEMA 26365 UNIVERSAL PROVIDENT FUNDO 26367 Clifton MOTORES VOORSORGFONDS 26374 northcliff CERÂMICA PROVIDENT FUNDO 26389 C e D TRADING APOSENTADORIA FUNDO 26391 PRETORIA GRANITO VOORSORGFONDS 26393 AMALGAMATED PANELBEATERS PROVIDENT FUND 26395 POWERFORCE HIDRÁULICA WITBANK PTY LTD FUNDO PROVIDENTE 26397 ACME STORES PTY LTD FUNDO DE PENSÕES 26422 CASH POWER PROVIDENT FUND 26426 CONTINENTAL ENAMELLING CC FUNDO PROVIDENTE 26432 LONSPEARE FUNDO PROVIDENTE 26438 LABORATÓRIOS VAAL FUNDO PROVIDENTE 26443 MOTHER E ARTH CERÂMICA PROVIDENT E GRUPO Life Assurance FUND 26444 BROOKS FUNDO DE PENSÕES 26464 BOLTLOCK PROVIDENT FUNDO 26472 SIMON ROZEN AGÊNCIAS PTY LTD PROVIDENT FUND 26473 UNIVERSAL TRAVEL PROVIDENT FUND 26474 INGESTRE EXECUTIVO SAÚDE REFORMA DO FUNDO 26489 FINCORP grupo de pessoal APOSENTADORIA FUND 26492 Dornel SECURITY SERVICES PROVIDENT FUND 26493 NEGÓCIOS E PROFESIONAL pessoal dos serviços de Fundos de Pensões 26494 WP FORMADORES e noivos PROVIDENT FUND 26504 Harrismith BUSINESS MACHINES Pensioenfonds 26506 JSN GROUP previdência e seguro de vida ESQUEMA 26510 DIAGONALSTREET COMUNICAÇÕES DE PREVIDÊNCIA 26516 IPS PROVIDENT FUND 26519 Transfarm GROUP REGIME DE PENSÕES 26523 Maloon S PROVIDENT FUND 26525 SELECIONADOS ENERGIA PROVIDENT FUND 26536 BRUCE MORRISON PROVIDENT FUND 26537 FUNDO DE FORNECIMENTO DE NAVIOS MARINIS SHIP 26538 FUNDO LAUREL GOLD PROVIDENT 26542 MERCURY ALBERTON GROSSISTAS ELÉTRICOS FUNDO PROVIDENT 26544 DIRKS CARRO FUNDO PROVIDENTE DE MERCADO 26545 FUNDO ATLAS PROVIDENT 26560 DB FUNDO PROVIDENTE 26566 SANSO PROPRIEDADES PROVIDENT FUND 26568 BELL, PREÇO GUARDA-CHUVA PROVIDENT FUND 26576 GRAY HOLDINGS PROVIDENT FUND 26592 Rolyn VÁLVULA CC PROVIDENT FUND 26595 HOLIDAY HOLDINGS GRUPO INTERNACIONAL PROVIDENT FUND 26629 KEN MANN CO PROVIDENT FUND 26630 Remata BUREAU IMPRESSORAS PROVIDENT FUND 26634 RUBIN SPORTS PROVIDENT FUND 26639 EDURA PROVIDENT FUND 26640 ABADIENS VOORSORGFONDS 26641 PTK MOTORES PENSIOENFONDS.26656 CLIFCOR APOSENTADORIA FUNDO 26664 HI-TAP APOSENTADORIA FUNDO 26670 Hack, STUPEL ROSS PREVIDÊNCIA 26672 TECIDO ARMAZÉM PROVIDENT FUNDO 26673 EMPLAST PTY LTD PROVIDENT FUNDO 26682 FUGRO como previsor FUNDO 26687 CONTRATO PROVIDENT FUNDO 26696 PROCESSO ALLIED ENTIDADE EQUIPAMENTO PROVIDENT FUND 26697 INTRACONSULT PROVIDENT FUND 26699 KF SERVIÇOS FINANCEIROS PROVIDENT FUND 26706 Cabo PROVIDENT FUND 26707 J Heynes SONS PROVIDENT FUND 26710 TRACX FUNDO DE PENSÕES 26713 MELODY PROVIDENT FUND 26720 ROBWILL TRANSPORTE Pensioenfonds 26724 Igreja Anglicana da África Austral LAYWORKERS FUNDO DE PENSÕES 26731 CAPITAL PARTNERS PROVIDENT FUNDO 26752 EXTINTOR SERVIÇOS PROVIDENT FUNDO 26754 TWINCARE INTERNACIONAL PROVIDENT FUNDO 26755 CABO FUNDO AUTOMATION pensão 26757 TAURUS ARBEIDERS SE VOORSORGFONDS 26760 CORTE LASER VARIOS PROVIDENT FUNDO 26764 ANGLO ALLIED ENGENHARIA PROVIDENT FUNDO 26767 Feijões MC IMPLEMENT COMPANY PROVIDENT FUNDO 26769 Socit GNRALE SUL Africa Pension FUND 26782 BINUNS PROVIDENT FUND 26786 Heideland FUNDO DE PENSÕES 26803 PINGUIM FOODS PROVIDENT FUND 26808 Aldos RESTAURANTE PROVIDENT FUND 26814 PHUTHING APOSENTADORIA FUND 26823 RSC PROVIDENT FUNDOS 26839 VIP RESTAURANTE PROVIDENT FUND 26844 EXCELSIOR VOORSORGFONDS 26845 INTER-SPED PROVIDENT FUND 26855 DGL PROVIDENT FUND 26858 POMEROY EMMOTT GUARDA-CHUVA FUND 26860 SPIC SPAN CLEANING SERVICES FUNDO PROVIDENTE 26861 WPDA FUNDO DE PENSÃO DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO 26875 VACUTEC PENSÃO E PLANO DE VIDA GRUPO 26877 MALELANE BUITEKLUB VOORSORGFONDS 26879 GRUPO ACTIVO FUNDO PROVIDENTE 26884 BARRY DAVIES IMOBILIÁRIO CC FUNDO PROVIDENTE 26885 MCNAUGHTAN S PRO Vident FUND 26886 KF COMPUTADORES PROVIDENT FUND 26890 VILLIERS TREKKER WINS-DEEL PLANO 26922 DEW CRISP PROVIDENT FUND 26935 MEYER PIENAAR PROVIDENT FUND 26939 RANCH PROVIDENT FUND 26940 Whitnall SIMONSEN PROVIDENT FUND 26945 MATHOLE RETAIL EMPRESAS CC PROVIDENT FUND 26946 LEITCH AVES PROVIDENT FUND 26951 SALDEF PROVIDENT FUND 26952 ENVELOPES MERPAK PROVIDENT FUNDO 26956 PRESENTES PREMIER PROVIDENT FUNDO 26958 SEGURANÇA PROVIDENT FUNDO 26977 UNICLINECOR PROVIDENT FUNDO 26981 ELECTRACOOL PROVIDENT FUNDO 26990 Lovemore BROS PROVIDENT FUND 27000 ULTIMATE PROVIDENT financiar a 27002 BRUCE DAWSON CONSULTING FUNDO DE PENSÕES 27003 AQUA PODER PROVIDENT FUND 27006 RF MARKETING PROVIDENT FUNDO 27007 Woodburn FUNDO DE PENSÃO DO GRUPO MANN 27015 FUNDO DE FUNDO GATEWAY 27018 CWP FUNDO DE PROVIDENTE 27020 FUNDO DE VIDENTE WINDMEUL 27022 GRUPO ADEL PTY LTD FUNDO PROVIDENTE 27024 FUNDO DE APOSENTADORIA DE SELECÇÃO CORPORATIVA 27029 PROJECTOS DE PRODUÇÃO FUNDO PROVIDENTE 27035 FUNDO DE APOSENTADOR PEGMIN 27039 PLASTIPROFILE SUPLEMENTARIAL PROVIDENT FUNDO 27041 S LINHA DE APOIO SISTEMAS PROVIDENT FUNDO 27044 Phoenix TRANSPORTE PROVIDENT FUNDO 27047 RELATIVA ARGILA PROVIDENT FUNDO 27051 SUPREME Larson-JUHL PTY LTD PROVIDENT FUNDO 27057 DJ CONFIANÇA PROVIDENT FUNDO 27059 PARYS carne seca PROVIDENT FUNDO 27063 CONTABILIDADE CENTRO ASSOCIATES EMPREGADORAS PROVIDENT FUNDO 27069 CABOS Alvern fundo de previdência 27074 vencer o Grupo PROVIDENT FUNDO 27076 Chennells, Albertyn BRUNTON PROVIDENT FUNDO 27078 LUVAS ANTÍLOPE PROVIDENT FUNDO 27079 MAJESTOSOS PROVIDENT FUNDO 27080 CIRCUITOS hIGHTECH PROVIDENT FUNDO 27086 EMI ÁFRICA EXECUTIVO PROVIDENT FUNDO 27089 ZEST PROVIDENT FUNDO 27090 TRAX PROVIDENT FUNDO 27093 Ingwe PROVIDENT FUNDO 27094 INGWELALA PROVIDENT FUNDO 27118 QUEST MARKETING PROVIDENT FUND 27119 Fochville Hospitaal Pensioenfonds 27121 EMPREITEIROS Dracon PROVIDENT FUNDO 27126 Ulusaba Game Lodge PROVIDENT FUNDO 27135 Bascon JÓIAS PROVIDENT FUND 27138 Travel Bureau BLEEKER PROVIDENT FUND 27141 Oblatos de Maria Imaculada providente e SEGURO DE VIDA DO FUNDO 27149 Sistemas de iluminação PROVIDENT FUND 27151 BOARD KING PROVIDENT FUND 27152 spiv CONSERVANTE PROVIDENT FUND 27153 LQF PROVIDENT FUND 27177 DRS LEGODI RAMATHESELE PESSOAL PROVIDENT FUND 27185 VESPROD PESSOAL PROVIDENT FUND 27190 HVS INVESTIMENTOS FUNDO DE PENSÕES 27197 ARTÍSTICA MADEIRA CARVERS TURNERS PTY LTD PROVIDENT FUND 27199 BÔNUS CIDADE BOTTLESTORE PROVIDENT FUND 27202 papéis sem carbono FUNDO DE PENSÕES 27204 Fairy Knowe HOTEL PROVIDENT FUNDO 27205 NORMAN ISAACS SEGUROS PROVIDENT agrupamento de fundos 27219 CONSTRUÇÃO PLANT HIRE PROVIDENT FUND 27243 PRAGA TÉCNICA PROVIDENT FUND 27250 TRANSVAAL JÓIAS Manufacturers Association PROVIDENT agrupamento de fundos 27256 Brenners TOYOTA PROVIDENT Fundo, 1992, 27257 KD CASAS DE FUNDO DE PENSÕES 27258 GP MATERIAIS PARA FERRAGENS PROVIDENT FUNDO 27260 Ouros ASCOT PREVIDÊNCIA 27263 VREDE TÊXTEIS PROVIDENT FUNDO 27275 GABLER MÉDICO PTY LTD PROVIDENT FUNDO 27277 Airborne Express PROVIDENT FUNDO 27299 PAYOLA PROVIDENT FUNDO 27304 WORLD WIDE Martime PROVIDENT FUNDO 27315 C INDUSTRIAL FONTES ABLE PROVIDENT FUNDO 27334 G Plumstead SERVIÇOS CC PROVIDENT FUND 27347 INSTRUMENTOS DE CONTROLE WEST RAND PTY LTD PROVIDENT FUNDO 27350 WALLCOTE PROVIDENT FUND 27353 ESPAX PROVIDENT FUNDO 27354 ACTIVE AÇO PROVIDENT FUNDO 27355 EULINDA ENGENHARIA PROVIDENT FUNDO 27356 BTOBS PROVIDENT FUNDO 27360 TANDEM GRAMADO INDUSTRIES Provident FUNDO 27361 NOVO CONCEPT MINING PROVIDENT FUND 27396 FONTES DE FORNECIMENTO PROVIDENT FUND 27411 YUKON PROVIDENT FUND. Previous questões 2010.O que pode ser esperado em SA para junho July. Se a emoção atual em cidades de todo o país são uma indicação do que o moral será como durante a Copa do Mundo FIFA , A contagem regressiva oficial de 50 dias no dia 21 de abril tinha especificamente moradores de Kimberley em uma rodada Uma atmosfera maciça de carnaval mostrou que não há dúvida de que os sul-africanos estão animados com o evento A capital do Cabo do Norte teve um flutuador, Centenas de residentes seguindo e até mesmo presidente, Jacob Zuma, aprendendo uma nova dança Diski Mesmo que Kimberley não é uma cidade de jogo, os adeptos mostraram que você não precisa de um estádio para ser consumido pelo espírito do Campeonato do Mundo Leia mais. Toolets caos show WC interest. We pode olhar para a frente para os estádios embalados com os fãs SA durante a Copa do Mundo FIFA 2010, A julgar pelo entusiasmo dos fãs locais que fizeram fila durante a noite para comprar ingressos durante a última 5ª fase da venda de ingressos. A estimativa do número de visitantes estrangeiros agora foi ajustada para 115 000 150 000, enquanto normalmente recebemos 70 000 a 80 000 visitantes no exterior Nesse período, os fãs do Countrywide ficaram em longas filas para comprar os últimos 500 mil bilhetes disponíveis, alguns tendo ficado na fila por mais de 24 horas, alguns desmaiados de exaustão e um homem morreu durante a noite na fila na Buitengracht Street, Cidade do Cabo. Levou cerca de uma hora para processar e os sistemas de computador sobrecarregados freqüentemente caiu, as frustrações montadas ea polícia teve que usar gás lacrimogêneo para controlar algumas multidões Clique aqui para ler mais e ver uma apresentação de slides do evento. Hi-Te C internacional vem para a Cidade do Cabo. A partir deste fim de semana perto de 200 distribuidores Hi-Tec, vendas e pessoas de marketing de todo o mundo vai ter um gosto inicial da aventura que estará aguardando os visitantes Copa do Mundo para a Cidade do Cabo Além de participar em atividades de aventura Como abseiling off Table Mountain, kloofing, participando do Spur Adventure Challenge patrocinado pelo Hi-Tec, ou indo em uma excursão de degustação de vinhos em mountain bikes, os delegados também vai descer para o negócio sério de olhar para os mais recentes lançamentos de produtos globais e Discutindo estratégias futuras na conferência de vendas A Hi-Tec SA desenvolveu uma forma inovadora de mostrar aos delegados onde deveriam ir também para ver a extensa campanha de branding da empresa, que será executada até depois da Copa do Mundo deste ano, localizando os sites em um mapa Global Earth Clique direito aqui e salve como fazer o download Se você não tem o Google Earth, clique aqui para baixar o programa ótimo para ver o que seu escritório ou casa parece do espaço O slideshow clique aqui dá uma indicação dos delegados de marca Hi-Tec vai ver em toda a Cidade do Cabo. T20 jogadores da Copa do Mundo escolher Grey-Nicolls. Gray-Nicolls anunciaram que os seguintes jogadores vão representar a marca na próxima Copa do Mundo T20 Começando no final de abril JP Duminy África do Sul, Karim Sadiq Afganistão, David Husley, David Warner e Cameron White Austrália, James Tredwell Inglaterra, William Porterfield, Niall O Brien e Gary Wilson Irlanda, Jessie Ryder Nova Zelândia, Dinesh Chandimal, Chamara Kapugedera E Angelo Matthews Sri Lanka, Shiv Chanderpaul, Denesh Ramdin, Ronnie Sarwan e Suliman Benn Índias Ocidentais, Prosper Utseya, Elton Chigumbura, Creme de Greame, Vusi Sibanda e Brendan Taylor Zimbabwe A equipe de Northern Titans da SA foi adicionada à sua carteira de teamwear de 2010, Também inclui as equipes de futebol Gloucester, Northhamtonshire e Yorkshire teams. SA competir em Paris. Seven SA jovens e dois líderes do Free the Youth Proje Ct participará da Copa da Fraternidade em Paris de 18 a 28 de abril de 2010 e participará de um intercâmbio intercultural com jovens do Senegal, Camarões, Marrocos, Brasil, Argentina, Palestina, Israel, Romênia, Noruega, Índia e Guiana. Fazem parte do 60º aniversário da Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos e do 20º aniversário da ratificação francesa da Declaração Internacional dos Direitos da Criança O evento, organizado pela The Child's Voice, em parceria com as associações Diambars, Mani Football Forever e Laureus Foundation France, é promover a prevenção de todas as formas de discriminação e racismo. A lenda do futebol sul-africano John Moeti, membro do programa Laureus Friends and Ambassadors, e sua esposa Tshidi Moeti, são a inspiração por trás do Free the Youth , Apoiado pelo Laureus Sport for Good Fundação Trust SA Combina habilidades de vida e desporto como uma ferramenta para educar e incentivar jovens com idade entre 10-17 que W Mgwenya centrado com sete jovens selecionados para participar da Copa Fraternity. Puma aborda a sustentabilidade. Puma está aumentando a sua classificação de sustentabilidade com embalagens de produtos ecológicos embalagem que irá substituir o sapato tradicional Marca e uma embalagem de polietileno marca uma fase importante no programa de sustentabilidade de longo prazo da Puma, que inclui o objetivo de reduzir o carbono, a energia, a água e os resíduos em 25 e desenvolver 50 de seus produtos internacionais de acordo com as melhores práticas de sustentabilidade até 2015. Reutilizável A pequena bolsa inteligente substitui as caixas de sapatos de papelão, resultando em poupanças de milhares de toneladas de papel, milhões de Megajoules de eletricidade, um milhão de litros de óleo combustível e água por ano e elimina o uso dos sacos de polietileno As camisetas do Puma serão dobradas one more time to reduce the packaging size Puma also announced that all their shoes are now PVC free, their apparel packaging is made from biodegradable corn starch, the Puma mobile phone is made out of pulp paper, which is 100 recyclable, and they have reduced the amount of paper used in their hang tags. Puma to race again. After achieving overall second place in the 2008-2009 Volvo Ocean Race VOR Puma announced that they will participate in the 2011-2012 race again It will again be skippered by Ken Read, who is considered to be one of the world s most accomplished racers with 46 World, North American and National championships behind his name, who lead the Puma team to second place in 2008-2009 The VOC race will begin in October 2011 in Alicante, Spain and will end in Galway, Ireland in June 2012.Fernando Verdasco signs with Dunlop. Spanish ace Fernando Verdasco has joined Dunlop as a brand ambassador when he signed an international contract for rackets, strings and accessories, while also agreeing to play a key role endorsing Dunlop s junior talent identification programme D-Squad Ve rdasco capped off a successful 2009, in which he compiled his best career season by finishing in the top ten and qualified for his first year-end championship at the Barclays ATP world tour finals in London The Madrid native also played a central part in helping his country win 2 consecutive Davis Cup titles, winning the deciding match in both years. Durban vs Hamburg. Ten Durban youngsters, who have been learning chess with the help of the Victor Daitz Foundation and DMCA , recently played an online exhibition match during the last day of the Hamburg schools chess tournament, where 2 600 children participated Read more. New adventure sport to help leukemia sufferers. The promotors of the latest adventure sport trend, Blokart racing, is doing their bit to raise awareness of blood disorders such as leukemia, marrow failure and aplasia through a fundraising campaign for the Sunflower Foundation A Blokart is a three-wheeled, light and compact land yacht that can skim over beaches at speeds of up to 96km h To mark the Sunflower Fund s 10th anniversary leukemia patients will be given a chance to experience the fun of sailing on land There will also be a national raffle allowing one lucky South African to win a Blokart buggy valued at R 17 000, plus one hour s tuition on the vehicle winners to be announced in January 2011 To buy a raffle ticket R20 call 013 751 5018, email or visit The Sunflower Foundation helps to grow a database of bone marrow donors who could help to save the life of a cancer patient If you want to assist the organisation or wish to register as a donor, call 0800 12 10 82 for more information or visit. Columbia opens branded store. Wild Elements Apparel recently opened a Columbia branded store in the Canal Walk Shopping Centre, Cape Town Examples of their extensive range, including their award - winning Ravenous trail shoe and Mobex backpack, can be seen in the brand-building store Pieter Strobos left , Jackie Goewerneur and Hanl de Wet welcomed guests. Caryn Burnill, a financial accountant with Servest, the holding company of a support services group, has been appointed General Manager of Leisure Holdings Tony Montavani has replaced Andrew Baxter as MD of Capestorm BPO SA announced that their name will change to Ultimo The company s contact and banking details will remain the same The Industrial Development Corporation IDC and the Unemployment Equity Fund UIF has launched a R2-bn fund to assist local industries to create new permanent jobs and help preserve current permanent positions The UIF will capitalise this fund through a five-year listed private placement bond maturing in 2015 that would be registered with the JSE The IDC would manage the facility and assess the applications for loans This fund would be available for start-up companies, existing companies who want to expand through acquisitions, or need working capital The capital is provided to the IDC at a lower cost than general financing terms which allows the IDC to pr ovide better loan terms to companies, as well as fixed interest rates. Trade shows. Asia Outdoor 28 - 31 July 2010 is heading for a new record in exhibitor numbers Apart from the regular exhibitors with long-term contracts, 53 new exhibitors have registered for the Nanjing show These include Wenger from Switzerland, Keen from the US, Sea To Summit Australia and the mountaineering market leaders in China Petzl and Beal The Chinese market leader, Toried, the first outdoor enterprise listed on the stock exchange, plus national leading brands, such as Pureland, High Rock and Snow Wolf, will also be on show All in all, we are expecting some 350 companies at the Asia Outdoor 2010 The Number One in outdoor shows in China will be extended over four halls with a total exhibition surface of more than 30,000 square metres, reports Knut Jaeger, Founder and Consultant of the Nanjing International Exhibition Centering shows 22-25 April FIBO Essen, Germany Exhibition Centre Essen Trade show for fitness, wellness and health 29 April-2 May TaiSpo TWTC Nangang Exhibition Hall, Taipei , Taiwan Sporting goods trade show 11-13 June EFTTEX Feria Valencia Exhibition Centre, Valencia, Spain Fishing trade show 14-16 July ICAST Las Vegas Convention Centre, Las Vegas, USA Trade show for sportfishing 15-18 July Outdoor Friedrichshafen, Germany Trade show for camping and moutaineering accessories, clothing and tents. TK sponsors SA hockey. The South African men s hockey team is sponsored by TK Erasmus Rassie Pieterse is both brand manager of TK and goalie of the SA hockey team The team is pictured here at the Hero Honda World Cup in New Delhi, India. RVCA surfing project. The RVCA surfing project, aimed at bringing back surfing contests to the whole family instead of just top surfers, has hosted their first event of the series at Surf Centre in Port Elizabeth at the end of March Seven of these contests will take place at various beaches nation wide and will be hosted by local surf shops at those beaches The categories will include U19, Open, Over 35, Girls and a Retro Division so allowing anyone to join The prizes will consist of R 10 000 worth of RVCA products per tournament The RVCA Surfing Series is brought to you by Zigzag Surfing magazine, who will have a staff photographer at each event and RVCA will provide a videographer The results, images and videos will be uploaded onto. Iron-out the Protea badge debate. The South African Football Association SAFA announced that iron-on embroided Protea badges will be made available to the public in early April this year SAFA believes that the Protea emblem will go a long way in consolidating support for the South African soccer team The badges can be purchased from retailers stocking genuine Bafana Bafana replica jerseys at the recommended retail price of R 20.Strydom at Beyond Fishing. Morne Strydom joined the fishing industry as Western Cape agent for Beyond Fishing in the beginning of April He left First Ascent Outdoor Apparel, where he was marketing manager, at the end of March. K-Way awarded Best Practice. K-Way Cape Union Mart s outdoor apparel and gear brand beat 39 other firms to win the Best Practice award for world class manufacturing at the Cape Clothing and Textile Cluster s AGM in March this year Having less than 200 staff members, K-Way operates from a factory in Ottery, Cape Town and is the only factory in Africa that currently produces garments using sew-free technology. New ambassador for Laureus. British athletic gold medallist Kelly Holmes and Morne du Plessis Laureus Sport for Good Foundation SA chairman visited the Laureus Sport for Good Foundation project Future Champs Youth Programme in Khayelitsha in Cape Town on the 24th of March Since its inception, Laureus has raised over 20-million Euro for projects that have helped address social challenges and enrich the lives of over one million young people For more information please visit. Hi-Tec moves to Cape Town. Hi-Tec s head-office and top management is in the process of relocating to Cape Town in order to have a closer working r elationship with many of their key customers The move should be completed by the end of the year and all top management functions, except in the Magnum and Hi-Tec Work divisions, will be run from the existing Cape Town office in Montague Gardens The warehouse and all distribution functions will remain in Johannesburg and will be run as normal without any change or interruption to operations Both office numbers remain unchanged - the Cape Town head office number is Tel 021 555 0707 and the Johannesburg number is Tel 011 516 5800 Mickey Mallet, General Manager of Hi-Tec is pictured above. Botes takes over from Fontein. John Fontyn left , formerly of Eiger Equipment, has returned to his retailing roots and re-opened a Camp Fax 011 865 4686.Recreational angling survey causes confusion. During March a Notice to Recreational Fishers in the Freshwater, Estuarine and Marine Environments was sent to various anglers by Andr Share, Chief Director Marine Resource Management, stating that DEAT and the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries intend to discover the extent of and encourage organisation of recreational fishers in the freshwater, estuarine and marine environments towards facilitating stakeholder consultation The latter is with the view to therefore establish a representative Forum to deliberate on issues pertaining to the recreational fishing require this information by April 30th The DEAT notice was not sent to the organisations representing recreational fishers, as one would expect, but seems to be distributed to various individuals, who then passed it on to friends and acquaintances This prompted the following response from John Pledger who did not receive the notice I am writing to you as the president of SASACC South African Sport Anglers and Casting Confederation It amazes me that you have not made contact with the organised bodies to ensure that the information that you require is completed and returned to assure you a more accurate survey, which will give you a better understanding of the recreational fishers involved in all facets of angling Our Mr Hymie Steyn has had several meetings with Mr Share and I am sure that he is conversant with our organisation, which is the controlling body of all organised angling in South Africa We have some 33 000 members who compete competitively and we have 2 6-m part-time recreational anglers who might, or might not, be affiliated to clubs Many of the clubs have recreational fisher members who do not compete competitively But, because this data could be used to determine the number of recreational anglers, fishing tackle traders are requested to encourage their customers to send their name, ID number, address, contact phone and where applicable membership of angling organisation to Ms Sandisiwe Mntonishi, The Customer Services Centre, DEAT, Private Bag X2, Roggebaai 8012 before April 30th. Fila launched the new DLS Slam performance basketball shoe which is targeted at high school, club and collegiate players at the NCAA Men s and Women s Final Tour in early April It will be available in all Footlocker stores in May this year and is available in four team colours The shoe will debut in early July in time for the next USA basketball season when it will be worn by many of the top high school girls and boys teams Gilbert general manager, Du Toit Botes, has moved to Cape Town to be closer to key customers, and will be commuting between Cape Town and the Gilbert head office in Johannesburg his cell contact number is 082 579 7503 Charles Willis, who previously worked for Merrell - a division of Wolverine World Wide - for 18 years, has now been appointed as Hi-Tec s Outdoor Creative Director Willis influenced many of Merrell s product designs such as the Jungle Moc and the Chameleon shoes Hi-Tec is excited to have Willis as part of their creative team especially right before t heir global launch for Spring Summer 2011 in Cape Town LifeMax has been appointed sole distributors of Monark Ergometers and Exercise Cycles in South Africa Monark employed a full-time service technician to assist with repairs, parts, service and maintenance on the equipment As many of the Monark Ergometers are used in testing and research they have taken the time to purchase the correct calibration weights and equipment to ensure accuracy and reliability of every measurement PUMA was awarded the Red Dot Product Design 2010 award for three of its football products The PowerCat 1 10 football, PowerCat 1 10 iFG football boot and Italy home shirt impressed the panel of judges who made the decision after receiving more than 4 000 entries from 57 nations in the product design category Puma is going to acquire a 20 percent stake in Wilderness Safaris, a Botswanan ecotourism firm Wilderness Safaris has been operating through camps safaris in seven African countries for 26 years Puma has no t confirmed any of its financial details but is reportedly paying 186 million Botswana Pula R 200 million for its stake in the ecotourism firm. Trade shows. ISPO CHINA set a new visitor record with its most recent show, which this year took place from 4-6 March in Beijing Close to 16 300 visitors attended a 21 growth over last year There was also a record number of 214 exhibitors 76 increase from last year representing over 300 brands Several were first time international outdoor brands, such as Columbia, Mountain Hardwear, Salewa, Regatta and Ecco This Chinese trade show for international sporting goods and outdoor brands has grown to five halls, instead of one when the first expo was held in 2007, covering 25 000m2 of exhibition space Alpitec China, the international trade show for alpine and winter technologies, was held during ispo China in cooperation with Fiera di Bolzano While other business sectors were hard hit by the worldwide economic recession in 2009, the global outdoor sector continued to boom, reports the organisers of the OutDoor Friedrichshafen Trade Fair According to a market survey by the European Outdoor Group EOG and German magazines Outdoor and Klettern 68 , consumers planned on spending as much money in 2009 as in the previous year on their outdoor activities Last year the OutDoor show also attracted a record number of exhibitors and visitors and statistics from the German Association of Sport Retail Specialists VDS showed that annual sales grew by 3 5 from 7 1 to 7 3-bn The top-performing sales sections in 2009 were outdoor and cycling both with 15 growth and winter sports with a 20 increase The 17th OutDoor show, which will take place 15-18 July this year at the Neue Messe Friedrichshafen in Friedrichshafen, is again expected to attract a record number of visitors The 2010 show will feature a new layout structure The OutDoor Tent City, for example, will for the first time be in Rothaus Hall A1 10 000m2 of exhibition space and international companies will present their world premieres in the two new halls, A7 and B5 This is due to the completion of the eastward expansion project, which allow s for a better arrangement of booths and shorter walking distances Please visit for more information on travelling, shuttle buses, accommodation and registration formsing shows 22-25 April FIBO Essen, Germany Exhibition Centre Essen Trade show for fitness, wellness and health 29 April-2 May TaiSpo TWTC Nangang Exhibition Hall, Taipei, Taiwan Sporting goods trade show 11-13 June EFTTEX Feria Valencia Exhibition Centre, Valencia, Spain Fishing trade show 14-16 July ICAST Las Vegas Convention Centre, Las Vegas, USA Trade show for sportfishing 15-18 July Outdoor Friedrichshafen, Germany Trade show for camping and moutaineering accessories, clothing and tents. Argus Lifecycle Expo draws record crowd. The Cape Argus Lifecycle Expo, this year held for three instead of the usual four days between 11-13 March, set a new attendance record 79 000 visitors attended the Expo, visiting the 309 stands that showcased companies with products from the cycling, health, tourism and fitness industries O n race day, 42 000 participants took part in the Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour, of which 35 000 were South African and 2 500 were international entrants Among them, Lance Armstrong, we set his new RadioShack team mate from SA, Daryl Impey, up for a podium finish Next year s Cape Argus Lifecycle Expo will take place 10-12 March Click here to view a slideshow of the event. PUMA acquires Cobra Golf. PUMA has bought Cobra Golf from Acushnet The acquisition includes the Cobra brand and its related inventory, the brand s intellectual property and the brand s endorsement contracts The acquisition will not affect any of Puma s current player sponsorships or relationships, such as Rickie Fowler and Anna Nordqvist The endorsement agreements with Camilo Villegas, Ian Poulter and J B Holmes will be transferred under the Cobra Golf name to Puma. All Prince US Davis Cup team. All the players representing the US in the Davis Cup Sam Querrey, John Isner and brothers Mike and Bob Bryan play with Prince s O-Technology rackets, following the selection of Querrey and Isner to the team The O-Technology racket consists of a few visible ports along the frame that is specifically engineered to deliver faster racket speed, greater stability and a larger sweet spot Isner, who makes his debut to the Davis Cup, is currently ranked 20 in the world Querrey is ranked 22 and it is his second appearance in the Davis Cup They have been playing with Prince since their junior years, while the Bryan brothers only switched over to Prince in 2007, and now play with Prince s latest racket, the EXO3 Ignite Team 95.Sport Business a means to measure sponsorships. There is now a way to measure the effectiveness of sponsorship spend the Sponsorship Measurement and Evaluation report from Sport Business provides businesses as well as brands with the means to measure and evaluate the value of sponsorship agreements. It enables businesses to evaluate the effectiveness of their sponsorship positions and thus allows t hem to attract more substantial sponsors, and it allows companies to justify rights fees if a clear report can be set out to brands showing the effectiveness of the sponsorship It facilitates the successful renewal of sponsorship agreements and expands the pool of brands that would use the sponsorship effectively. The Sponsorship Measurement and Evaluation report allows brands to make better sponsorship decisions by investing in properties that will deliver, achieve sales targets and deliver long-term brand equity and value For more information and how to purchase this report, go to. Natalie winner of Sportsperson with a Disability award. South Africa s swimming hero, Natalie du Toit, won the World Sportsperson with a Disability award at the prestigious 2010 Laureus Sports Awards in Abu Dhabi, Dubai Du Toit dominated the waters of both disabled and able-bodied swimming for the last few years In December 2009 she was presented with the Ikhamanga In Gold award, the highest honour a South Af rican athlete can receive She will continue to create awareness of the Laureus outreach programmes as an ambassador of the Laureus Sport for Good Foundation. The other categories at the star-studded Laureus awards were the World Sportsman of the Year, won by Usain Bolt, the World Sportswoman of the Year, awarded to Serena Williams, the World Team of the Year went to the Brawn GP Formula One team, the World Breakthrough of the Year went to Jenson Button, the World Comeback of the Year went to Kim Clijsters and the World Action Sportsperson of the Year went to Stephanie Gilmore. This year there was two additional awards presented at the Laureus Sports Awards The Laureus Lifetime achievement award went to Nawal El Moutawakel and the Laureus Sport for good awards went to Dikembe Mutombo for his charitable work in the Congo. Toning the Trend. Some of the leading US retailers are saying that toning footwear e g Skechers Shape-Ups, Reebok EasyTone and Fit-Flops could be the latest trend to give t he industry a lift, following in the steps of Heely s and Crocs, report the US online publication SGB Update SportsOneSource Media, Posted 3 8 2010 They report that Famous Footwear ascribes the 18 growth in women s footwear sales mainly to toning products that Foot Locker s CEO Ken Hicks said in a conference call the toning category contributed to the higher sales and is breathing new life into the women s business, and that Genesco s COO Bob Dennis said in a conference call that the footwear industry was driven by two categories women s boots and toning, during the past season. Another climber joins Ram Mountaineering. Deidre Keulder, an avid climber and mountain biker, is Ram Mountaineering s new sales co-ordinator She recently moved down to Cape Town from KwaZulu-Natal where she was working at Trappers in Pietermaritzburg. Team McCain races with Black Diamond. Ram Mountaineering s Tatum Prins is part of the McCain Adventure racing team, which is looking forward to a 800km non-stop mount ain biking, trekking, rafting and snorkelling race in Australia at the end of May Team members Tatum hobbit Prins, Graham tweet Bird, Andre Gie man Gie and Hanno smelly Smit are all sponsored by Black Diamond headlamps. Dunlop D-Squad looking for talent. Dunlop has a global programme that aims to attract the top junior tennis players in the world and identify talent for future international player sponsorships with the Dunlop brand This D-Squad initiative aims to encourage racket usage amongst juniors worldwide and it identifies and monitors future potential players D-Squad players include seeded players like James Blake, Tommy Robredo, Tommy Haas, Nicolas Almagro, Jamie Murray and Tomas Berdych, who all play with Dunlop s latest Aerogel rackets. If you think you or someone you know has what it takes to join the top juniors on an international level go to for more information. Dunlop dominant at SA Open. Dunlop this year made a big marketing statement at the SA Open and sponsored and initi ated several projects around the event For example, kids were bused in from Soweto to take part in the Arthur Ash Development programme, which Dunlop sponsored through Riaan Venter, their affiliated coach The kids were able to watch the stars in action and interact with players through the play stay initiative. They had a signing session with Dunlop-sponsored Jeff Coetzee and the Thai doubles twins Sonchat and Sanchai Rattiwat Each youngster recieved a Jeff Coetzee autographed poster Dunlop also used the event as an opportunity to do market research and data capturing through promoters, and promoted the brand through signing sessions, the play stay initiative, photo shoots with celebrities, a tennis game with semi-finalist Stefan Robert and other entertainment. Edcon reported stable Q3 results with potential future growth and net profit of R253-m, up from the R156-m the previous year They, however, reported a decrease in their EBITDA earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation , sales and an increase in store costs for the 3rd quarter of the financial year, which ended 26 December 2009 Benefits of their cost reduction programmes began to surface as a direct result of the company s focus on reducing risk and improving cash flow The cash generated from operating activities rose by 42 8 , their securitisation structure raised a substantial amount in external funding, credit sales were down and operating costs were lower than the previous year The U17 Boys volleyball team of Stanger Manor Secondary school have recently won the KwaZulu Natal Provincial Schools Champion of Champions Volleyball tournament, which qualifies them to compete for the national title in Port Elizabeth on the 26-28th of March provided they receive the nec essary sponsorship Should they win there, they will compete internationally in Beijing, China Companies willing to a sponsor the team from a disadvantaged community, who believe they can become SA champions, can contact the school on Tel 032 551 3416 or email have opened a new mega store in Northgate, stocking a wider range of outdoor and adventure gear than their previous store which was half the size of the new store For more information contact them on Tel 011 794 7440 South African consumers are again getting ready to spend on fashion consumers who are planning to maintain or increase their spending power is prioritising their spending money on fashion accessories 27 of the consumers surveyed in the MasterCard Survey of Consumer Purchasing Priorities, released twice yearly, reports Their second priority is dining and entertainment 24 and the third most important priority is to buy or upgrade a home 24.Trade shows. The ispo BrandNew awards, an award to encourage new businesses and product development, will this year be extended to the Bike Expo 2010 in Munich At ispo 2010 the BrandNew awards recieved more than 50 entries from the bicycle segment, and so the positioning of BrandNew with the 2010 Bike Expo July 22-25 was a natural progression Closing date for entries is 7 May Contact Alexander Dewald at for more information While other business sectors were hard hit by the worldwide economic recession in 2009, the global outdoor sector continued to boom, reports the organisers of the OutDoor Friedrichshafen Trade Fair According to a market survey by the European Outdoor Group EOG and German magazines Outdoor and Klettern 68 consumers planned on spending as much money in 2009 as in the previous year for their outdoor activities the OutDoor show had a record number of exhibitors and visitors and statistics from the German Association of Sport Retail Specialists VDS showed that annual sales grew by 3 5 - from 7 1 to 7 3-bn euros The top-performing sales sections in 2009 were outdoor and cycling both with 15 growth and winter sports with a 20 increase The 2010 OutDoor Europe Show will take place from July 15 18 in Friedrichshafen Visit for more information Coming shows 29-31 March Fashion Access Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre HKCEC , Hong Kong, China, Trade fair for handbags, travelware, footwear, leather garments and fashion accessories 22-25 April FIBO Essen, Germany Exhibition Centre Essen Trade show for fitness, wellness and health 29 April-2 May TaiSpo TWTC Nangang Exhibition Hall, Taipei, Taiwan Sporting goods trade show 11-13 June EFTTEX Feria Valencia Exhibition Centre, Valencia, Spain Fishing trade show 14-16 July ICAST Las Vegas Convention Centre, Las Vegas, USA Trade show for sportfishing. Stadiums impress. The 2nd of March marked the 100 day countdown to the first game of the 2010 FIFA World Cup As a lead up to the countdown kick off 100 local and intern ational journalists and photographers were taken on a countrywide road show to showcase the readiness of the venues and related infrastructure and for the cities to give a comprehensive update to members of the media and invited guests Read more. New fishing permit fees to be reconsidered. Before finalising the new permit fee structure for recreational fishing, the numerous public objections, which closed on March 1, as well as comments made at information meetings will be taken into account, Wickness Rooifontein, director of revenue services of the Marine Living Resources Fund MLRF assured stakeholders attending information meetings in Durban, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town Read More. Kushy joins Pro Shop. Richard Kushlick pictured fitting a customer , well-known as a former golf distributor and staff trainer in the footwear trade, is back at the Pro Shop after 28 years He is now trading at the Pro Shop in Woodmeadball Proteas train with Mitre. The Spar SA national netball squad tried out th e new balls from their sponsor Mitre at a training camp in Potchefstroom in February They are training for the Commonwealth Games in New Delhi later this year and the World Netball Championships in Singapore in 2011 They will also play a 3-test series against Malawi in April and a 2-test series against Samoa in New Zealand in June They will also play matches against franchises in the Australia New Zealand ANZ League one of the strongest netball leagues in the world SA national coach, Carin Strauss, reported that much progress had been made by the players and that there are now two quality players for each position in the Protea team, which makes the competition for places stiff Picture taken by Greg Caldecott. PUMA unveils Italy s World Cup kit. PUMA unveiled their 2010 FIFA World Cup home and away team kit for Italy, the current world cup champions Italy will be the only PUMA team to wear the PowerCat collection in their traditional azure blue home kit emblazoned with the four stars rep resenting each world cup Italy has won The away kit will remain the traditional white with blue and gold details The Italian team will also be playing in PUMA s PowerCat boot The PowerCat performance shirts feature 3D Motion Analysis, which captures and quantifies human movement This allows the player to use minimal force and energy with every upper body movement The jersey also features engineered mesh that enhances breathability, giving players more comfort and freedom of movement The PowerCat 1 10 boot incorporates PUMA s 3D Power Shooting Technology which delivers unique rebound properties Three other PUMA-sponsored teams will also unveil their kit in March - Switzerland, Czech Republic and Uruguay Seven of PUMA s sponsored soccer teams have qualified for the World Cup in SA this June Mauro Camoranesi is pictured here with Italy s replica kit. New Balance has launched an unique concept New Balance 365 is a collection of 365 short films that engages consumers every day of the a year by asking them to think about the balance Every morning a 20 second short film will be posted to for consumers to view, ponder and engage with the New Balance brand each day of 2010 Capestorm will be supplying full length down suits for the Everest team led by Ronnie Muhl, well-known South African motivational speaker and 2007 Everest climber Capestorm will also host a press conference and farewell party for the team of 10 South African and Australian climbers that will attempt to summit Mount Everest Cape Storm will also sponsor Joburg climber, Mandy Ramsden, who will attempt to become the first South African woman to complete the seven summits the highest points on the seven continents PUMA SA has signed another rugby team - a three-year partnership agreement with the Namibian Rugby Union to be their official technical supplier Namibia has qua lified for the 2011 Rugby World Cup in New Zealand For the first part of 2010 the Namibian team will wear PUMA s vKon Rugby match kit and for their end of year tour to Europe they will move into the Power 10 jersey Trading in the toughest market conditions the group has faced since listing in 2000, Massmart, Africa s third largest retail chain, reported a 6,1 increase in sales to R24 154-m for the 26 weeks ending 27 December 2009 While operating profit declined by 15 , the pre-forex decline was 5,9 Makro showed a 1,5 increase in store sales and a 10,5 decrease in trading profit Although Massdiscounters SA businesses performed well growing sales and trading profit, divisional trading profits were negatively impacted by the economic slowdown in Africa and weaker local currencies resulting in products becoming more expensive The division s sales grew by 0, 4 with a 14,5 decrease in trading profit While consumers remained under intense pressure throughout the second half of 2009, festive season sales figures and recent national data point to signs of a recovery in consumer spending, which bodes well for future earnings growth The Bass Classic will in future be known as the Berkley Inanda Bass Classic, following a R400 000 3-year sponsorship agreement with Berkley s SA distributor Beyond Fishing as the official sponsor. Trade shows. Please remember to return the pre-registration forms for the annual SAFTAD fishing tackle trade show inserted in the Sports Trader mailed this week to This popular trade show will this year be held on the weekend of July 24-25th at the UNISA Centre in 2 Vinton Rd, Ormonde Ext 1, Johannesburg If you wish to attend the show, but received no registration form with your February-March Sports Trader, please contacting shows 12-14 March GDS Dusseldorf, Germany, International event for shoes, leather goods and more 12-15 March IWA Nuremberg, Germany, Trade shoe for arms, ammunition and outdoor 17-20 March Taipei Cycle TWTC Nangang Exhibition Hall, Taipei, Taiwan, International bicycle trade show 29-31 March Fashion Access Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre HKCEC , Hong Kong, China, Trade fair for handbags, travelware, footwear, leather garments and fashion accessories 22-25 April FIBO Essen, Germany Exhibition Centre Essen Trade show for fitness, wellness and health. New dates fo r SAFTAD. The dates for the annual SAFTAD fishing tackle trade show have been changed to 24-25 July 2010 due to unavailability of the venue on the dates advertised in the Sports Trader Directory This popular annual trade show will be open from 9am to 8pm on the Saturday and Sunday 24th and 25th It will be held at the same place as the previous two years the UNISA Centre in 2 Vinton Rd, Ormonde Ext 1, Johannesburg A pre-registration form will be inserted in the Sports Trader magazine to be mailed next week Please contact Mary-Ann Hodgskin for more information to exhibit or visit on or Cell 083 795 5588 Tel 011 943 4921 or Fax 011 943 4859.Team Prince tour wins. Maria Sharapova won her first title this year at the 2010 Regions Morgan Keegan and the Cellular South Cup in Memphis while playing with the Princes latest EXO3 racket The men s side of the 2010 Regions Morgan and the Cellular South Cup had an all-Prince O3 racket final Sam Querry had a victory over John Isner in the finals and th en teamed up with Isner to capture the men s doubles finals there as well Prince enjoyed another all-Prince men s final at the CopaTELMEX ATP event in Buenos Aires with David Ferrer and Juan Carlos Ferrero playing head-to-head for the title Albert Montanes, who played in the CopaTELMEX ATP semi-finals, also plays with Prince. Game enter 196 swimmers in Midmar Mile. Game stores entered 196 swimmers in the 2010 Midmar Mile Company Relay this year in support of the Community Chest Fund and as part of their 40-year birthday celebration Game donates R1 000 to the Community Chest fund for every swimmer that completes the race Game swimmers have entered the Midmar Mile for eight consecutive years starting 2002 and so far they have donated a total of R752 000 to the Community Chest. Fain contracts EP and Border Cricket. Fain Sportswear was awarded two clothing contracts that will enable them to kit out the Eastern Province and Border cricket teams The company will supply clothing to all Eastern Pr ovince school teams from U11 and up, as well as supply clothing for EP cricket academies and amateur cricket teams The contract with EP cricket started in the 2009 2010 season and will stretch to the 2013 2014 cricketing season The contract with Border cricket started during the same season but will end earlier in 2011 2012 Fain will supply clothing for the U11 Border cricket teams through to rural cricket and they will continue to sponsor 50 of the senior provincial team s clothing. Springboks and Natalie nominated for top awards. South African athletes are on the short lists of the prestigious international Laureus Sports Awards The Springboks, IRB Team of the Year for 2009, have been short-listed for the Laureus World Team of the Year Award for 2010 This is the second time in three years that the Springboks have been nominated for the Laureus World Team of the Year Award Natalie du Toit, paralympic multi-gold medalist, has been nominated for Laureus World Sport Person of the Year with a Disability Both Natalie and the Springboks have been invited to go to Abu Dhabi, where the winners will be announced Sports journalists from across the world were invited to nominate athletes in the different categories, from which a panel of top former athletes selected a short list of six athletes per category. FIFA announce team bases. FIFA has announced where the 32 teams competing in the 2010 FIFA World Cup will be based although they warned that last-minute changes could still be expected Click here to see where the teams will be based, matches played and who sponsors which team. RMG Trust and Lefatshe Trust have been appointed joint liquidators of Milboys Sportsware, which was placed under voluntary liquidation at the end of last year There are still 700 000 tickets available for FIFA World Cup matches but more than 2-m have been sold In the first week of the fourth phase first come first serve 117,589 tickets were sold - 99,042 of them to South Africans 84 of sales Internationally, fans from the US bought 4 327 tickets, UK 1 964, Mexico 1898, Australia 1 231 and Germans 1193 tickets This phase will run till April 7th and tickets can be bought through the call centre at 083 123 2010 between 9am to 6pm Adrenalin OMOTO fishing is the main sponsor of the annual Struisbaai 5 Spesie Rock and Surf Angling Competition which will be held this Saturday 27 February 2010 in Struisbaai Wild Elements Apparel Columbia have committed to sponsor the Billfish Classic competition after the success of the angling tournament they sponsored this year Massmart, Africa s third largest distributor of consumer goods, reported a 6 1 increase in sales to R 24 154 million against the backdrop of a SA recession, an economic slowdown throughout the rest of Africa, an ongoing currency volatility and low internal sales inflation The ecologically friendly outdoor manufacturer Vaude has teamed up with Sympatex Technologies to advance the development of high-performance textiles The Sympatex membrane which is ecologically compatible and completely recyclable will be used in Vaude s mountain sports and bike sports apparel lines from the beginning of the European winter of 2011-2012 The Sympatex membrane is 100 windproof and waterproof, and can withstand the pressure of a water column of up to 25m Currently Sympatex is the thinnest membrane on the market. Trade shows. 2-5 March MICAM Milan, Italy, International footwear exhibition 4-6 March Ispo China China International Exhibition Centre CIEC , Beijing, China, International tradeshow for sports, fashion and lifestyle brands in Asia 12-14 March GDS Dusseldorf, Germany, International event for shoes, leather goods and more 12-15 March IWA Nuremberg, Germany, Trade shoe for arms, ammunition and outdoor 17-20 March Taipei Cycle TWTC Nangang Exhibition Hall, Taipei, Taiwan, International bicycle trade show 29-31 March Fashion Access Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre HKCEC , Hong Kong, China, Trade fair for handbags, travelware, footwear, leather garments and fashion accessories. Darren Wentzel to handle Namibia region. Andrew Wentzel Senior, Director of W E T Sports, has decided to hand over the Namibian region to his son Darren He will be taking Darren on a trip later in the year to introduce him to all the customers and to help him find his feet We re excited with our 2010 range of balls, racquets and accessories and after Darren proved himself in the Western Cape and Garden Route, we hope he can make a success of Namibia as well. Wagenheim joins Umbro. Steven Wagenheim, who previously spent five years as a buyer with the Foschini Group, has joined UMBRO SA as Key Retail Accounts Manager. Madiba s shoes. The pair of shoes worn by former president Nelson Mandela during his walk to freedom through the gates of Victor Verster prison twenty years ago, is today owned by Jordan Co Signed by Madiba and purchased at an auction in 1995 by Robert Feinblum, former CEO of Jordan s holding company, the shoes were given to Jordan Company for safekeeping upon his retirement in 2000 Today, the tan-coloured leather shoes are preserved in a highly secure off-site facility With more than 110 years in the SA footwear industry, we are a very proud company, says Jordan Co MD Brian Pollock pictured with the shoes Having the world s most famous pair of shoes is a treasure we hold very dear. Prince stands out at SA Open. The Prince stand at the recent SA Open, which ran 1-7 February at Montecasino, was well visited and gave them a great presence at the tournament. New Balance starts running groups. New Balance is inviting members of the public to join a weekly trail run on Wednesdays in the Tokai forest in Cape Town The run caters for the more advanced runner, but does not exclude those who would like to start their trail running career, but don t know where to begin. Giorgio Armani and Reebok partner. Giorgio Armani S p A and Reebok International Ltd recently announced a global alliance to create a special collection, combining active style with sport and technology the EA7 and Emporio Armani labels, with their sporty and sexy lines, team up with Reebok s innovation and technologies, resulting in the ultimate activewear concept Read more. PUMA has created an e-card for Valentine s day showing soccer hooligans singing love songs, which is a more unique approach than the usual soppy ones To have a look go to You can personalise the message, email it to your Valentine and post it to their Facebook wall Recreational Fishing Services RFS will soon be meeting with the Marine Coastal Management MCM to discuss the proposed extraordinary hikes in the cost of angling licenses as between 400-500 They have been meeting with the West Coast Rock Lobster work group of MCM regarding inadequate catch estimations a threat of a shortened season and a proposed reduction in quota from 4-2 Last year ended positively with a meeting with Minister Buyela Sonjica who listened carefully and responded to the matters raised The issue of Yellowtail and the effect that treknetting has on sticks and breeding fish has been raised and a subcommittee will be looking into the matter There are indications that the commercial Abalone season is to be re-ins tated and RFS will be lobbying for a recreational quota Contact Cary Steel-Boe on Hi-Tec Sports PLC has reported earnings that have more than doubled for 2009 while sales in local currencies increased by over 10 , resulting in 250-m at wholesale value This is predominantly from the outdoor category JJB Sports s chairman and architect of its rescue, David Jones, is stepping down to continue his long-running battle against Parkinson s Disease John Clare, former CEO of electrics retailer DSG International and JJB s senior independent director, will be acting chair until a permanent appointment is made Cape Town surfer Chris Bertish, part of the O Neill SA surf team and Western Cape sales agent for O Neill SA, won the 2009 2010 Mavericks Surf Contest, taking home 50 000 Acting to help those in Haiti, Columbia Sportswear have arranged for a shipment of shoes, clothing and accessories with an estimated retail value of over 3-m to be distributed by on-site relief workers have facilitated the sale of over 900 Columbia tents to Shelterbox providing shelter for affected families Mountain Hardwear employees donated around 100 used tents and Columbia and Mountain Hardwear employees together donated over 1200 000 in cash to relief organisations and Columbia, in collaboration with Soles4Souls, will be collecting used footwear at the Columbia Muddy Buddy events that are being held in 18 cities across the US, starting March, to help Soles4Souls reach their goal of collecting 1-m pairs for Haiti in 2010.Trade shows. The Taipei Cycle Show, which runs 17-20 March at that Taipei International Cycle Show in Taiwan, has released their preliminary results for 2009 Advance full year figures for 2009 show that Taiwan s bike exports fell about 20 last year to a total of 4 3-m units 2008 5 4-m units The drop should be seen in the light of the extraordinary growth in 2008 exports in 2009 were still higher than 2006 s figure of about 4-m Value wise, total export value sales for 2009 dropped only 9 9 to 1 25-bn This is due to increased high-end production within the industry the average sales price for a Taiwan-made bicycle increased from 256 92 to 289 38 - a gain of 12 6 Taiwan bicycle exports to NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement countries US, Canada and Mexico were down 13 58 to 721 689 units 6 97 drop in value to 323-m and bike sales to the EU market dropped 22 49 to 2 8-m units and 13 61 to 625-m in value The EU and NAFTA markets are Taiwan s largest customers followed by EFTA down 21 19 to 109 381 units and 13 51 down to 44 6-m in value They state that since 2008 was an exceptional year of growth, it s better to compare figures to 2007 Compared to 2007, 2009 saw a drop of 10 in volume, but value rose by 29 222 to 285 They expect 2010 to see a flat to slight growth due to existing inventory levels and a cautious ordering behaviour For more information, visiting Shows 2-4 February WSA Show Mandalay Bay Convention Centre, Las Vegas, USA International footwear and accessories exhibition 3-4 February Action Sports Retailer San Diego Convention Centre, San Diego, USA Trade show for the action sports industry 7-10 February ispo 2010 New Munich Trade Fair Centre, Munich, Germany Trade show for the sporting goods industry 23-25 February China Fish Jiuhua International Exhibition Center, Beijing, China 2-5 March MICAM Milan, Italy International footwear exhibition 4-6 March ispo China China International Exhibition Centre CIEC , Beijing Trade show for the sporting goods industry 1 2-15 March IWA Nuremberg, Germany Trade show for arms, ammunition and outdoor 17-20 March Taipei Cycle TWTC Nangang Exhibition Hall, Taipei, Taiwan International bicycle trade show 29-31 March Fashion Access Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre HKCEC , Hong Kong, China Trade fair for handbags, travelware, footwear, leather garments and fashion accessories. Innovative products for World Cup. South African companies are showing their creativity as the biggest event on earth draws closer - local companies licensed by Global Brands to develop Official Licensed Product have produced innovative products to add fun, colour, and a distinctive South African style to fans World Cup experience, as you can see from the oversized fun glasses right developed by SDM Optics to complement the regalia of these hardcore fans A catalogue featuring the 2010 FIFA World Cup Official Licensed Products is being mailed to retailers this week contact if you do not receive one Read more. FIFA s just-in-case warning. The reaction of SA marketers of brands to a FIFA letter sent from Zurich last week ranged from amusement, anger, incredulity, to indifference The two-page letter, addressed to specific people and mentioning their brands, spells out FIFA s extensive restrictions on advertising and marketing around the World Cup and warns them against ambush marketing just in case they MIGHT have contemplated using a FIFA trademark or the World Cup event in advertising Read more. Where they ll be. The 32 teams competing in the 2010 FIFA World Cup have until Sunday January 31 to announce their base camps, but 24 of the teams have already announced where they will be based Click here to see the chart Although, some of the teams have indicated that they might still change England was concerned about the pitch in Rustenburg, Serbia is unhappy with their hotel facilities and the US and Italy both want the same venue With only a few teams that still have to confirm their base camps, it is obvious that the main World Cup action games and teams will be in Gauteng, with 13 teams confirmed in the province, and five more within easy driving distance Rustenburg, Potchefstroom and Nelspruit So far, 75 of the teams will be based in Gauteng or close by, and 60 of the group stage matches will be played within proximity of Johannesburg or Pretoria FIFA has prohibited the naming of the hotels resorts where the teams will be staying. Alternative retailing. Reinhard Barnard of Model Sport in Worcester is an innovative retailer who believes in on-the-fly retailing Make it as convenient as possible for the consumer to shop and they ll shop with you again , he says This is where the idea for his Soccerbox vending machine came from it s a soccer ball dispenser, that works like a regular cooldrink snack vending machine The two Soccerboxes placed at the Table Mountain cable car and in Sandton, have so far been great hits with consumers He will unveil a sandal vending machine at Stellenbosch University l ater this week. Holiday sales roundup. While Statistics SA report a drop of 6 6 year-on-year in November retail trade sales at constant 2008 prices, we are still in the process of gathering statistics on equipment, clothing football retail sales at sport, outdoor and lifestyle retailers during the December January holiday season retailers who have not yet responded are requested to please return their forms asap, or contact if they require another form to complete Read more. Mitre supplies official netballball SA and Leisure Holdings SA has signed a contract with effect from 1 October 2009, for an initial period of 2 years, that Mitre will be the official ball to be used in all national matches. Gilbert supplies RWC balls. Gilbert has been awarded the contract to supply balls for Rugby World Cup 2011 and 2015 They will supply the match, training and replica balls for the tournament Gilbert has supplied balls for the tournament since 1995.Sportsmode is moving. Sportsmode, who celebrated their 10th birthday at the end of last year, will be moving during the first week of February They are relocating to the premises of the Andrews Academy pictured at 1 Vosloo Street cnr Republic road , Windsor Glen, Randburg, where they will have about double their current floor space Their new telephone number will be 011 431 0631 and Fax 011 431 0633 If you are unable to contact them during the move, Christian Andrews can be reached on 083 453 1889 The sales and marketing offices of Carysma sportswear manufacturing will also move to this address, but the factory will remain at their current address. Reebok with Sharks. Reebok are the official kit suppliers to the Sharks rugby team They will be supplying all playing kit, supporter jerseys and associated Sharks gear The new jerseys and supporter s replica have been designed with engineered seams for maximum durability and Reebok s Play Dry technology for moisture management as well as the use of top end materials to ensure quality garments tha t match the team s status The design stays true to the Sharks heritage and colours. Development squad on Dusi podium. Thomas Ngidi and Eric Zondi of Martin Dreyer s Change A Life Academy, sponsored by among others Hi-Tec, became the first black paddling team to earn podium positions third place in the tough Dusi canoe marathon Race favourites, Michael Mbanjwa, who won the event with Martin Dreyer last year, and former winner Ant Stott New Balance, etc came second Andrew Birkett and Jason Graham were the surprise winners. PUMA commissions Unity Portrait. PUMA has partnered with artist Kehinde Wiley to herald the start of the World Cup year and to celebrate the brand s long standing partnership with African football The brand sponsors 12 African teams, four of which have qualified for the 2010 FIFA Football World Cup Read more. Cycling to get boost from Lance Armstrong visit. Cycling interest is bound to get a huge boost amongst Capetonians during March Tour de France icon Lance Armstrong will be in the city to raise funds for the JAG Foundation and to promote his passion for healthy living, shortly before The Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Race on March 14th the Cape Argus Lifecycle Expo is on from 11-13 March Armstrong will host several Lance for Life events, open to the public, from 9-11 March Read more. Please note that the telephone number for Flicx South Africa should be Tel 011 462 6464 Their sales hotline is Tel 082 491 9873 The number published in the 2010 Sport Outdoor Retail Directory is incorrect and we apologise for the inconvenience Stan Holmes has been appointed as KwaZulu Natal agent for Opal Sports Contact him on cell 083 253 0668 Cabrinha Kiteboarding has moved to Shop 4 Marine Prominade, Porterfield Rd, Table View 7441 Tel 021 556 7910 Please contact Super-Brands on Tel 021 380 6360 while the number printed in the 2010 Sport Outdoor Retail Directory is functional, the preferred number for orders etc is 021 380 6360 New Balance and Louis Vuitton have come to an agreement after New Balance filed a suit against Louis Vuitton for infringing their design rights of the iconic 574model with the Minstrel shoe Louis Vuitton acknowledges that New Balance owns valid and protectable rights in the 574 trade dress, and the lawsuit has been dismissed ADT Security Services has wo n a patent lawsuit in China against the ZhenTai Science Technology Company ZhenTai was found guilty of infringing on ADT s Sensormatic anti-theft Ultra Max label technology, which globally helps manufacturers to tag more than 4bn items each year, in order to help combat counterfeits More than 30bn products had been tagged at source with the Sensormatic labels since the inception of the program. Trade shows. The high attendance and exhibitor growth of the annual US Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade SHOT Show held January 19-22 this year in Las Vegas indicate that firearms and ammunition sales will remain robust in 2010, according to a press release by the National Shooting Sports Foundation Overall attendance was 58 444, more than 11 000 above last year s show in Orlando The show attracted an all-time high of 31 280 buyers, and the 1 804 media professionals attending established a new record There were 1 633 exhibiting companies about 125 of them international covering 700 000 square feet The 2011 SHOT Show was held January 18-21, at the Sands Expo Conference Center in Las Vegas Seeing Shows 2-4 February WSA Show Mandalay Bay Convention Centre, Las Vegas, USA International footwear and accessories exhibition 3-4 February Action Sports Retailer San Diego Convention Centre, San Diego, USA Trade show for the action sports industry 7-10 February ispo 2010 New Munich Trade Fair Centre, M unich, Germany Trade show for the sporting goods industry 23-25 February China Fish Jiuhua International Exhibition Center, Beijing, China 2-5 March MICAM Milan, Italy International footwear exhibition 4-6 March ispo China China International Exhibition Centre CIEC , Beijing Trade show for the sporting goods industry 12-15 March IWA Nuremberg, Germany Trade show for arms, ammunition and outdoor 17-20 March Taipei Cycle TWTC Nangang Exhibition Hall, Taipei, Taiwan International bicycle trade show 29-31 March Fashion Access Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre HKCEC , Hong Kong, China Trade fair for handbags, travelware, footwear, leather garments and fashion accessories. May 2010 meet your expectations. After three years of talking, writing and arguing about what 2010 will do for us, the year has arrived and in only 5 months, the first ball will be kicked off to launch THE event May every benefit of the 2010 FIFA World Cup promised become a reality for you, and the spin-offs exceed all your expectations Retailers will receive a catalogue later this month, featuring all the suppliers of the official licensed products for the 2010 FIFA World Cup, which will help them to select product that would appeal to the tourists most likely to flock to their area Read more. Two Directories. There appears to be some confusion about the two directories we were preparing at the end of last year The annual Sports Trader Retail Directory, mailed to retailers in December, contains the details of suppliers distributors, manufacturers or agents to the retail trade A new annual directory, Sports Trader Team Sport Directory, is now in the process of being mailed to schools, universities, technikons, development teams etc to reach them when they open Retailers, agents and distributors who supply equipment and services to these teams, are listed in this directory. Bronx transform taxis into billboards. Bronx has launched a transit media campaign to advertise two of their iconic styles , the Hunter boot and Old Town boat shoe The campaigns are targeted at consumers who utilise public transport and will be rolled out in the major provinces 20 Siyaya taxis have been transformed into mobile billboards as part of the campaign Additionally, they are running a competition where members of the public can SMS their details to a unique number on each taxi to stand a chance of winning shoe hampers For more information visit. PUMA supports biodiversity. PUMA and UNEP United Nations Environment Programme recently announced their strategic partnership, Play for Life, to support biodiversity worldwide and specific initiatives in Africa PUMA s key fundraising lever is the new Africa Unity Kit Read more. Henin returns to tennis with Wilson. Seven-times Grand Slam winner Justine Henin has announced her return to the courts - and a partnership with Wilson Henin is aiming for a Wimbledon title, the only major she has not yet won, and will continue to play at least until the London 2012 Oly mpics. New racket for Sharapova. Maria Sharapova, aiming for a fourth Grand Slam title, will be wielding a new racquet this year the recently launched Prince EXO 3 Black and carrying the first piece from her new Limited Edition Prince Sharapova Bag Collection The EXO 3 Black is an upgraded version of one of the most popular racquets of the past five years and features the unmistakable EXO 3 hole technology along the outer frame of the racquet Read more. Kappikappi opens concept store. South African sportswear brand kappikappi recently opened a concept store in George The kappikappi range, including T-shirts, golf shirts, cycling and rugby jerseys, training shirts and shorts as well as accessories, are made from either 100 mercerised cotton, which is exceptionally durable, or high-performance technical fabrics All garments are locally manufactured According to the founders Sarel Theron and Jacques Dreyer the range will be popular with young people and they are therefore focusing on the st udent market They will also provide selected sports teams with part-sponsored kit, says Theron. Sensational Angling Supplies has announced that it will be taking over the distribution of Zoom plastic baits as from January 2010 from Bass World Pro Angling Equipment The ZOOM brand adds to Sensational s ever increasing and comprehensive range of fishing tackle and related products it sources from around the world This will be the third American brand, which include Gamma and Eagle Claw hooks All trade enquires can be forwarded directly to Sensational Angling Supplies on Tel 012 327 1301.Trade shows. 2-4 February WSA Show Mandalay Bay Convention Centre, Las Vegas, USA International footwear and accessories exhibition 3-4 February Action Sports Retailer San Diego Convention Centre, San Diego, USA Trade show for the action sports industry 7-10 February ispo Winter New Munich Trade Fair Centre, Munich, Germany Trade show for winter sports 7-10 February Sports Source Europe New Munich Trade Fair Centre, Munich, Germany International sourcing show for sports equipment and apparel 23-25 February China Fish Jiuhua International Exhibition Center, Beijing, China International fishing trade show. Click here to read older news from the News Trader. Informative and inspirational events, talks, courses and workshops. A place of energy and inspiration that encourages sustainable living, and where people can learn about horticulture, share information and get creative. Courses are taught by experienced horticulturalists and are suitable for all from the complete beginner to the more experienced gardener. love this time of year. Join our mailing list and receive a FREE Packet of Seeds on your first booking. Lost the plot tales from the potting shed. Being Brighton gardeners we re very conscious of the challenges that face those of us with exposed or southern coastal gardens A year or two back we visited the amazing Ventnor Botanic Gardens on the Isle. Our lead picture was taken today but this lovely miniature iris has been in flower for about a month now What a favourite this little. One of our favourite occupations aside from gardening of course is to explore ways to refresh the look of the garden by antique. Each month here at the Garden House we spend one evening celebrating the time of year These evenings are for lovers of gardens, plants, food. Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening by Robert Frost 1874-1963 Whose woods these are I think I know His house i s in the village. At the Garden House we love cooking, and happily at both our Seasonal Celebration evenings and our Gardening from Scratch evenings we have enjoyed much. Today I must start sowing my lettuce now. Start sowing lettuce now in shallow drills no more than 2cm 3 4 deep to get first crops in around ten weeks Sow sparingly but regularly to achieve a good continuous supply of plants through the spring and summer. Diary upcoming events. Starts Wednesday 17 May 2017.This 4-session course will enable you to consolidate your learning from our Beginner Gardening. Starting Tuesday 25 April 2017.Join us each month to celebrate the season, and enjoy a taste of the. Starting Tuesday 2 May 2017.Explore the history of gardens and plants with expert Pat Dauncey Pat will be. Wednesday 03 May 2017.Join us at the Garden House for a mindfulness practice workshop This one-off class. Starts Wednesday 17 May 2017.This 4-session course will enable you to consolidate your learning from our Beginner Gardeni ng.
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